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Christmas Origami Instructions: Fir Tree (Francesco Guarnieri)

Related:  crafting

Rainbow Roses So here is a great idea: create your own rainbow roses. It may not work out perfectly for the first time, but it is worth trying. You will need some food coloring, scissors, white roses and some patience. The first step is to decide how many roses you want to color as you will be making one at a time. The next step is to split the stem with the scissors, you will need to split it in as many colors as you want your rose to be. origami-addict DIY Unique Christmas Candle You can’t imagine a complete New Year’s Eve holiday without a decorative candle. You can choose from the many versions the downtown shops or malls offer, but they often lack the spirit and personality of a homemade one. So, make your afternoon a little bit more entertaining with this DIY candle. The end-result will be much more pleasing to your household and overall Christmas holiday decoration. And if you don’t feel like having it as your decoration, you can easily make it a gift to your friends or loved ones. First of all, you will need: • white candles, not flavored ones; • a wick; • a glass or cardboard form, depending on what type of candle you are going to do; • additional materials, such as coffee beans, shells, cinnamon rolls, dried flowers and leaves, different cereals, dried lemon or orange slices, dried lavender; Now proceed to the process of making candles. Fill in the middle of the melted wax, placing a wick in the middle, attached to a toothpick for better fixation.

Bialbero di Natale (multialbero) Nel progettare questo modello ho pensato ai bambini, quindi a qualcosa di semplice da piegare e nello stesso tempo versatile. Inizialmente, ho realizzato queste due composizioni, e per questo l’ho chiamato Bialbero di Natale. Poi mi sono reso conto che i moduli possono essere assemblati alternando dimensioni diverse e anche colori diversi, avrei dovuto chiamarlo Multialbero di Natale. Sono molto contento di questo modello, che unisce semplicità, armonia, e versatilità, è come un gioco che può essere smontato e rimontato in modo personale. Ciascuna composizione è ottenuta da 6 ottagoni di carta per fotocopie, ricavati da sei quadrati coi lati di 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 e 21 cm, dall'alto verso il basso. Eccellente presentazione e sequenza fotografica di Maria Sinayskaya: Diagrammi per piegare i moduli del Bialbero di Natale Da dicembre 2012 è disponibile un bel video di di Mariela Recinos: Bialbero di Natale, composizione con otto moduli

96 Great Homemade Gift in a Jar Recipes How to make homemade gift in a jar recipes which are easy and cheap gifts to make! These gifts in a jar include pictured tutorials on how to make pies, cookies, and cakes in a jar recipe as well as homemade mixes in a jar like soup, sugar scrubs and other mason jar gifts. To make these homemade gifts in a jar simply layer the ingredients per the recipe, add a ribbon and cute tag for a practical and stylish gift. These jar gifts are also perfect gift-giving ideas for any occasion throughout the year. Here are amazing homemade gifts in a jar complete with recipes and lots of pictures so you can make them at home for your friends and family. Gift in a Jar 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Spa In A Jar 13. 14. 17. 19. 20. 22. 26. 29. Pies In A Jar 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 37. 38. Cakes In A Jar Recipe 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Cookie Mix in a Jar 48. 49. 50. 52. 54. Jar Soup Recipes 57. 59. Homemade Mixes In A Jar 61. 63.

Christmas Origami Instructions <a href=" per click</a> Hope you enjoy our image gallery Christmas Origami Instructions Please like & share etc,Thanks. Origami Trees How To Fold Origami Christmas Origami Angel instructions Origami Christmas Tree Origami Snowflake Diagrams origami Instructions And Hope you enjoyed image gallery Christmas Origami Instructions Please like/share and browse more. Comments comments

How to Make 3D Paper Diamonds Well, this is really something that all crafty hands would like to do! 3D Paper Diamonds we have discovered on this creative, British website called “”. Kate, the designer of all those cool, paper stuff, provides a printable template for this geometric jewel shape. It can be used either as a garland, toy, or as a wonderful gift box for jewellery. Since I have got Minecraft fans at home, I am pretty sure, Simon and Dorian will take up this project soon. I assume, this particular paper craft will suit your taste, and you would want to start as soon as possible. For the full tutorial and template of 3D Paper Diamonds, click the link. Tools: ScissorsNeedleRuler Supplies / ingredients: A4 sheet of paperGlue-stickPrintable template

