Projet Crocodiles
Related: Discrimination
• Ségrégation, stéréotypes
• Contre le harcélement scolaire
• climat scolaire
• Violences sexuelles (harcèlement, agression, viol) et obstétricales
Project Unbreakable
You may have noticed that Project Unbreakable has been pretty quiet lately. For a few months now, those of us at Unbreakable have been making some pretty big life changes, and we have had to figure out where Unbreakable is placed. It has been a very long and incredible journey, but we are saddened to say that we will be closing our doors. We will finish posting all the submissions we have, but after we run out, we are no longer going to be accepting submissions for the website (but everything will remain up – we aren’t deleting anything.)
Birth Undisturbed - EJECTION REFLEX
One summer evening, a man is packing bags for his labouring wife to go into hospital. But he turns to see her in a fallen dress, sitting in an archway of red roses that frame her in nature. Rose petals as confetti, dark wet newborn hair lit by the porch light, a vision of pre-Raphaelite classical beauty.
Trucs de gonzesses !
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