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Vegetables to grow in winter: a how-to guide

Vegetables to grow in winter: a how-to guide
With the help of a bit of cover, and carefully selected varieties of seeds, it is possible to grow vegetables and herbs all year round in the United Kingdom, and presumably therefore in other temperate countries that have frosty winters.In my corner of Scotland, away from the sea and up in the hills, there is only one month of the year that can be guaranteed to be frost free and that is July. Most years we cannot grow courgettes or runner beans outside without cover. In our case, experimenting has paid off and we often have more produce in winter than in summer. Why grow vegetables in winter? There are a number of advantages to growing vegetables in winter: Mature overwintered veg keeps growing until December under cover, stands for the winter then comes away fast in February. Protecting plants from frost Any protection that you can give plants over the winter will help them, although there are a number of things you can grow with no protection at all. Starting seeds & succession sowing

Une forêt comestible de 3 hectares se développe à Seattle L’une des plus grandes forêts comestibles au monde établies sur un espace public pousse actuellement à Seattle. Fort de quelque 100 bénévoles, le projet vise à créer selon le principe de la permaculture un agrosystème autonome de 3 hectares. La Beacon Food Forest offrira des bénéfices environnementaux, économiques et sociaux très concrets aux habitants de la ville. © Beacon Food Forest Aux confins du nord-ouest américain, non loin de la frontière canadienne, la ville de Seattle voit germer une forêt qui pourrait faire un peu d’ombre au mondialement célèbre Central Park de New York. Jouxtant le Jefferson Park au cœur du quartier de Beacon Hill et située à 4 km du centre ville de Seattle, la Beacon Food Forest était à l’origine en 2009 un projet de fin d’étude. 120.000 dollars de subventions municipales allouées en 2010 et 2011 lui auront permis de voir le jour. Des fruits à tous les niveaux Première récolte à l’été 2014 Nicolas Blain

Garden calendar to keep your kitchen garden growing - vegetables and herbs to sow and plant right now Recycle Plastic Bottles for the Garden Don't Throw them Away! All those empty plastic water and soft drink bottles that you throw into the dustbin each week - whether separated from other rubbish or not - are best held back for a recycling in the garden for a variety of purposes many of which can save your money. Some of our ways of using them are as follows Clodagh & Dick Hanscombe Gardening authors and broadcasters living in Spain. You can visit them and buy their gardening books from Gardening in Spain Growing plants from cuttings Cut the top of all sizes and make a small hole in the bottom and you have a usefully deep flower pot for planting up cuttings from the winter cutback. Moreover if you cut off the top a third of the way down you have a lid that can be taped back on to create a mini green house that will keep cuttings in a constantly moist atmosphere and protected from sold draughts. Heads for scare crows. Telling dogs to move on . Telling white and green fly they are not wanted . Keeping garden twine tidy. Growing vegetables on a mini scale .

12 Cool Hacks to Get the Most from Your VeggiesHealthy Holistic Living We’ve bred plants to taste better, be more productive, and be easier to harvest, store, and ship, but not to be more nutritious. Here’s are some ways you can fix that. Since man first figured out how to domesticate plants we’ve been trying to make them more palatable. Most edible wild plants are too bitter, sour, astringent, tough, full of seeds, or dry to be enjoyable. Over the course of the last 12,000 years we’ve bred plants to taste better, be more productive, and easy to harvest, store, and transport. Native plants contain more protein, fiber, than crop plants and a lot less sugar. Wild plants also contain a lot more antioxidants, which neutralize free radical damage, and phytonutrients – chemicals we need for health like beta carotene and lycopene Wild tomatoes, for example, contain 15 times more lycopene than supermarket tomatoes. We can’t go back to foraging, but there are tips and tricks you can use to get the most nutrition of out the vegetables you do eat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Droit aux buttes Jardins en buttes à l'écocentre du périgord On les voit fleurir un peu partout, elles représentent une vraie révolution dans notre relation au sol et notre façon de cultiver. Symboles par excellence de l’agroécologie mais surtout de la permaculture (avec la poule), elles n’en sont pourtant qu’un élément parmi d’autres. Elles représentent l’antithèse du jardin à la papa : un espace riche et vivant, résistant à la sécheresse, à l’excès de pluie, un espace multidimensionnel extrêmement productif qui peut même être auto-fertile. L’observation et l’imitation de la Nature nous ouvre de nouvelles portes délivrées du travail du sol, des intrants chimiques et du pétrole, pour une agriculture non plate, non linéaire, vivante et qui crée de la fertilité. C’est Emilia Hazelipp qui semble avoir importé la culture sur butte en France. Mais quels sont les avantages de cette culture étrange qui demande pourtant un gros travail de mise en place? tout d’abord, elle évite de se baisser. J'aime :

How to: create a Planting Calendar I must say that while I’m finding this market garden experiment very exciting, it’s also rather daunting. What are we planting today? What are we planting next week? Joyce Wilkie devised this garden card system firstly for her market garden at Allsun Farm, but happily she’s the kind of lady that likes to share. The Allsun Farm planting calendar system works in a simple but powerful way: Each month has a designated card. It’s disarmingly simple, and powerful too. Each month has three columns: Grow Seedlings (ie plant them into pots), Sow into Ground, and Pick. If you don’t know how to plant the crop in question, that bit of research should be done first. 12 months of planting and picking at Allsun Farm, all in your pocket September is busy! The cards are also great because you can jot down important notes on them (numbers of plants, unexpected frost date, etc) and cross things off as they get done. The info on these cards is, of course, particular to your garden’s bioshpere.

How to Grow a Wire and Moss Lettuce Hanging Basket Not only is this lettuce and moss basket attractive covered in foliage, texture, and color, it looks good enough to eat. Moreover, it is! This edible container is so lovely it can hang in the front entryway; and, it's fantastic to eat and healthy for you. One of the benefits of lettuce growing in a hanging basket is slugs can't get to them! The down side to wire hanging baskets is they dry out easily. If you don't want to make this stunning basket of lettuce (see directions below), you can always plant your lettuce in beautiful hanging pots and containers. Directions Lettuce Seedlings Most times, I start my own lettuce seedlings, but a good garden center will carry many good varieties in six-pack or four-pack containers. Wire basket with hanger. Whiskey barrel liner. Moss soaking in water. Starting from the bottom. First row. Second row. A row after it's planted. Planting complete! After your plant settles in, use a high nitrogen organic fertilizer. Gather your materials Tools you will need:

Le sol, un milieu vivant en danger Les échos du développement durable : Le sol, un milieu vivant en danger Depuis l’invention de l’agriculture sédentarisée il y a 10 000 ans environs, l’humanité a créé deux milliards d’hectares de désert dont un au cours du vingtième siècle. À l’heure actuelle l’humanité et ses 6,8 milliards d’êtres humains, dispose encore d’environ 1,5 milliard d’hectares de sol cultivé pour se nourrir, ce qui correspond à 2 400 m² par habitant. Avant de parler d’agronomie et du constat alarmant présenté en introduction, il est important de définir ce qu’est un sol et quelles sont les grandes bases de son fonctionnement. La pratique du labour si fermement ancrée dans l’esprit des agriculteurs tient une responsabilité importante face à l’agonie des sols. La très grande majorité des sols agricoles sont arrivés à ce dernier stade de dégradation. Le sol, comme le pétrole, est une ressource « finie » sur cette planète ; mais contrairement au second, on ne peut pas vivre sans lui car il nous nourrit.

When to Plant App When to Plant App The When to Plant app is available now for $1.99! Knowing the best times to start seeds, direct sow and transplant garden crops is key to growing a successful garden. Our When to Plant app — recommended in Wired magazine's App Guide as a Top Pick for gardening apps — gives you the best planting times for vegetables, herbs, fruit, cover crops and common companion planting flowers. By using your ZIP code and a database of almost 5,000 weather stations across North America, the When to Plant app locates average frost dates for your garden from the nearest station, and calculates the best range of planting dates for each crop. This app is a helpful tool for spring, summer and fall planting. The When to Plant app is available in the Apple App Store for $1.99 and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Here is a glimpse of the When to Plant app, plus more about what it can do: The app provides easy access to National Weather Service long-range forecast maps (U.S. only).

