10 Instant Emotional Fitness Tools
When things get out of control and you momentarily lose your emotional balance, there are any number of little things you can do to regain it. Here are ten tools to help get you started. 1. Wash your hands and face and brush your teeth. It cools and cleans the parts of your body that you use most frequently, which is relaxing, and gives you that "fresh start" feeling. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. None of these tasks has to be uncomfortable or take you much time. Dr.
100 inspirational quotes to celebrate 100 blog posts « Always Well Within
100 quotes - to inspire, challenge, encourage, remind, enlighten, reassure, soothe, and delight. In celebration of 100 blog posts at Always Well Within! Many thanks to my wonderful readers and subscribers. Please enjoy this feast of wisdom! “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.” “It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision.” - Helen Keller“You will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. - Helen Keller“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller“We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.” - Helen Keller“We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.” - C.S. “If you mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything.
The Six Best Ways to Decrease Your Anxiety
We all know the uncomfortable feeling of anxiety. Our hearts race, our fingers sweat, and our breathing gets shallow and labored. We experience racing thoughts about a perceived threat that we think is too much to handle. That's because our "fight or flight" response has kicked in, resulting in sympathetic arousal and a narrowing of attention and focus on avoiding the threat. We seem to be locked in that state, unable to focus on our daily chores or longer-term goals . As a Cognitive-Behavior Therapist with more than 15 years of experience, I have found a variety of techniques that I can teach my patients with anxiety disorders such as phobias, panic attacks, or chronic worry. {*style:<i><b> Techniques to achieve inner peace of mind (1) Reevaluating the probability of the threatening event actually happening </b></i>*} Anxiety makes us feel threat is imminent yet most of the time what we worry about never happens. {*style:<b><i> Soothing & healing strategies for your mind
Wisdom in few words: best motivational quotes | ZZE.ST - inspiration & lifehacks to make life better
Throughout last couple of years I’ve been collecting my personal favorite quotations from various inspirational people in my Evernote. As a result I got quite a long list of sayings which I personally consider to be one of the smartest, wittiest, daring and positive at the same time. Moscow, 2008. So, I thought why not to share them with you? Assuming I have a lot in common with my readers, you might enjoy them too. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi“Life isn’t about finding yourself. “Interviews I conducted with more than 70 CEOs and other leaders point to 5 essentials for success — qualities that most of those C.E.O.’s share and look for in people they hire. “Pause now to ask yourself the following question: “Am I dreaming or awake, right now?” “The key to your happiness is to own your slippers, own who you are, own how you look, own your family, own the talents you have, and own the ones you don’t.
serves up its own ‘Plate’
The Healthy Eating Plate, a visual guide that provides a blueprint for eating a healthy meal, was unveiled today by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) in conjunction with colleagues at Harvard Health Publications. Similar to the U.S. government’s MyPlate, the Healthy Eating Plate is simple and easy to understand — and it addresses important deficiencies in the MyPlate icon. “Unfortunately, like the earlier U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) pyramids, MyPlate mixes science with the influence of powerful agricultural interests, which is not the recipe for healthy eating,” said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition and chair of the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. “The Healthy Eating Plate is based on the best available scientific evidence and provides consumers with the information they need to make choices that can profoundly affect our health and well-being.” “Unfortunately, like the earlier U.S. Fruits: Choose a rainbow of fruits every day.
How to Increase Self Empowerment
Flickr Commons: Image provided by Stéfan Self-empowerment is the process of taking charge of your life by lifting yourself from victimhood. Once you have achieved this process, your life will dramatically change for the better, because you will begin to live in your realities instead of living in other people’s realities. To increase self-empowerment, you will need to take responsibility for your actions and seek knowledge of empowerment, so that you can lift yourself from victimhood. Self-empowerment tips: Understand who you are: Most of us have forgotten who we truly are. Tags: Empowerment, Mental Health, Self Empowerment, Self Empowerment Tips, Spiritual Health Category: Empowerment
Life: 100 Ways To Screw It Up
A couple of months ago I wrote a blog post about 100 Ways To Live A Better Life. The post got featured almost instantly on Delicious, Reddit and StumbleUpon. Since then, it gets a few hundreds hits every day and a new comment every once in while (although it’s more than 2 months old now). But re-reading it the other day I spotted a slight imbalance. Then it hit me: life is not pink. So, I realized I know at least 100 ways to screw up your life too. [Update: There is an ebook based on this. Without further ado, let’s start: 1. Feel sorry about what happened to you. 2. Even if you know you’re lied. 3. Wrong partnerships may be both personal or professional. 4. Make them “bigger” than you. 5. Daydreaming is good. 6. Because you’re too tired of doing the same stupid things again while you’re awake. 7. If you did something wrong, instead of a) assessing what was really wrong, b) learn the lesson and c) move on, play the guilt card. 8. If you lost something, act like you’ve lost everything.
10 Social Networking Add-Ons for Firefox - Page 2
Move over, RockMelt. You don't need a dedicated social networking browser to stay überconnected. Here are 10 Firefox add-ons (all compatible with the latest version of Firefox) that will turn your browser into a social butterfly. Facebook Toolbar The world's largest social network wouldn't be complete without a direct-access toolbar. On the leftmost end of the Facebook Toolbar is a button for toggling the "Friends Sidebar" on and off. Twitter Search Sometimes you just want to know what's going on with a particular person, or a particular hashtag, on Twitter. To use Twitter Search, simply go up to your browser's address bar and type a Twitter username (complete with the @) or hashtag (with the #), and press Enter. HootBar Maybe you want to update your Twitter account, not just search for other people. HootBar adds two buttons to your browser: a little Twitter bird in the address bar, and a Hootlet button between the address bar and the search bar. Google+ Manager