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HTML5 Demos and Examples

HTML5 Demos and Examples

HTML5 Video Introduction In modern browsers, adding a video to your page is as easy as adding an image. No longer do you need to deal with special plug-ins or require crazy markup, you can do it with a single element. HTML5 Studio ⧉ Info Drag n Drop Photos Drag files in from your machine, get an instant preview HTML5 Drag 'n Drop FileReader API Your browser appears to support these features.

HTML5 differences from HTML4 Abstract HTML is the core language of the World Wide Web. The W3C publishes HTML5 and HTML5.1. The WHATWG publishes HTML, which is a rough superset of W3C HTML5.1. 15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets 1911 shares 8 Must-have Cheat Sheets for Web Designers and Developers As a web designer or developer, it’s nearly impossible to remember multiple programming languages, frameworks, and keyboard shortcuts to various applications. This is where cheat sheets can be a life saver. Most cheat sheets are designed to be printer friendly, so you can have them laying around on your desk as quick reference cards. So… 25 Inspiring Examples of Sign-Up Pages A well developed and organized sign-up page has to relay a large quantity of data in a small area and must be quick and easy to read and understand. Overly creative plan names are more likely to hurt your sign-up process instead of help, as they’ll take longer to understand. It’s better to save your creativity for the other pages which will be redirecting the user to the sign-up page.

Add and delete vertical space in measured intervals “Headings, subheads, block quotations, footnotes, illustrations, captions and other intrusions into the text create syncopations and variations against the base rhythm of regularly leaded lines. These variations can and should add life to the page, but the main text should also return after each variation precisely on beat and in phase.” The most common addition of vertical space on a webpage is that inserted between paragraphs. If the rhythm of the page is to be maintained, the spacing of paragraphs should be related to the basic leading. 6 Useful Fallback Methods For CSS CSS is commonly known as cascading style sheets which can be defined as basically a style sheet language and it is used for describing the presentation semantics which in lay man’s language is the looks and formatting of a document that is initially written in markup language. CSS has to perform the basic purpose of separating the content that the document has from the presentation of the document presentation that includes elements such as colors layouts and fonts. If you are working with CSS , it is very important to have a good set of tools so that you can easily speed up the process and not only does it speed up the process but using these tools can also help simplify the work to a very great extent which is also of great help. A few days ago, we had covered some best resources/tools for css and this time we are going to share some best fallback methods for CSS. I hope developers and designers would love to use these code in their next project. 1) Better Check Boxes jQuery CSS

HTML5: seriously, it's not just for video In a way, HTML5 has been reduced to a buzzword. You hear a lot of noise about how great it is for video, and how the web standard is an alternative to Flash content, but you don't see a whole lot of examples of that. We thought we'd take a moment and round up some of the cooler, more exciting instances of HTML5 online -- sites and experiments that go way beyond just playing someone's home movies. We're talking 8-bit gaming, some really crazy video effects, and a handful of incredibly interesting ways designers are maximizing the potential of the everyone's favorite new toy. HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques That Will Keep You Busy Feb 23 2011 Ever since the latest revision of HTML has launched, internet marketers have switched to HTML5 due to its several new features which facilitate Web development distinctly. It has opened new doors to designers and developers and as you may have already noticed, the use of Flash in Web and internet applications has significantly dropped.

50 Informative And Great Designed Infographics You Should Read We all need a good dose of infographics. Infographics is a hot trend these days. These are engaging, easy to understand and a perfect way to dissipate information. Varied, emotive and often surprising, infographics help us absorb facts and figures in the most effective way possible: visually. By taking statistical data that would normally be dry and otherwise lacking, and designing the information in such a way that it becomes not only more digestible, but also exciting and somewhat interactive. Choose a basic leading that suits the typeface, text and measure “Vertical space is metered in a different way [to horizontal space]. You must choose not only the overall measure – the depth of the column or page – but also a basic rhythmical unit. This unit is the leading, which is the distance from one baseline to the next.”

Animated Content Tabs with CSS3 About us You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches.

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