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Theories about decision errors

Theories about decision errors
Related:  hope springs

Post Growth Institute Ode to Empathy The discussion around empathy seems to be growing exponentially. From the huge splash Brené Brown is making with her work on shame, vulnerability and empathy to Jeremy Rifkin’s vision of our moving towards an Empathic Civilization, empathy is becoming a 21st century buzzword. And rightfully so. With the emergence of a global civilization, we need to move beyond the “us and them” mentality that lends itself to so much conflict, violence, and self-destruction. An absolutely essential ingredient for this is empathy. Changing the Narrative of Human Nature To show just how important this is, let’s take a look at human nature. However, recent research is turning this all-important premise on its head. For instance, if I believe that the world is a place of abundance and opportunities that help me constantly learn and become more empowered, I will live a very different life than if I believed that the world is a scary, dangerous place and I’m helpless to change it.

Trust Explanations > Trust Trust is | Creating trust | When trust goes wrong | So what? Trust is the key to the door of other people's minds. If they don't trust you, then you haven't a hope in Hades of persuading them. Trust is What is Trust: Core factors of trust. Creating trust Active Care: Don't wait to be asked. When trust goes wrong Four Types of Justice: Distributive, Reparative, Procedural, Retributive. So manage trust carefully. See also Trust Principle, Theories about trust, Followers and Trust, Lying, Building Rapport, Speaker Credibility Blogs by subject: Trust

Using Open Source Design to Address Climate Change A growing movement that combines open source design with sustainability is creating an exciting alternative to profit-driven, proprietary sustainability products. As we face urgent issues like climate change, the ability of open source communities to quickly and inexpensively create solutions makes increasing sense. One project that clearly recognizes this big opportunity for impact is POC21, an international innovation network whose participants create open-source, sustainability-related products like the 30$ Wind Turbine, Aker (open source urban gardening infrastructure), and Faircap (open source portable water filter). Co-organized by Ouishare co-founder Benjamin Tincq, POC21 has brought together hundreds of designers, makers and organizers to “prototype the fossil free, zero waste society.” An open approach to design and production will allow for the biggest teams possible to create solutions in as little time as possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bicitractor prototype at POC21

Why childhood sweethearts no longer measure up – and six other ways dating has changed | Life and style For future generations, the question: “How did you and Grandad meet?”, will be answered with: “Tinder, obviously.” Within eight years, the internet has become the dominant way heterosexual couples meet. The latest How Couples Meet and Stay Together study by Stanford University found that 39% of heterosexual couples met through online dating or apps, up from 22% in 2009, when the study was last conducted. Life has been disrupted by technology, and so has dating. What else can we learn about how romance has changed? Derek Thompson (@DKThomp)"How Couples Meet" chart, updated July 12, 2019 We meet strangers, not friends of friends People meeting through friends – previously the largest category – has fallen from 34% in 1990 to 20% in the most recent data; other routes to relationships, such as meeting through work, family and neighbours, have also declined. Will everyone meet this way in the future? Online dating has lost its stigma

Frontier Of Physics: Theories of Everything Mapped “Ever since the dawn of civilization,” Stephen Hawking wrote in his international bestseller A Brief History of Time, “people have not been content to see events as unconnected and inexplicable. They have craved an understanding of the underlying order in the world.” In the quest for a unified, coherent description of all of nature — a “theory of everything” — physicists have unearthed the taproots linking ever more disparate phenomena. With the law of universal gravitation, Isaac Newton wedded the fall of an apple to the orbits of the planets. Our map of the frontier of fundamental physics, built by the interactive developer Emily Fuhrman, weights questions roughly according to their importance in advancing the field. The map provides concise descriptions of highly complex theories; learn more by exploring the links to dozens of articles and videos, and vote for the ideas you find most elegant or promising.

The Only Productivity Tip You'll Ever Need Ernest Hemingway woke each morning and began writing straight away. He described his daily routine by saying, “When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write.” Hemingway's routine — along with hundreds of other prolific authors, artists, and scientists mentioned in Mason Currey's book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (audiobook) — hints at the most productive strategy I have found for getting things done and making daily progress in the areas that are important to you. Let's talk about the only productivity strategy you'll ever need, why it works, and what holds us back from using it consistently. Before we talk about how to get started, I wanted to let you know I researched and compiled science-backed ways to stick to good habits and stop procrastinating. Productivity, Simplified No need to draw this out. Sounds simple. Why It Works

The Rule of Five: How to Achieve Your Goals Faster In 1993, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen had a goal: to get their book Chicken Soup for the Soul to the top of The New York Times bestseller’s list. [1] They sought out the advice of 15 best-selling authors (including John Gray, Ken Blanchard and Scott Peck), but as helpful as their advice was, Canfield and Hansen were left feeling overwhelmed with information. In his book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, Canfield recalls his experience: To tell the truth, we became a little crazy. We didn’t know where to start. The Trap We Fall Into When you decide on a goal and want to take action, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the information that’s readily available to you. The problem is, if you can’t decide which information to choose, it can cause analysis paralysis, decision fatigue and even inaction on your part. However, what if you applied everything you learnt by taking five actions every day to ascertain what works for you?

One Day on Earth: A film shot in every country in the world on a single day... This trailer is the first glimpse of One Day on Earth, an ambitious motion picture shot by thousands of filmmakers in every country in the world on a single day: October 10, 2010. The trailer alone includes footage from 90 individuals and organizations. The producer/director Kyle Ruddick is currently editing down 3,000 hours of film and is asking for help via Kickstarter to complete the project. I don’t know about you but it gave me chills.
