5 Insane Ways Words Can Control Your Mind On some level we already know that language shapes the way we think. We're automatically more afraid to fight a guy named Jack Savage than somebody named Peewee Nipplepuss, even if we've never seen either of them before. It's totally illogical, but you probably run into an example of that every day, and don't notice it. While we tend to think words are just sounds we make to express ideas, science is finding that language is more like a fun house mirror, warping what we see in mind-blowing ways. For instance ... Speaking English Makes Us More Likely to Blame People Let's say your roommate Steve is jumping on your bed. How will you answer? Keep in mind, Steve pulls this shit all the time. The answer largely depends on what language you speak. Stanford scientists did experiments on this, by having speakers of various languages watch videos featuring, in various situations, people breaking eggs or popping balloons, sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident. Will nothing stop his madness?
Freizeit Презентация All Gone Мы будем рады видеть всех друзей FOTT на презентации книги ALL GONE. С этим изданием знаком, пожалуй, каждый, кто следит за кроссовками... Focus The Wolf of Wall Street Style Несколько дней назад в российский кинопрокат вышла лента "Волк с Уолл-стрит" - комедия американского режиссера Мартина Скорсезе. Focus CASHCA x 6876 Третья совместная коллекция 6876 и Cash Ca сначала "появилась" в он-лайн магазине японского бренда, а затем и английского. Focus TOO HOT ‘Boys Day Out’ Делимся интересной новостью наших друзей из ProperMag, которые, в свою очередь, делятся новостью своих лондонских братьев из Too Hot, которые вновь представили убийственную селекцию винтажных хитов родом из поздних 80-х/ранних 90-х. Focus Things to do Если вдруг вы никак не можете придумать, чем занять себя в свободное время, у нас есть для вас кое-какие идеи. Focus
Main Page - LOLCat Bible Translation Project Entrepreneurs can change the world. Join the movement now. Change. We need it, right? But where do we start? With entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are changing the world, one small business at a time. At Grasshopper, we've made it our mission to empower entrepreneurs with a virtual phone system that helps you stay connected and sound more professional. Have more ideas or want to share a resource with us? Start a small business. Now is the time to launch your small business. Don't be afraid to ask for help from others, too. Grow your existing small business. Have you already taken your "single brilliant idea" and launched a business? Once everyone has seen it, gather all of your employees into one room and hold a completely informal but incredibly productive brainstorming session about how to make your business better. Do you need a better marketing effort? If you make these changes now, you'll be ahead of the game later. Help entrepreneurs reach their goals.
The Acceleration of Addictiveness July 2010 What hard liquor, cigarettes, heroin, and crack have in common is that they're all more concentrated forms of less addictive predecessors. Most if not all the things we describe as addictive are. And the scary thing is, the process that created them is accelerating. We wouldn't want to stop it. No one doubts this process is accelerating, which means increasing numbers of things we like will be transformed into things we like too much. [2] As far as I know there's no word for something we like too much. The world is more addictive than it was 40 years ago. The next 40 years will bring us some wonderful things. Most people won't, unfortunately. These two senses are already quite far apart. Societies eventually develop antibodies to addictive new things. As knowledge spread about the dangers of smoking, customs changed. It took a while though—on the order of 100 years. In fact, even that won't be enough. Most people I know have problems with Internet addiction. Notes
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Funny Pictures at WalMart Photos April 25th, 2014 Head Games I think this is the level of psychopath that falls between when he is a kid torturing animals and when he is the guy that has people buried in his basement. Texas Rating: 4.5/10 (33 votes cast) Rating: +2 (from 10 votes) No Comments » WWIB: Rippers I guess she…ripped ass? Florida Rating: 3.9/10 (23 votes cast) Rating: +6 (from 12 votes) No Comments » Letting Go And yet that day, much like Jack’s fateful one, ended with her grip finally giving way…and lots of deaths. New York Rating: 6.0/10 (42 votes cast) Rating: +6 (from 18 votes) No Comments » No Pants Dance Party Sure it might be no pants, no service at Walmart but it’s always no pants, yes party. Oklahoma Rating: 2.6/10 (30 votes cast) Rating: -1 (from 13 votes) No Comments »
Men Love Curvy Women I went on a date the other week with a pair of hot Swedish volleyball players with galactic hoots and bodies so taut that quarters bounce off bellies. These buxom hotties could easily have graced the pages of Brodawg Magazine, posing in the rain, wearing only leather belts. As they were putting on their heels to join me in the champagne jacuzzi, it occurred to me that these phantasmagorical sirens weren’t doing it for me. Then I woke up with both of my arms in my pant legs. Cursed margaritas, so tequila-y and delicious. Women with curves make my junk bark. I am not going to hate on our collective notions of beauty. More often than not, I want curves. You know what’s really of social value? Oh, and the beanpoles, with their delicate architecture. The majority of the women I’ve chased, loved, and slept with fall into one of those two categories.
