Level 3 of Consciousness by Richard Brodie
Meme Central Books Level 3 Resources Richard Brodie Virus of the Mind What’s New? Site Map Level 3 of Consciousness You are reading about something that most people don’t even know exists. If you told them, they wouldn’t just not believe you—they would have no clue what you were talking about. 1. Sometimes like attracts like and sometimes opposite attracts opposite. When like attracts like, it can end there, like an oxygen molecule made up of two oxygen atoms, or it can continue to attract like, like a Carbon atom. 2. Sometimes a self-replicating thing makes a copy of itself with a mistake in it. The only way for new things to get created is by a complex series of mistakes that turn out to be better after all. 3. 4. 5. 6. Self-replication is the most powerful force in the universe. Sometimes a self-replicating memeplex makes a mistake in copying itself. The only way for a new idea to gain acceptance is by a series of copying mistakes that turn out to be better after all. 7. 8. 9.
How to Create an E-Course | Inspiration and Encouragement for Mindful Living
Turn the knowledge you already have into automated income! This system actually takes you by the hand to show you how to turn your existing knowledge into an online, automatic income stream. Here are a few highlights from this system: See exactly how to create your own e-course with no program design skills The best way to create a great e-book in a matter of hours Discover the real reasons people buy e-courses, and how to position yours more effectively Unlock the secrets to great workbooks, and how to create them effortlessly How to price your e-course in a way that will bring you the most income
The Positivity Blog
How to meditate
Feeling scatterbrained? Stressed-out and overwhelmed? Depressed? It’s time to calm your mind. Warning: your life might change if you start meditating. Develop appreciation for the mundane every-day tasks that bore you and keep you joyless. You gotta believe! Can’t sit still for an hour while you’re in a position that seems like you’d strain your groin staying in it for any longer than a minute? Don’t let that dissuade you from giving meditation a try. Meditation doesn’t have to be an impossible spiritual pursuit necessitating pure stillness. You can try moving meditations like tai chi or qi gong. Some people even meditate while they walk. Instead, focus is put on the setting, which can be anywhere that’s quiet (even if it’s the garage or laundry room). Go for a walk and “be in the present,” paying close attention to the rustling of the leaves on a tree or a flock of birds flying overhead. Try telling yourself this: “I’m attracting peace in my life.” How long should I meditate?
The Traveller’s Medicine Cabinet: 5 Essential Drugs for the Road
While out roving you aren’t always (or even often) anywhere near a hospital or pharmacy. But, if you pack these nutritional supplements and natural medications wherever you go, you’ll be able to cope just fine. #1: Kratom The Situation You’re hiking the Appalachian trail in the dead of winter. Suddenly the worst happens; your boot gets caught between two rocks, you lose your footing and tumble to the ground, wrenching your ankle in the process. © Miserlou What It Is A leafy green plant grown mainly in Southeast Asia. Uses First and foremost, Kratom is a powerful painkiller similar to Morphine or Opium. Side-Effects Kratom is mildly addictive, about on par with caffeine. Forms Kratom can be purchased in dried leafy form, as an extract, a resin, or in pill form. Legality Kratom is legal in most of the developed world. #2: Kava Kava Kava Kava A leafy green plant grown throughout the Pacific islands. Kava can help to treat social anxiety or stress, and also works as a powerful relaxant. Oil of Oregano
50 Lessons Life Taught Me
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written. When my odometer rolled over to 50, I updated the list. Here it is: Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.When in doubt, just take the next small step.Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.Pay off your credit cards every month.You don’t have to win every argument.
How to do Zazen - Seated Meditation Video
Hi, I am Patrick and today we are talking about Zazen and how to do it. Meditation isn't just for buddhas or monks; it's for everybody that can be done at almost any time. So let's get started. When you sit, you are going to want to elevate your pelvis. The most useful thing for this is something like a Zafu, it's a round Japanese shape. As you sit, you want to have a stable base as possible. And finally, classic full-lotus posture. Most important physical component of meditation is the spine. Another thing to look out for is the shoulders. Zazen can be done from anywhere between 15 minutes to one hour. The idea of the zazen is to have a clear empty mind without chattering thought. Like a monkey you are constantly climbing from tree to tree, the mind meets some random thoughts or random thought. I am only half as serious with these actions and things. But at times you will be so wrapped inside your thoughts, you will feel like this.
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