Vegetables You Can Grow in the Shade | Reclaim, Grow, Sustain Every gardener would like their crops to receive 10 hours of sun every day. And while you can greatly minimize the amount of shade plants will sit in with a little planning, shade is often an unavoidable factor. There's always certain corners of the garden that deal with a fair amount of light limitations: trees, houses, sheds, fences, other crops. But plants need light, right? Well fret not! As a general rule, crops grown for leaves (e.g., lettuce, chard, spinach) or crops grown for roots (e.g., carrots, turnips, parsnips) will manage in a shady environment. Needs 2 hours of sun a day Bok Choy - Bok Choy will do great with only short bursts of strong light. Needs 3-4 hours of sun Arugula - Definitely a vegetable to put in shade, because warm weather and full sun makes Arugula want to bolt. Chard - Chard grown in shade tend to be smaller than chard grown in full light, but the leaves will be more tender. Lettuce - Does well in shade. Spinach - Like lettuce, spinach was made for the shade.

S’initier à l’agroécologie : mode d'emploi - Transition Avis aux jardiniers en herbe, aux paysans et aux citoyens curieux : cet été, Basta ! vous initie à l’agroécologie. Ou comment apprendre à se passer de pesticides, à dépenser beaucoup moins d’eau, à planter en hiver sans chauffer ses serres, à semer sans payer de redevances à l’agrobusiness, tout en produisant ce que l’on souhaite pour se nourrir. Visitez avec nous la ferme expérimentale de l’association Terre et Humanisme, installée au cœur de l’Ardèche, véritable laboratoire des techniques agroécologiques. Reportage et vidéos. Un climat rude, des terres arides, criblées de roches. « C’est dans ce milieu géologique et climatique difficile qu’on apprend le plus de choses », sourit Erik, agronome, en charge des jardins potagers de la ferme. Quatre fois moins d’eau que dans l’agriculture intensive En terme de rendements, la production maraîchère du mas de Beaulieu n’a rien à envier aux productions intensives classiques. De l’Ardèche au Sahel Étape n° 1 Étape n° 2

Lunar Planting What if we told you that mowing your lawn on certain days would mean you could mow less often? Before you roll your eyes, think about it. The moon influences more than the ocean tides. Just ask any bar worker, clergyman or nurse. Many scientists insist that the myth that a full moon affects the behavior of humans, animals and plants is a bunch of baloney. Before I go further, let me tease you with a possibility: What if mowing your lawn during certain phases of the moon retarded growth which meant you didn't have to mow as often? According to a National Geographic news article more gardeners today are turning to the moon for sage advice on the best time to plant, prune, weed, and harvest. Gardening by the moon is as old as time. Moon gardening has been passed down through many generations. The moon controls ocean tides, influences the groundwater tables beneath our feet and the movement of fluids in plants. How to garden by moon phases

Fontana Italian Margherita Outdoor Pizza Oven in South Africa - On The Patio Wood fires change the way you entertain, the way you cook for your family and friends. They remind us of a simpler time when life was a little more laidback, phones were something you had at home instead of in your pocket and filling up with petrol didn’t feel like daylight robbery. The Margherita wood oven’s beauty lies in its simplicity, both in design and functionality, so much more than a pizza oven, it perfectly roasts peppers and veg in minutes and is also ideal for roast meats & breads. It can be used as a conventional oven and reaches optimum temperature in a matter of minutes (10-15 max). If you looking for a bigger cooking area, but want to retain all the mouth watering characteristics of the Margherita, take a look at her bigger brother, the Mangiafuoco. This good-looking little number will keep just about any brood fed, so bust out mom’s old recipes and relive those good old days with a 21st-century twist.
