What Happened When We Talked Responsive Design with an Expert This morning saw us talking responsive design issues and concepts with one of my personal favourites when it comes to experts – Craig Sharkie (co-author of the jQuery: Novice to Ninja books). It was an interesting session, and Craig managed to stay on top of a barrage of questions from a very keen audience. If you missed the session and want to know what went down, below is a full transcript. If you have any ideas for future chats, fancy yourself as an expert and would like to take part in a session, or know of any good chat products that you think I should check out, please get in touch as I’m on the lookout for all three. Formerly a developer in the corporate world, HAWK (known as Sarah by her mother) said goodbye to the code and succumbed to the lure of social media.
Update: New 25 GPU Monster Devours Passwords In Seconds | The Security Ledger Editor’s note: I’ve updated the article with some new (and in some cases) clarifying detail from Jeremi. I’ve left changes in where they were made. The biggest changes: 1) an updated link to slides 2) clarifying that VCL refers to Virtual OpenCL and 3) that the quote regarding 14char passwords falling in 6 minutes was for LM encrypted – not NTLM encrypted passwords. Long (8 char) NTLM passwords would take much longer…around 5.5 hours. - Paul There needs to be some kind of Moore’s law analog to capture the tremendous advances in the speed of password cracking operations. Gosney’s set-up uses a pool of 25 virtual AMD GPUs to brute force even very strong passwords. A presentation at the Passwords^12 Conference in Oslo, Norway (slides available here - PDF), has moved the goalposts, again. Gosney’s system elevates password cracking to the next level, and effectively renders even the strongest passwords protected with weaker encryption algorithms, like Microsoft’s LM and NTLM, obsolete.
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API de matriz de distancia de Google - Google Maps API Si vas a utilizar este servicio en una aplicación de JavaScript, consulta la documentación de la clase DistanceMatrixService de la versión 3 del API de Google Maps. Introducción El API de matriz de distancia de Google es un servicio que proporciona el tiempo y la distancia de viaje para una matriz de orígenes y destinos. La información devuelta se basa en la ruta recomendada entre los puntos de partida y llegada, según los cálculos del API de Google Maps, y se compone de dos filas que incluyen los valores de duration y de distance para cada par. El servicio no devuelve información detallada de la ruta. La información de la ruta se puede obtener transmitiendo el origen y el destino deseados al API de rutas. Audiencia Este documento está dirigido a los desarrolladores que quieran calcular el tiempo y la distancia de viaje entre un número de puntos con el API de Google Maps. Límites de uso El API de matriz de distancia cuenta con los siguientes límites: Solicitudes de matriz de distancia <? Filas
buildlog.net - CNC Laser Buildlogs JavaScript Profiling With The Chrome Developer Tools Advertisement Your website works. Now let’s make it work faster. Little changes in your code can have gigantic performance impacts. Establish A Baseline We’ll look at a simple application called a color sorter, which presents a grid of rainbow colors that you can drag and drop to mix up. Generating my rainbow colors was a little tricky, so I got help from “Making Annoying Rainbows in JavaScript4.” The page loads pretty fast, but it still takes a moment and blinks a little before it paints. Always start performance-improvement projects with a baseline understanding of how fast or slow your application already is. The profiler is part of Chrome Developer Tools, which is always available in Chrome. To establish our baseline, we’ll start recording in the “Timeline” tab, load our page and then stop the recording. My average baseline — i.e. the time between the first request for the page and the final painting of the page in the browser — is 1.25 seconds. Create A Profile Here’s the code:
The Always Up-to-Date Guide to Building a Hackintosh [OS X 10.8.2] 10 Tips for Writing for Designers Ever get that feeling that some members of your creative team just aren’t quite with the program? It is entirely likely. Sending out communications and messages that will reach your whole team can be somewhat tricky because of the differences in how people think. Creatives sometimes tend to be a little more free-thinking and less-structured than some of their office counterparts. 1. Send out communications with a purpose. 2. Big words do seem more important. 3. Provide examples of what you like and what you are looking for when detailing projects to the design group. 4. Bullet points are one of the most effective ways to cover a lot of information in a digestible format. 5. In every business, there is a set of lingo that comes with the territory. Business catch words such as “strategize,” “utilization” and “expedite” might work better as “plan,” “use” and “speed up.” 6. Never guess that someone knows what you are talking about. In most projects, there are some absolutes. 7. 8. 9. 10.