Related: GOOD FOR A LAUGH • QuadrinhosThe Saga of Bloodninja Bloodninja: I lick your earlobe, and undo your watch. Sarah19fca: mmmm, okay. Bloodninja: I take yo pants off, grunting like a troll. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Wikipedia Plot[edit] Characters[edit] The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[edit] Nemo[edit] Overview of the series[edit] Darths and Droids Many of you probably know DM of the Rings. If not, and you are familiar with Lord of the Rings or roleplaying games, you might enjoy it. If you are familiar with both, you will enjoy it. Basically, Shamus Young, the creator, has treated Lord of the Rings as the fantasy campaign of a long-suffering Dungeon Master saddled with all too typical players, and illustrated it in the form of a comic using screencaps from the movies.
The Edible Woman Audio Book This may have been the first book I read of Atwood's - probably 13-14 years ago - a recommendation from a writing mentor, please forgive how pretentious that sounds. (Lady Oracle may have been my first). Reading this book for the first time as a 22-23 year old, I was amazed by how much I was experiencing the same conundrums as our protagonist. She struggles with feminism and femininity, a woman's place in society and in the home.
Convention Crowd Really Hoping Bill Clinton Breaks Tension With Joke About How Terrible He Looks PHILADELPHIA—Waiting anxiously for the former president to address what was clearly on the minds of everyone in attendance, sources in the Democratic National Convention audience Tuesday night expressed hope that Bill Clinton would break the tension during his speech with a joke about how utterly awful he looks. “The longer he goes without casually jabbing at his gaunt, feeble body or how droopy every part of his face is, the more uncomfortable it becomes,” said Colorado Democrat Patrick Dubourg, adding that the 42nd president could have at least said something about his hair and makeup person doing an “admirable job, given the circumstances.”
Alan Moore Annotations Annotations for Alan Moore Comic Books Alan Moore gets his own section for one simple reason: his books are, by far, the most annotated. Below you will find links to annotations for no less than THIRTEEN series: 1963, Albion, Judgment Day, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (both the original, V2, and the Black Dossier), Marvelman/Miracleman, Promethea, Smax, Supreme, Swamp Thing, This is Information, Top Ten, V for Vendetta, and The Watchmen. In addition, annotations fans should check out the annotations included in the back of every issue of From Hell (they were also included in the graphic novel). Jess Nevins has put together an amazing run of annotations (see the DC Annotations section of the site for more of his work). Doug Atkinson compiled an excellent annotation for Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
throckmorton hello my name is throckmorton... lately a few folks have asked why this little blog is dubbed "throckmorton". as with most (if not all) things, there is a story. in college, my friends were liberal arts folks -- mostly english or fine arts or PLS (notre dame's great books program -- the PLS stood for "program of liberal studies" or "probably law school"). however, every rule has an exception, and my exceptions were my friends amy and adrienne (also my three-times-a-roommate) who were both math majors. amy and adrienne had to take a physics class as part of their required courses. the textbook that they used was full of story problems about the mysterious "your cousin throckmorton", as in: Your cousin Throckmorton is playing with the clothesline.
I Put On A Fat Suit To Understand What It’s Like As a thin, conventionally attractive woman, there’s no denying that society affords me privileges that aren’t extended to everyone. I’ve always been aware of this to some extent, but I’ve never truly grasped just how difficult life can be for people who don’t have the looks or body type our culture idealizes. That’s why I recently decided to spend a day in a fat suit in order to understand what it’s like to be your mom. You may think that this sounds like a gimmick, but please know that I embarked on this experiment only hoping for greater insight and empathy.
Best Free Antivirus Software Comodo Antivirus is my top pick for advanced users, or for Intermediate users who are okay with an antivirus software which will occasionally ask them for input. However, if you do not fall into those categories, or for any other reason find it to not be a good fit for you, then you will likely find my next pick suitable. Also, for those who prefer a complete solution, there is always Comodo Internet Security (CIS), which is also free and includes a firewall in addition to all other components which already come with Comodo Antivirus. Firstly, I will note that I am a volunteer moderator (not employee) on the Comodo forums.