Abundance the Book - by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler — Abundance - the Future is Better Than You Think - is a new book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Official Abundance the Book website.
Peter Diamandis: Abundance -- The Future Is Better Than You Think
I was in a coffee shop recently and overheard a young couple discussing whether or not it was morally responsible to bring a child into today's world given all of the global challenges we face. What's curious about their question and the dark contemporary mood it represents is that in a very measurable way, the world is better off than its ever been. I'll start with poverty, which has declined more the in the past 50 years than the previous 500. We're not just richer than ever before, we're healthier as well. As Steven Pinker has lately made clear, since the middle ages, violence on Earth has been in constant decline. If your measure of prosperity is tilted towards the availability of goods and services, consider that even the poorest American's today (those below the poverty line) have access to phones, toilets, running water, air conditioning and even a car. So this brings us back to the question of our contemporary mood. Turns out there are about a dozen reasons.