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Dog Sleep Music: Help Rover Relax & Chill Out - Relaxing Digital Dog sleep music can help canines of all ages relax, wind down, and rest for longer periods of time! Check out some helpful playlists here! Looking for dog sleep music to help your canine companion settle down? If your pup has trouble falling asleep at night or if loud noises such as thunderstorms stress out your pet, try out this collection of relaxing sounds to bring calm to your dog. Puppy Sleep Music Struggling to get your puppy to sleep for a longer duration? Relaxing Dog Music for Deep Sleep This fifteen hour long playlist is designed to help dogs that suffer from sleep problems, anxiety, or hyperactivity issues. Calming Dog Sleep Music Help your dog relax, fall asleep, and stay asleep with this eight hour musical compilation. Relaxing Music for Dogs to Help During Fireworks, Loud Noises, Etc. This ten hour playlist includes desensitizing sound effects that mimic fireworks, rain sounds, car sounds, and other noises to help dogs get used to loud noises. A study conducted by Dr.

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