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Cartoonist - online comic tool - Creaza Creaza Cartoonist Do you have a good idea or a good story you want to get out? Do you have an assignment to create a story based on something you learned at school? When you have chosen a theme or an exercise, you get access to characters, backgrounds, props, as well as your own uploaded images and audio files in the menu on the right. Above the main frame, you will find all available functions for your cartoon. Clipboard Here, you can cut, paste, and copy elements from a frame. Frames Here, you will find functions for the frame.You can give the frame a name or a descriptive text under Properties. Drawing Formatting Here, you can work with the appearance of your text, lines, and bubbles. Expression You can either click on the button for expression or click on the arrow to get an overview of alternative expressions you can choose from.All characters have several moods to choose from. When you work with a frame, you can zoom in and out with the control at the bottom right. Good luck!

Create Your Own Comic | Marvel Super Hero Squad | The Official Web Site - cree ton blog et des bandes dessinees MashON - Personalize, Merchandize & Socialize your brand. Comiker, the comic maker - Newest Comic Tools Foreword I like using comics in education. I use comic creation tools in a wide range of classes and year groups. As a learning tool and medium comics appeal to all but in particular the visual and kinesthetic learner. Comic creator This is a comic creation tool hosted on the Read, Write & think website - a useful and simple tool for students to create their own comics Comiker A free site allows you to craete a comic with out registration. Pixton This is a good online comic development tool. Makebeliefscomix This is a great and easy to use flash based resource. Kerpoof Gnomz Not brilliant and a little daunting to start as its in french, but toggle the language switch and you are away ToonDoo They explain it all below.... BitStrip Chogger beta Creaza
