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Tweet-o-Meter - Giving you an insight into Twitter activity from around the world!

Tweet-o-Meter - Giving you an insight into Twitter activity from around the world!
Is it true that, "New York is the city that never sleeps!"? Do Londoners send more Tweets than New Yorkians'? Is Oslo a bigger Tweeter than Munich? Is Tokyo as much into Tweets as Barcelona? Has San Francisco calmed down after all that talk about the iPad? The Tweet-o-Meter measures the amount of tweets (measured in Tweets per Minute or TPM) received from various locations around the world. Tweet-o-Meter is designed to mine data for later analysis relating to furthering our understanding of social and temporal dynamics for e-Social Science within the Twitter demographic. Pop Music Video The music video that inspired the application:

50 Best Twitter Tools & Services Sometimes it’s not that easy to manage your friends and followers on Twitter. So if you want to be in the swim, you’ll have to know many things; e.g. do your followers retweet your tweets, and whether those whom you are following are following you or not. In this post we are glad to offer you the handiest tools that might definitely simplify the process. Archivist Visualizations are graphic representations of the data your archives. Visualizations generated by The Archivist may not represent a complete historical record. Backtweets Twitter analytics to help you understand how people interact with you and your content. Birdherd BirdHerd makes it easy for groups, teams and brands to update a single Twitter account. Buffer Buffer makes your life easier with a smarter way to schedule tweets. Chirpstats* is a Twitter follower analytics package built to help you track and learn more about your follower-base. Digitweet Dlvr Feedlooks Grouptweet Hashtracking Track Campaigns. Just tweet it!

TweetYears Serious Analytics for Social Relationships Twitalyzer's Data Use and Privacy Policy Twitalyzer makes use of publicly available data in all cases, regardless of source. We rely on public Twitter streams, publicly available data from Klout, PeerIndex, and Rapleaf, and reserve the right to add other data from the public domain from time to time. We do not use direct messages or any other type of private information in any of our processing or reporting. Twitscoop - Stay on top of twitter! - Search twitter, twitter client, hot trends What ıs my Twıtter account worth

Tutorial for Twitter 101 (count ‘em) 101 Twitter Tips from Authopublisher. Passive Guy has to admit it took him a while to warm up to Twitter, but he’s a big fan now. Each post that appears on this blog also goes out as a Tweet. For your information, about 25% of the new visitors to The Passive Voice come via Twitter links and PG is closing in on 2,000 followers. Excerpts: Twitter Tip #3: ReadabilityMake sure you proofread every tweet you make. Link to the rest at Authopublisher Self-Publicity, Social Media Twitalyzer Nurph. Chatting in Twitter? Get a Room. The Twitterverse by Brian Solis and JESS3 - oneforty A 2010 Edison research study showed that 42% of respondents hear about products and services through Twitter. In response to this dynamic businesses are increasingly using Twitter to engage with customers, reach the media directly, and further establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. You can even use Twitter for lead management or marketing automation. Listen to our free webinar with Laura Fitton, HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Evangelist, as she reveals the basics of Twitter and how you can use the channel for marketing and PR. Laura shares some established Twitter marketing processes, best practices, and examples of successful case studies. In this 50-minute webinar, you will learn: What is Twitter and why is it importantHow to use Twitter to monitor your brand and engage customers and prospects directlyHow to reach media and bloggers directly to get PR coverage for your businessHow to measure your performance on Twitter Webinar Details Speaker: Laura Fitton (pistachio)

Twitter Unfollower Tracker :: Twitter App :: Who Unfollowed Me? Free to Join For users with up to 25k friends/followers, Who Unfollowed Me provides a limited functionality 'Lite' version. There is a paid 'Pro' version that has more features and can accommodate users with up to 75k friends/followers. Check Unfollowers Never go looking through your follower list trying to figure out who unfollowed you again. Not Following Back Knowing who you follow that doesn't follow you back is an easy way to clear our an overloaded following list. Pro User Upgrades Following, Unfollowing & Force Unfollowing users from the site makes the Pro Upgrade immediately worth the $8.99 A YEAR. No Emails or Direct Messages Checking unfollowers isn't something you want to wait for. No Spam... ever You won't ever see an automatic auto-generated spam tweet on your timeline.