The NASA Space Pen In this week's Friday funny, journalist and author Eugene Byrne looks at an amusing urban legend much beloved of engineers, and frequently used in management seminars because of its powerful moral about overcomplicated solutions. The story In the 1960s, the story goes, NASA realised that astronauts would need a special pen for recording data, instrument readings etc. when in space. NASA enlisted some of the finest minds in the country and set them to work. The truth Initially, American astronauts used pencils, too, but they weren't popular. It was actually an American pen manufacturer, Paul C Fisher (1913-2006) who came up with the solution in 1965. True, it did cost around a million dollars to develop, but that was all Fisher's money.
street fashion, мода, одежда, музыка, тусовки » Blog Archive » DITCH MAG: Mike Giant Этот седой высокий парень исколесил всю Америку и сходил с ума в Европе. Он рисовал граффити, катался на велосипедах и скейтборде. Сейчас же он управляет собственным брендом одежды и вообще живет в свое удовольствие. Его зовут – он и есть современный американский стрит-арт. Майк родился и вырос в Нью-Йорке. После своего очередного довольно продолжительного вояжа в Нью-Йорк, Майк серьезно увлекся панком и злым ортодоксальным хип-хопом. Перед тем как стать легендарным татуировщиком Майк вполне успешно занимался компьютерной анимацией и даже открыл в Сан-Франциско магазин винтажных порно-журналов. Затем в жизни нашего героя произошли очередные изменения – медитация: «Раньше я часто рисовал из-за избытка нервов. Пришли нулевые и Mike Giant придумал нечто совсем новое для себя. Сейчас «гигантскому» Майку 36 лет и он позволяет выставлять свои работы только в тех галереях, которые нравятся ему самому: «Я зарабатываю достаточно денег для вполне комфортной жизни.
Vrij Nederland - Jeff Jarvis over 'Wat zou Google doen? 'Ik doe met hoofdredacteuren en uitgevers vaak het volgende gedachte-experiment: stel je de dag voor – en die dag komt snel – dat je de drukpersen voorgoed uitzet. Wat ben je dan? Vrij Nederland is een merk, met een waarde. Wat is die waarde als je niet meer op papier verschijnt?' Jeff Jarvis neemt het verzoek serieus. Ik heb de 'überblogger', hoogleraar journalistiek, adviseur van onder andere The New York Times en The Guardian en schrijver van het boek Wat zou Google doen? Wat moet Vrij Nederland doen om aan de existentiële crisis van de printmedia te ontsnappen? Met het internet en Google is een geheel nieuwe wereld ontstaan. Wat zou Google doen? Ik spreek hem op het terras van café Westerliefde, op het Westergasfabriekterrein in Amsterdam, voorafgaand aan zijn key note speech op The Next Web Conference, een internationaal symposium over de toekomst van het internet. Lezingen van lezersJarvis: 'Jullie hebben hier in Europa nog wel even de tijd, maar niet veel. Maar dat is niet alles.
What You'll Wish You'd Known January 2005 (I wrote this talk for a high school. I never actually gave it, because the school authorities vetoed the plan to invite me.) When I said I was speaking at a high school, my friends were curious. I'll start by telling you something you don't have to know in high school: what you want to do with your life. If I were back in high school and someone asked about my plans, I'd say that my first priority was to learn what the options were. It might seem that nothing would be easier than deciding what you like, but it turns out to be hard, partly because it's hard to get an accurate picture of most jobs. But there are other jobs you can't learn about, because no one is doing them yet. And yet every May, speakers all over the country fire up the Standard Graduation Speech, the theme of which is: don't give up on your dreams. What they really mean is, don't get demoralized. Which is an uncomfortable thought. I'm not saying there's no such thing as genius. Upwind Ambition Corruption Now
A review of the field pants P1G-Tac ТОР Field pants P1G-Tac TOP (Tactical Operator’s pants) by Ukrainian manufacturer P1G-Tac is the first thing from this company that I have been able to use, and by the test results, rushing a bit ahead, I can say that for sure not the last, as I was very pleased with the performance and quality of materials. On the web site of PROF1 Group there is presented a fairly detailed video review from Constantine Lesnik, so I did not think to review these pants, but after having got them and testing in the field environment, I realized that they deserve another small review. The Pants P1G-Tac came in brand carrying case with the manufacturer’s logo, made of Profit-on material (65% cotton and 35% polyester), which is already known to us by mountain suit Mount Trac MK-2. Places of increased wear are strengthened with nylon inserts made of nylon material 500D Cordura. The waist section is wide, allows using a fairly large range of belts. External thigh pockets are very voluminous and functional.
BNNGIDS - VIDEO | ISNORT - COKE OP JE IPHONE De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep is wettelijk verplicht toestemming te vragen voor het gebruik van cookies. Als je deze eenmalig accepteert, dan zijn alle websites van de Publieke Omroep te bezoeken. Wij maken gebruik van functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. Momenteel werken we aan een nieuwe oplossing voor het geven van toestemming voor cookies. Je kunt nu al zelf cookies volledig uitzetten in je internet browser. Klik op accepteren als je al geïnformeerd bent over het gebruik van cookies.