GPS Visualizer Anglais Hollandais Français Allemand Italien Norvégien Portugais Espagnol GPSBabel est un gratuiciel qui convertit les formats de fichiers GPS. NOTE: Pour de nombreux formats d'entrée, tels que GPX, OziExplorer, LOC, Garmin Forerunner, Cetus GPS, IGC, et d'autres (incluant également ceux que GPSBabel ne connaît pas, comme les fichiers binaires de NetStumbler), vous pouvez aussi convertir vos fichiers GPS en format texte, GPX, ou KML (Google Earth) avec l'utilitaire de conversion de . Traduction française par Lilian Morinon. Retourner à la page d'accueil GPS Visualizer
Nuvi WorkAround -- This is the start of Page 1 -- CLICK FOR OTHER PAGES or use TOC/Menu Pg 1, Pg 2 , Pg 3 , Pg 4 , Pg 5 , Pg 6 , Pg 7 , Pg 8 , Pg 9 , Pg 10 , Pg 11 , Pg 12 , Pg 13 , Pg 14 , Pg 15 , Pg 16 , Pg 17 , Pg 18 Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 , Page 5 , Page 6 , Page 7 , Page 8 , Page 9 7/8X5 Page 1 , 7/8X5 Page 2 , 7/8X5 Page 3 Info Page TOC/Menu - Setting Your Primary Home It is recommended that you into your nüvi. map your path from where you currently are -- to your home -- with a minimum of presses. In case you haven't done this, then the next time your car is parked at your place of domicile: It is always wise to have a Back-up 'Home' saved in your Favorites. Suppose you've been out of town using your nüvi in a rental car and you have changed your real 'Home' for a temporary 'Home', maybe your motel in Schenectady, NY. [* See: WHEN YOUR HOME IS NOT YOUR HOME - Using a Temporary Home ] Please remember later to delete the old 'Home' (the motel one) and re-establish your actual 'Home'. Almost done.
Convert OSM files to IMG files If you are a user of, then you may have already realized the power of being able to download free maps from their website. If you have the apporpriate software, you can even take these free maps, and import them into your Garmin GPS! OSM to IMG The map file that is exported from open street map is in osmarender format (OSM). Donation Ware The OSMtoIMG software is available for Free. Download Now! Supported OSs: Mavericks (10.9)Mountain Lion (10.8)Lion (10.7)Snow Leopard (10.6)Leopard (10.5)Tiger (10.4) OSM to IMG The OSMtoIMG program is compatible with Mac OS X.
POI Factory Submitted by poi factory on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 6:37pm. There are several web sites and software packages that can provide approximate coordinates for a street address in the USA or Canada. This process is often referred to as "geocoding". Software Packages Extra POI Editor - (NOTE: users report the geocoding feature is no longer working.) a free program written by Turboccc, one of the users at POI Factory. Web Sites - a site that shows coordinates for US - shows coordinates for addresses in Canada / - shows coordinates for a list of - shows coordinates for a list of - shows coordinates for a list of addresses The terms of use and license agreements for these resources vary, so make sure they're okay for how you intend to use them. Other pages
RouteConverter RouteConverter est un outil GPS gratuit et convivial pour afficher, éditer, enrichir et convertir des routes, des traces et des points. Il m'aide à planifier des parcours et consolider des traces et j'espère qu'il pourrait vous aider. La dernière version, la v2.12 du 4 avril 2014, offre un ensemble de nouvelles fonctions et améliorations. Le résumé essaye de montrer visuellement les points essentiels de RouteConverter tandis que la section des fonctions vise à décrire toutes les caractéristiques en détail. Si vous aimez RouteConverter envisagez s'il vous plaît de faire don ou aider le nouveau développement. Voici à quoi ressemble RouteConverter: