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Pratique des prépositions

Pratique des prépositions
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What French Prepositions Go With Countries, Continents? When trying to determine which French preposition to use with the French name for a country or continent, the only difficulty is determining the gender of that name. Here are some sources and guidelines. Countries To learn the gender of a country, look up the French name on our master list of all countries in the world. You'll notice that nearly all countries that end in e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. There are just a few exceptions: le Belizele Cambodgele Mexiquele Mozambiquele Zaïrele Zimbabwe You will be applying the right prepositions to a vast array of countries. The 195 total includes the 193 member states of the United Nations and two states with nonmember observer status: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. Continents The French names of all continents end in e, and all are feminine. National Geographic differs. By convention, there are seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Antarctica. Examples

Ressources éducatives gratuites : eduMedia-Share Listen to Québécois French | OffQc | Québécois French Guide Use the videos listed below to improve your listening comprehension in French. Each video contains a transcription in French if you need help following along. There are currently 91 videos and transcripts here, and I’m always adding more. The videos at the end of the list are always the most recent ones. Using your smartphone? If you’re viewing a mobile version of this page on your smartphone, you might not see the videos listed below. Want to hear a specific word pronounced? You can use this section to locate and hear individual words pronounced by a Québécois speaker. xxx Replace ‘xxx’ with whatever word you want to hear (for example: pogner). Please note The videos in this section come from other YouTube users, so I can’t guarantee that they’ll always remain online. This page has the following sub pages.

Understanding French Prepositions of Place What is a French Preposition of Place? A French preposition of place is a little word which shows the location of someone or something. Le petit chien est dans son panier.The little dog is in his dog bed. Sometimes, a preposition of place shows the location of someone or something compared to something else. These are also called prepositions of movement. Le chat est sous la table et le vase est sur la table. And sometimes, a preposition of place introduces a geographical place like a country, or a city, or a region. Moi, j’habite à Paris. Most prepositions of places are pretty straightforward in French and often you can translate them directly from English. Unfortunately, it’s not the case with French prepositions of place introducing geographic places: I will explain them in depth in this article. But first, let’s go over the simple French prepositions of place. 9 Essential French Prepositions of Place For now let’s see a list of common French preposition of place. Here are some pointers:

"De simples machines" - Jeux de physique pour les enfants - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie - un lieu Universcience Produit par la Cité des sciences, un lieu universcience, le site en Flash « De simples machines », est un ensemble de 6 modules ludo-éducatifs destinés aux enfants de 8 à 12 ans, sur le thème des machines simples : plans inclinés, vis, leviers, coin, roue, poulies, engrenages. Objectifs du site : faire comprendre, de manière drôle et ludique, l’importance des machines simples qui sont la base de toute machine complexe montrer que ces machines simples sont utilisées au quotidien et nous sont bien utiles introduire des notions de physique sur le déplacement d’un objet, les forces résistantes et motrices, le centre de gravité, l’équilibre… favoriser l’observation, la simulation, l’expérimentation grâce à une forte interactivité et aux nombreuses séquences animées qui mettent en scène les choix de l’utilisateur. Description de la page d'accueil : Le film : Là, tu peux voir un film d’animation qui parle des machines simples. Les plans inclinés : Les leviers : La roue et la poulie : Le quiz :

French Prepositions with Continents and Countries As with other other geographical names, French prepositions with continents and countries depend on the gender,* number, and first letter of the name, plus of course whether you’re coming or going. Going to / Being in a continent or country 1) Masculine singular a. b. 2) Feminine singular: en 3) Plural: aux Coming from a continent or country a. b. 2) Feminine singular: de (d’) 3) Plural: des * Determining the gender of countries is pretty easy: the ones that end in -e or -es are feminine, the rest are masculine, with just 6 exceptions:le Belizele Cambodgele Mexiquele Mozambiquele Zaïrele Zimbabwe All continents end in –e and are therefore feminine. Think you’ve got it? Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. Related lessons Share / Tweet / Pin Me!

Joe t'explique... les sciences ! La science est un ensemble de connaissances obéissant à des lois et/ou vérifiées par des expériences. Ces expériences reposent sur des méthodes objectives. De l'école au lycée, en passant par le collège, l'enseignement scientifique est divisé en plusieurs disciplines. Alerte résultats examens M'alerter dès que les résultats seront publiés ! video Les jeunes et le VIH au Burundi - Jeanne Gapiya-Nyonzima Jeanne Gapiya-Nyonzima est présidente de l'ANSS au Burundi et vit avec le VIH. and prepositions - Countries - GCSE French Revision - BBC Bitesize Gender and Prepositions of Countries in French What prepositions should I use when talking about different countries or cities in French? The preposition depends on the gender of the country you’re trying to talk about. Luckily there is straightforward rule to determining the genders in French with minimal exceptions: Almost every country ending in an “e” is a feminine country la France (France) la Belgique (Belgium) l’Allemagne (Germany) l’Algérie (Algeria) la Chine (China) la Guyane (Guiana) la Russie (Russia) la Corée (Korea) However, there are a few exceptions to the rule above which can only be solved through memorization. le Belize (Belize) le Mexique (Mexico) le Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique) le Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) le Zaïre (Republic of Zaire) le Cambodge (Cambodia) Genders of Countries in French Simple Example Sentences: I come from the United States.Je viens des États-Unis. We are in France.Nous sommes en France. You’re going to China tomorrow.Vous allez en Chine demain. She’s from Brazil.Elle vient du Brésil.

