Flexible, Mobile-First Layouts with CSS3 Some experts are projecting mobile devices to become the dominant medium for web browsing within five years, overtaking browsing on desktop computers. Regardless of how accurate this projection turns out to be, it is clear that formatting websites for mobile-friendly viewing needs to become a staple of web design and development. There are many ways to accomplish this, of course. However, CSS3 provides a fairly rich toolset for mobile-friendly formatting, relying on the client's browser capabilities instead of back-end templating. Step 1. Think Ahead There are a few issues that should be thought about before diving right into styling a layout. Mobile Web Browsing First, what should one keep in minds when designing for mobile browsers? Limit HTTP requests: data transfer over 3G can be quite taxing. "The overall point is to know ahead of time what your site is likely to look like in various browsers before seeing it." Browser Support (on Desktops) Secondly, keep browser support in mind.
Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development 3 Column Example - Seattle Plumbers Create a mobile website with the help of these tools In the United States alone, mobile devices account for 8.5 percent of all web traffic, and conservative estimates suggest that that number will double in a year. The time to create a mobile version of your website is now. The sites that don’t get up to speed now will simply fade away as less users access them. With that in mind, we present to you the 30 best tools for developing a full-featured mobile website. 1. Mobilizer is an awesome free desktop application for both Windows and Mac OS X that lets you view any website as if you were viewing it from a specific mobile device. 2. Mobitest is a free web-based service that can assess the performance of a website on a wide range of mobile devices and configurations. 3. MobiReady is an invaluable free tool for all do-it-yourself webmasters that verifies any site for mobile readiness. 4. bMobilized –$5/month and up bMobilized is a interesting tool that converts desktop websites into mobile websites in no time at all. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Le prix d'un site internet adaptatif | blog.webdesign inc Réponse : 42€ Demander combien coûte un site web adaptatif n’a simplement aucun sens. Brian Hoff (@behoff) explique pourquoi il n’existe pas de réponse claire à cette question. Quel est le coût d’un site internet ? Imagine asking a Real Estate company, “How much does a house cost?” Imaginez demander à une agence immobilière, « Combien coûte une maison ? C’est un fait : la conception web adaptative coûte plus cher … que de ne rien faire. J’ai vu un projet qui n’a pas pris le mobile en considération lors de sa création. La morale de cette histoire, c’est qu’il faut penser mobile dès aujourd’hui, tenir compte de pléthore d’appareils, et aussi reconnaître l‘imprévisibilité de l’avenir. Site internet adaptatif ou site mobile dédié ? Bien que ce sujet a déjà été débattu, il y a certaines considérations liées au budget lors création d’un projet Web mobile. Un budget pour un site adaptatif sera peut être plus important qu’un site mobile dédié. Découverte et éducation clients / équipes
Mobile First More often than not, the mobile experience for a Web application or site is designed and built after the PC version is complete. Here's three reasons why Web applications should be designed for mobile first instead. 1. Mobile is exploding Though the Web has been accessible on mobile devices for years, today's smart phones are driving huge use of networked applications and Web content. Heavy mobile data users are projected to triple to one billion by 2013. Building mobile first ensures companies have an experience available to this extremely fast growing user base widely considered to be the next big computing platform. 2. Mobile devices require software development teams to focus on only the most important data and actions in an application. So when a team designs mobile first, the end result is an experience focused on the key tasks users want to accomplish without the extraneous detours and general interface debris that litter today's desktop-accessed Web sites. 3.
Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps 40 Beautiful Websites For Your Inspiration HTML4, after ruling for more than a decade, is now being replaced by HTML5, which has much more advanced multimedia integration and animation capabilities. Being backward compatible, it runs on almost every browser out there including for mobile platforms, providing faster load times and smoother connection with third-party applications. Many developers are putting their bets on HTML5. We’ve previously covered 40 addictive web games powered by HTML5 as well as 48 HTML5 demos with Flash-killing potential, 19 early adopters and then another 15 experiments that also run on HTML5. In this article, I tried compiling a list of the most creative, attractive and beautiful websites that are coded in HTML5. 360° Langstrasse Pin it Adventure World Angry Birds Space Anna Safroncik Asics – StopAtNothing Beer Camp 2012 Black 5 Birrificio irpino Cheese Please Coming Soon Cryptrade CSS Piffle Pitch Deck Digital Hands Domani Studios DotFusion Dribbble Four Rooms G-Force GreenCampusGuide – ProjectGreen HTML5 Readiness Symbly
Journey Into Mobile willdayton This is my favorite course yet. The topic is increasingly relevant and soon to be essential knowledge for most front end developers. Responsive Webdesign : 30 exemples de sites web adaptables - inspiration-webdesign Le responsive webdesign continue son chemin sur la toile et commence à devenir de plus en plus présent au coeur des interfaces web. Le responsive webdesign Petit rappel sur la notion du web responsive : La notion de Responsive Web Design regroupe différents principes et technologies mais il indique globalement qu'un site est conçu pour s'adapter aux différentes tailles d'écran et aux différents terminaux permettant d'afficher le site (navigateur, tablette, mobile, télé connectée, ...) source : Aujourd'hui le responsive et les Medias Queries sont une réponse aux enjeux que le web connaît actuellement avec la progression des mobiles et des tablettes qui ont fait évoluer notre manière de concevoir un site web. Si vous êtes intéressé par le web design responsive, je vous conseille la lecture du très bon livre Responsive Webdesign par Ethan Marcotte qui permet une approche efficace et une mise en pratique du responsive. Shawn Johnston CSS-Tricks
World mobile data traffic to explode by factor of 26 by 2015 Anyone who thinks that the Internet revolution is in anything but its early phase had better take a look at Cisco's latest Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast (PDF). There are so many startling predictions and observations in the report that we'll just begin with these headlines: There will be 788 million mobile-only Internet users by 2015.Global mobile data traffic will increase by a factor of 26 by 2015.World mobile data grew by a factor of 2.6 in 2010 from 2009. Average smartphone usage doubled: 79 MB per month, up from 35 MB per month in 2009.Android operating system data use is rapidly catching up to the iPhone.In 2010 almost a third of smartphone traffic was offloaded onto fixed networks via dual-mode or Femtocells.Millions of people around the world have cell phones but no electricity, and by 2015 a majority in the Middle East and Southeast Asia will live "off-grid, on-net." Three times three (almost) Double your pleasure On top of that: Android rising The second is less obvious.