Outils TIC pour les CP by ACCPQ Org on Genial.ly En direct,Sondages,Prendre le pouls des participants,Explorer une technologie par jour pour être un.e conseiller.ère pédagogique efficace ...,Les outils numériques du CP,Outlook,01,Plateformes permettant la vidéoconférence,Infographies et sketchnote,La gestion des courriels et du calendrier,Faire de la vidéo,"Pimpe" ta présentation,Pour montrer comment faire et pour documenter,Visioconférence/Vidéoconférence,Réseaux sociaux,Merci à Steve Morissette, CP RÉCIT de la commission scolaire de Sorel-Tracy pour sa généreuse contribution !,Documents collaboratifs,Outils de présentation,Pour résumer et informer,Conserver la mémoire collective,Affichage optimisé (vidéo de 6 min 22),Suite Microsoft 365 (blogue CSDM),Plateformes, logiciels et applications qui permettent des présentations dynamiques et interactives.
FAQ: Raising Bilingual Children | Linguistic Society of America Why want bilingual children? There are many reasons, but the two most common are: 1) The parents speak different languages (say, an American woman and a Turkish man). 2) The parents speak the same language, but live in a community where most people speak something else (say, a Korean couple living in the USA). In the first case, both the mother and father may want to be able to use their own language when talking to their children. Don't children get confused when they hear two languages spoken around them? The short answer is no. Fifty years ago educators throughout North America used to tell immigrant parents that it was better for their children's schooling if they spoke English at home. Bilingual development sometimes results in slightly slower language development than for some monolingual children. Don't bilingual children ever mix their languages up? Like adult bilinguals, bilingual children often use words from one language when speaking the other. One problem can be balance. Relax.
School Adapter School Adapter es una app que permite crear contenidos en iPad y tabletas para personas con autismo (TEA) o necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). Es una app con capacidad para crear usuarios y a su vez contenidos curriculares individualizados para cada alumno a partir de plantillas educativas que deberemos completar para generar diferentes ejercicios personalizados. Las plantillas simplemente son la base para que los profesores, terapeutas y padres puedan desarrollar su imaginación y adaptar los contenidos para cada estudiante. School Adapter está disponible para iPad (8.0 o posterior) y tabletas Android (a partir de la versión 5.0). Descarga gratuita para iPad Descarga gratuita para tabletas Android schooladapter.com Existen 5 modalidades de interacción de plantillas: única respuesta, múltiple respuesta, de secuencias, de arrastrar y asociar imagen y pictograma. Además se puede reforzar (recompensa) al final del ejercicio con una imagen, un sonido o incluso una animación. Relacionados
Rechercher l'information | Profil TIC Description de l'habileté 1 – Rechercher l’information La maîtrise d’habiletés informationnelles est indispensable. Les étudiants ont accès, en tout temps et en tout lieu, à une quantité inimaginable d’information. Demain, il y aura encore plus d’information et sans doute des moyens encore plus efficaces d’y accéder. Rechercher de l’information est une activité pertinente, fréquente et même essentielle dans tous les programmes d’études. Si le choix des outils de recherche et les exigences diffèrent d’un programme à l’autre, le processus, lui, demeure le même. Cette habileté permet à l’étudiant de trouver, de choisir et de recueillir efficacement l’information pertinente et de qualité en vue d’un traitement et d’une production à réaliser. Précisions La philosophie générale consiste à développer cette habileté dans le contexte d'une production et ce, afin de concrétiser et de donner du sens à la démarche. L’habileté peut être développée ou mise en oeuvre: Exigences - suggestions
What is translanguaging? – EAL Journal ‘Translanguaging’ – the use of different languages together – can be a powerful tool for learning … but it can also go against the grain for language teachers who are used to supporting learners to master the intricacies of a single language. In this post, we ask what the research tells us about ‘translanguaging’ and how it can be used to support EAL learners in the classroom. Picture the scene: two students are sitting together, working intently on a handout. They have different first languages but some shared knowledge of the words and phrases of each other’s languages, so they are moving in and out of English to get their message across. Are either of these examples of translanguaging? In both cases, yes. Translanguaging is the act performed by bilinguals of accessing different linguistic features or various modes of what are described as autonomous languages, in order to maximize communicative potential.Ofelia García (2009: 140) A (very) brief history of translanguaging … References
Voice guidance in Maps, built for people with impaired vision Detailed voice guidance in Google Maps helps people with visual impairments Starting today, World Sight Day, Google Maps is rolling out a new feature that gives people the ability to receive more detailed voice guidance and new types of verbal announcements for walking trips. This feature is the first in Google Maps to be built from the ground up by, and for, people with vision impairments. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work closely with the Maps team on this project as an early advisor and tester—outside of my day job as a business analyst in the Tokyo office. With this feature, I can navigate the streets of Tokyo with more comfort and confidence. Frequent updates like these not only help a visually impaired person get from A to B, they can also give us more confidence and reassurance when we travel alone.
