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OclHashcat-plus - advanced password recovery

OclHashcat-plus - advanced password recovery

Fighting Hackers: Everything You've Been Told About Passwords Is Wrong | Wired Opinion Security is not just about strong encryption, good anti-virus software, or techniques like two-factor authentication. It’s also about the “fuzzy” things … involving people. That’s where the security game is often won or lost. Just ask Mat Honan. We – the users – are supposed to be responsible, and are told what to do to stay secure. more services used = more passwords needed = more user pain … which means it only gets harder and harder to follow such advice. A security researcher, Dr. But they don’t have to be. And it starts with recognizing that a lot of security advice hurts more than it helps. Security specialists – and many websites – prompt us to use a combination of letters, numbers, and characters when selecting passwords. Obviously, we need something that is both secure and which we can remember. We need new password approaches. One common suggestion is taking a word, let’s say “Elvis”, and replacing letters with digits to get “3lv1s”. Because hackers know all our tricks.

GnuPG Agastya (Remote Mobile Access) Find your lost, stolen, or misplaced phone with the original device recovery app for Android. Find My Phone is an important security app that you want to have on your phone, as it provides a means of recovering a lost or stolen device. Note that is not an anti-virus app; we focus on one task - device recovery and finding your phone - and do it well. "Best security and Find My Phone app for your Android!".4/5 star rating since 2009 and counting! Some happy users:- "truly the best phone finder GET THIS! Features:* If you lose your phone, just send it a text message and Find My Phone will reply to you with its current address, and a Google Maps link to your phone's location.* Text your phone and have it ring at maximum volume (even if is on silent) to locate by ear.* Find out how much battery is remaining* Get notified if somebody changes your SIM card* Track from the web by having your phone email back it's location* New: Remotely wipe your phone * NO ADS! Instructions1. GPS off?

Arethusa Our VPN service make your internet connection more anonymous and secure. Your real IP address is hidden and your ISP cannot monitor or filter your activity. It works by establishing an encrypted tunnel between your computer and our servers, using a VPN. To check what is your current IP address, click here. To check the country of an IP address, query the RIPE database (for IP addresses in Europe), or the ARIN database (for IP addresses in North America). Warning: Our service hides your real IP address and encrypts your connection. Premium v2 offer: Unmetered traffic. Cellphone Inspired By Chinese Scrolls Cellphone Inspired By Chinese Scrolls As flexible displays come to market, designers are asked how they can design products that utilize the technology while remaining meaningful. Yun Liang’s scroll cellphone takes its inspiration from how traditional Chinese paintings are unfurled. When not in use, the display neatly rolls into the tube. Designer: Yun Liang

n2n a Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN n2n is a layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network (VPN) which allows users to exploit features typical of P2P applications at network instead of application level. This means that users can gain native IP visibility (e.g. two PCs belonging to the same n2n network can ping each other) and be reachable with the same network IP address regardless of the network where they currently belong. The main n2n design features are: An n2n is an encrypted layer two private network based on a P2P protocol.Encryption is performed on edge nodes using open protocols with user-defined encryption keys: you control your security without delegating it to companies as it happens with Skype or Hamachi.Each n2n user can simultaneously belong to multiple networks (a.k.a. communities).Ability to cross NAT and firewalls in the reverse traffic direction (i.e. from outside to inside) so that n2n nodes are reachable even if running on a private network. Quickstart n2n Security Q.

Accessories MP3 Player by Lee Won-jun The Perfect Gift For Your Woman It’s quite apparent that all ladies will have a soft corner for the Accessories MP3 Player. Honestly, how many MP3 players can be as subtle and discreet as this! Fashion statement, jewelry, bling…you name it, and it’s there! I adore the little loop earring that goes into the ear as headphones, now only if Cartier or Tiffany can get a whiff of this… Designer: Lee Won-jun Alto Sewing Machine by Sarah Dickins Making ‘Make Do and Mend’ Fashionable I have my moments of fighting the needle and thread, trying to mend some ripped clothes, but they always seem to get the better of me. Simply put, I HATE mending clothes and much rather replace them with new than pick an odd stitch. Designer: Sarah Dickins