Prépositions + cities/countries-French > BEST RESOURCES: PLACEMENT TEST | GUIDE | OUR BEST WORKSHEETS | Most popular | Free weekly lesson by email | Contact us > LESSONS AND TESTS: Abbreviations and acronyms... | Adjectives | Adverbs | Agreement/Disagreement | Alphabet | Animals | Articles | Audio test | BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | Banks, money | Beginners | Betty's adventures | Bilingual dialogues | Business | Buying in a shop | Capital letters | Cars | Celebrations: Thanksgiving, new year... | Clothes | Colours/Colors | Comparisons | Compound words | Conditional and hypothesis | Conjunctions | Contractions | Countries and nationalities | Dates, days, months, seasons | Dictation | Direct/Indirect speech | Diseases | Etre | Exclamative sentences! > ABOUT THIS SITE: Copyright Laurent Camus - Learn more / Help / Contact [Terms of use] [Safety tips] | Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright | Cookies/Legal. | Our French lessons and tests are 100% free but visitors must pay for Internet access.

The Ultimate Guide to French Prepositions of Place Would you say you’re on the bus or in it? That depends on which language you’re speaking. Prepositions connect words and describe their relationship in space or time (for instance: in, under, during, etc.). Different languages speak about space and time in different ways, which makes French prepositions tough to master. For instance, take the answer to our example above: In English, you’re on the bus; in French, you’re in it. It may seem like a small difference but it’s an important one! With that in mind, let’s explore one type of preposition in French: prepositions of place. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Exercises for Practicing French Prepositions One of the key ways to make sure you’re getting prepositions right is to just practice. Tex’s Prepositions with Places: This exercise from Tex’s French Grammar exercise looks at the proper way to use à, en, au and aux. Other sites use scripted content. Sur Examples: Good to Know:

French prepositions with city & country names | Yolaine Bodin You are having a conversation in French and you want to say that you visited a country, live in a city, will be traveling to a town. Which of these little words, i.e. prepositions, will you add in front of the name of the city or the country you are talking about: à, en, au, or aux ? Let’s start with towns or cities. The preposition you need is à : J’habite à Nice. Note: You may have read or heard that with the French towns Avignon and Arles, you should use en instead of à. With countries, states or regions, you will need to choose between en, au and aux. La France, le Pakistan, les États-Unis, le Texas, la Provence Don’t worry, it looks like it’s too much already, but it isn’t. Use en If the country (state or region) is feminine, like la France, la Chine, l’Algérie, la Colombie, la Normandie, la Louisiane, la Ligure or if the country is masculine but starts with a vowel, like l’Iran, l’Uruguay : Je vis en France. Ils sont nés au Japon. If the country is plural, use aux : Careful!

French Grammar: Prepositions with Geographical Place Names : The LEAF Project Posted by LEAF Architect on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 · Leave a Comment Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project Identify: French Grammar: Prepositions with Geographical Place Namesla grammaire française: les prépositions avec les noms de lieux géographiques In French, both the type of geographical place and the gender of that place dictate how to translate the words ‘in’ and ‘to’! Study: In French, when the name of a continent, country, or region is used as the subject or object of a verb, you generally need to use the definite article with that place: L’Europe est un continent. J’adore la France! Le Québec est une province du Canada. Les États-Unis est un grand pays. The way to say ‘in’ or ‘to’ with geographical places depends on whether the place is a continent, a country, a region, a city, or a town. It also depends on whether the continent, country, or region is feminine or masculine in gender. Mon amie habite en France. Le Sénégal est en Afrique.Senegal is in Africa. Adapt: Explore:

Au, à la, à l', aux (French prepositions) Practice using au, à la, à l’, aux in sentences that say where people are or where they are going, followed by transport prepositions (en + à) to say how they get there. Prepositions for Place + Destination: Au, à la, à l’, aux to, at, where. Prepositions for Transport – à + en Eg:en voiture by caren avion by airplaneen bateau by boaten train by trainen moto by motorbikeà pied on footà velo by bike (en vélo can also be used) This practice includes:Video Clips (1. Videos 2. Online Quiz This quiz is also available on its own separate page here:Online Quiz #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7. #8. #9. #10. #11. #12. #13. #14. #15. Worksheet For a wider variety of French prepositions go to:French Preposition Practice orPrepositions: Billy & the Stick Insects
