I Met the Walrus
Grade 10: Resource Package | Being an Active Citizen
Grade 10 Teaching ResourcesDownload (29 MB) the new teaching resource package. Unit One - Community Engagement Lesson 1: Introduction to the C4 Initiative This lesson lays the foundation and explains the C4 Initiative, where students connect with their community. The lesson begins by watching an Oscar nominated short video where a young Canadian boy interviews John Lennon in his Toronto hotel room. Then the students are provided with an outline of the C4 Initiative and presented with a wonderful opportunity to interview, shadow or volunteer with an individual or group that positively impacts their local community. Lesson 2: Connecting with your Local Community This lesson will begin with students writing on their class Graffiti wall and forming partnerships. Lesson 3: Elements of a Great Presentation Students will be asked to recall and discuss their most memorable presentations. Unit Two - Government Unit Three - Law
40 Useful and Creative Infographics
Six Revisions Menu Main Categories CSS HTML JavaScript Web Design WordPress Web Development Design Inspiration UX Design UI Design Freebies Tutorials Tools Links About Contact Advertise RSS Twitter Facebook 40 Useful and Creative Infographics By Jacob Gube Information graphics (or infographics) are graphical depictions of data and information. In this collection, you’ll find forty beautiful and educational infographics, displaying the uncommon spectacle of "art meets science". 1. The proportion of ingredients for popular coffee drinks and their pronunciation keys. 2. This infographic showcases the history of the Swine Flu, starting from 1976. 3. 4. 5. The top breweries and beers in the U.S. 6. 7. 389 Years Ago A rundown of the historic events in African-American culture. 8. 9. 10. 11. An illustrated guide at how the Global Warming phenomenon works. 13. A packed visual piece on tobacco chemicals and tobacco trade worldwide. 14. 15. 16. A graphical representation of consumer spending across the globe. 17.
Data Visualization: Modern Approaches | Graphics