Simple Ear Cuff Tutorial What you've all be waiting for... an ear cuff tutorial! I've been making ear cuffs for over a year, but unfortunately haven't had the time to make some of the insanely complicated designs I've dreamed up. This, however, is a very simple ear cuff that takes only a few minutes to master! Ear cuffs (also known as ear clips, cartiliage cuffs, ear vines, and more) are fabulous for people who don't have pierced ears-- or pair them with other earrings for a "double piercing" look. All you need is pliers and some wire (the pictured wires are 20ga blue silver plated copper and 20ga enameled copper in various colors). Begin with 3 inches of wire. Fold at one inch. Fold again, creating a little zigzag. Twist the ends into swirls and pinch the swirls until they touch the center wire. You will need a mandel to form the ear cuff correctly. Push the ends down... The tips of the ends will still be straight. Tada! This brown ear cuff fits both ears. This ear cuff is for the left ear.

How To: Make Origami Stars Origami stars look tricky to make. There are several steps to follow in order to make a cute mini origami star. Maybe in the first attempt you will fail, but you will get better on the second. They can be made from every kind of paper. You can make them from magazines, book paper, music sheet etc. Step 1: Cut 1 cm strip off a A4 sheet of paper. Step 2: Tighten knot and press flat. Step 3: Fold short - end of paper down towards center of the star. Step 4: Fold long - end of paper up. Step 5: Flip paper around so long - end of paper is pointing down again. Step 6: Fold long - end of paper up and to the left. Step 7: Flip paper around again so long - end of paper is pointing down. Step 8: Repeat: fold the paper up keeping it aligned with the edge below. Step 9: Keep folding the long - end of the paper until it is too short to continue. Step 10: Hold the pentagon along the edges as if you were holding a coin. Once you've made the wishing star, you can make more.

Flapping Paper Butterfly I had a baby so I’ve invited some fave guests to take over for me while I spend time with the little guy. Today’s post is from super crafter and cute mom, Amelia of The Homebook. Growing up, I had an aunt who lived in Canada. Every year for my birthday she’d send me a card and a fancy little gift. She always found the neatest things! One year, when I was maybe 10 or 11, she sent me another card—and when I opened it up, a paper butterfly fluttered out of the card. I made my butterflies into Monarchs, but you could use different materials to create any sort of colorful butterfly. Materials: You’ll need heavy cardstock, 24 gauge wire, silicone rubber bands (I found mine in the hair aisle at Walgreens) needle-nose pliers, scissors, tape, a paintbrush, a black marker, and a white ink pen. Step 1: Measure and cut your wire. Step 2: Find the center of the longer wire. Step 5: Find the center of the shorter wire, and wrap it around the base of the paintbrush.

The Things She Makes: Papercraft Stars A few weeks ago, I posted a paper geometric heart tutorial and have fallen back in love with simple paper crafts. The next shape that seemed obvious for me to become obsessed with was stars. There are many a tutorial of this simple technique to transform a flat 2D star into a 3D embellishment, but here is my contribution. What I Used: Card Pencil / Ruler / Scissors Optional: template For this DIY, I created myself a simple 5-point star at the size I wanted and used this to trace around on my coloured card [but any star printed from google/Word/Pages/cut from a magazine will work just as well: Once you have traced around your template, cut your star and mark the center [note: this does not have to be exact at all. Using your scissors, score lines from this marked center to each point of the star [on a 5-point star this is 10 lines in total]: Now, for the folding - starting from the top point and working our way anti-clockwise. ...then to the line to the left, fold this away: see you next time x

Origami Butterfly by Akira Yoshizawa - tutorial Today is the 101st birthday of Akira Yoshizawa, the great origami master and the father of the modern origami. You have probably noticed that Google marked the occasion with a special origami doodle created by Robert Lang! Why not celebrate the event by making your own origami butterfly?! UPD. Tags: Akira Yoshizawa, Animals
