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The Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom

LearnersTV What is a Flipped Classroom Infographic Plus The Educator Guide to Flipped Classroom Teacher Infographics ProProfs presents you this info-graphic that introduces the concept of flipped classrooms. It offers you information on how teachers and students respond to this new idea of learning. Also, you may want to check The Educators’ Guide to Flipped Classroom, where you will find answer on how does a flipped classroom contribute to student learning, the top benefits and disadvantages of a flipped classroom, and last but not least, how to successfully Flip your classroom. Finally, I highly encourage you to check: Progressive Education: The Rising Power Of Student Voice Read many current educational articles or twitter feeds, and it becomes pretty clear that progressive educationalists are gaining voice. A strategy for creating a School e-learning culture Education is constantly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach. The Concept of Individualized Learning Plans in eLearning Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

EDUCAUSE takeaway #1 - Google/Pearson LMS partnership? Not so much | ZDNet | Learning Molecules Khan Academy The Flipped Learning Process Visually Explained April 2, 2015 After yesterday’s post on “Flipped Learning Resources” one of our readers emailed us this beautiful visual outlining the six main steps involved in the creation of a flipped classroom. These steps include: planning, recording, sharing, changing, grouping, and regrouping. As a refresher for those who are not yet familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom. via Daily Genius Courtesy of eLearning Infographics On education Flipteaching A Beautiful Visual On The Impact of Technology on Today's Classrooms April 28, 2015 We just came across this beautiful visual on the impact of technology on classroom learning and teaching and wanted to pass along some important stats that stood out to us. Technology is radically transforming the education landscape and the stats below speak volumes to this transformation: In a 2009 report released by the National Centre for Education Statistics with the Department of Education:74% of Pre-K to 12th grade teachers said that technology has helped them reinforce and expand content and has also motivated students to learn. 73% of these teachers also reported that technology enables them to respond to a variety of learning styles and allows them to demonstrate things that could not demonstrated otherwise. Impact of technology on student writing: A larger majority of teachers attest to the positive influence of web technologies on students writing. For instance, 96% view that technology helped students share their work with a wider and more varied audience.

The Flipped Class Manifest Photo: Document with Red Line by Dukeii (Editor's Note: The conversation and interest in the flipped class continues . . . From our very first post about this topic in January 2011 to date (3/30/13), The Daily Riff has received 250,000+ views to related posts which are linked below - extending to over 100 countries. Today's post is authored by eight notable advocates for the flipped classroom. "The Flipped Classroom is an intentional shift of content which in turn helps move students back to the center of learning rather than the products of schooling." The Flipped Class Manifest The "Flipped Classroom" is a term that has recently taken root in education. What Does "Flip" Imply? "Flip" is a verb. Secondly, we are flipping the instructional process and using technology to "time-shift" direct instruction where appropriate. For instance, suppose you are teaching a lesson where students at some point will need to use technology to use a linear regression on their data. Final Thoughts