Didactique professionnelle | Un cours n'est pas conçu pour celui qui enseigne, mais pour celui qui apprend! Distance Learning Resources for Dual Language Learners – Early Edge California Our team has compiled information, resources, and activities for families with young dual language learners (DLLs). Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can provide you with any support. We are here for you. For Families Screen-Free Activities to do at home with Children (in Spanish)Many of the resources below, recommended by Abriendo Puertas, emphasize the importance of mindful screen time, and encourage activities that do not require a device. Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors has developed a video series as well as a list of helpful resources for organizations and families to help ease the stress and isolation during these times of physical distancing and quarantine. ABCMouse, is a full online curriculum developed by Age of Learning Inc. for children ages 2-8 in the areas of reading, math, science, and art and is available in both English and Spanish. ABC Mouse Bilingual Kidspot Scroll down the page to access the free Language Lessons and Activities. Bilingual Kidspot
Tecnología gratuita para docentes: opciones de accesibilidad de Firefox After yesterday's post about tools for improving the accessibility of websites, slides, and videos I got some feedback from readers who noted that I didn't mention anything about Firefox. That wasn't intentional, it was a complete oversight on my part because I personally don't use Firefox that often and none of my students do either. To remedy that, here's a short run-down of accessibility options that are available in Firefox. The Firefox users can customize default font sizes, spacing, and colors. Other accessibility options for Firefox include using a keyboard to navigate webpages, zooming to enlarge pages, and installing screen reader add-ons.
Les formations du CADRE21 sur Carrefour éducation! CADRE21 offre des formations en ligne pour tous les enseignants francophones. Depuis peu, les formations offertes par le CADRE21 sont maintenant gratuites pour l'ensemble des enseignants des écoles francophones du Canada. Chacune d'entre elles est répertoriée dans notre moteur de recherche. Avec cet ajout, l'offre d'outils sur un même sujet de Carrefour éducation s'enrichit. Par exemple, si l'utilisateur cherche le mot « différenciation », il peut y trouver 15 sites web commentés, 6 activités pédagogiques, 15 fiches d'AlloProf, 1 formation de Cadre21, 8 vidéos commentés, etc. Sur Carrefour éducation, lorsque que l'utilisateur effectuera une recherche, dans le menu de gauche (types de contenu), il pourra sélectionner « Formation (CADRE21) ». Ces formations ont des thèmes variés comme les médias sociaux, la robotique et la programmation, et la différenciation pédagogique pour ne citer que ceux-là. Voici la vidéo de présentation du CADRE21 : Qu'est-ce que le CADRE21 deCADRE21 surVimeo.
EJ1048612 - Supporting English and Spanish Literacy through a Family Literacy Program, School Community Journal, 2014 Family literacy studies have shown that the role of parental storybook reading has an impact on children's success in school-based literacy instruction. However, many children who are English language learners come from homes or cultures where storybook readings are not common practice. The purpose of this qualitative research study explored the effects of an eight-week bilingual family literacy program for Latino, English learning families. Academic Development Institute. 121 North Kickapoo Street, Lincoln, IL 62656.