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An Educators Guide To Twitter

An Educators Guide To Twitter

Twitter, pour construire son réseau (4/5) Twitter est un outil relationnel au fonctionnement unique qui crée une nouvelle proximité entre ses usagers. Celle-ci se situe a mi-chemin entre le chat et l’e-mail. Mais il y a quelques subtilités rituelles… Sur Twitter tout le monde lit mais la plupart du temps, personne ne se répond. Dans un premier temps, c’est assez intimidant de s’exprimer face à cette foule silencieuse et invisible. Mais pourtant l’un des principaux intérêts de Twitter est sa capacité à tisser des liens réels entre les personnes. sondages, interactions, animations 1- Entrez dans la conversation Plus vous vous intéresserez aux autres, plus ils s’intéresseront à vous. - Posez des questions, interpellez, publiez des sondages - Répondez aux gens, donnez votre avis (quand il est argumenté) - Relayez les articles des autres et pas que les vôtres (et de façon significative, pas anecdotique) - Rendez service ! Il règne sur Twitter un esprit individualiste, à la différence de l’entraide qui est courante dans les forums.

The Top 100 Twitter Tools of 2012 (Categorized) This post is #9 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 115. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Twitter is my social network of choice (see our recent article: Inside Twitter). Personally, I’m not a big Facebook user (but I do appreciate the traffic it sends to DailyTekk). To be sure, there are far more than 100 third party Twitter tools available but many tools of them are either shady or shoddy and did not make this list. There’s more to this article!

50 Surprising Facts About Social Media It’s not hard to find some general facts and figures about the 5 most popular social media networks. A quick Google search yields a plethora of information thanks to Wikipedia and other related sites. Heck, there’s even a movie coming out about the origin of Facebook. But what about the less well-known facts about the social networks we know and love (and hate)? What’s your favorite fact? Facebook 1. Statistics from Facebook press office. Twitter 11. Statistics from Twitter and the Chirp Conference . LinkedIn 21. Statistics from LinkedIn press centre and SysComm International . YouTube 31. Statistics from YouTube press centre. Blogging 41. 77% of Internet users read blogs. 42. Statistics from Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2009 .

Visible Thinking is a project out of Harvard University. The essence of this project is a series of routines or perhaps “mantras” for thinking. They are simple and to the point. Purpose and Goals Here is their introduction and Purpose from the visible thinking website: “Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters. Structure The routines are structured well and only take a single page for each. If you go to the Visible thinking web site you can download these in zipped packages of PDF files. Core Routines Creativity Routines OPTIONS EXPLOSION - A routine for creative decision makingOPTIONS DIAMOND - Exploring the tensions of decision making routineDOES IT FIT? Fairness routines Truth Routines TRUE FOR WHO? Understanding Routines

Bscopes: Mining, Mapping and Visualizing the Blogosphere Experiencias didácTICas con Twitter Twitter es la red social que más impacto está teniendo mundialmente. Con formato microblogging permite a sus usuarios enviar y recibir mensajes de texto de hasta 140 caracteres, llamados “tweets” (trinos). En este artículo recogemos un conjunto de experiencias didácticas con Twitter llevadas a cabo por docentes de diferentes áreas y niveles. Muchos docentes se preguntan ¿Twitter para qué? Conocer experiencias exitosas llevadas a cabo con esta herramienta nos permitirá responder esa pregunta y será fuente de inspiración para idear las nuestras. Relatando en Twitter la II Guera Mundial como si ocurriera ahora mismo. La Celestweetna, Twitter en el programa escolar del Museo del Libro. El filoparloteo. 28 ideas para usar Twitter con fines educativos, nos ilustran desde el blog de Universia Esteban Romero nos cuenta cómo preparar un examen en clase usando Twitter en la asignatura que imparte a los alumnos de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Granada.

Why every student should be on Twitter A lot of students turn their nose up at Twitter still, and it baffles me. As a user I am naturally more inclined to be positive about the service. Not necessarily. Twitter is an odd 'social network'; if indeed it can be called as such. And the Generation Y do nothing better than communicating. But so many of my student colleagues avoid Twitter because it's either "another thing to do", or "I don't see what I can get out of it". What many forget is that Twitter does not revolve around celebrities and those with a million followers or more. If you tweet me, I will reply. For students looking for employment, there are a vast number of Twitter accounts to follow with not only advice, but job offers, and connections to those who are in the industry to sell yourselves to. The search feature alone allows you to plug in content like "graduate job" already returns a stream of users looking for jobs themselves, accounts offering advice, links to jobs specifically dedicated to graduate students.

Getting Smart | Innovations in Learning, Edreform, Education Reform, Edtech, Educational Technology, Education Policy, EdPolicy, Blended Learning, Online Learning, Elearning With over 300 posting, I think I‘m getting closer to figuring out what this blog is about. Here’s a summary of the logic chain (or as my friends at Bridgespan would say, my theory of change): 46 outils pour surveiller (légalement) la concurrence. | Wow Eff De nombreux outils sont actuellement disponibles en ligne pour gérer votre « e-reputation », suivre l’impact d’une campagne de marketing mais, également, pour « espionner » la présence en ligne de vos principaux concurrents. Quoi de mieux que ces longues soirées d’hiver pour rentrer dans la peau du parfait petit Sherlock Holmes du web et explorer le potentiel de certains de ces outils… Bien entendu, les outils d’analyses et de monitoring sont nombreux. Vous vous demandez si votre site a plus de succès que celui de votre principal concurrent ? Une fois cette première évaluation réalisée, Websitegrader va analyser l’efficacité d’un site web au travers de divers paramètres (trafic, SEO, réputation,…) et vous soumettre un rapport. Dans l’analyse de contenu, Copyscape est un outil assez intéressant qui vérifie si d’autres sites utilisent du texte identique au vôtre. Egalement à découvrir et à tester: Web Page Readability, Google Adplanner, ReverseIP, Quant Cast, Webslug, DNSstuff et Popuri.

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site. Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren’t available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we’re proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today. The Ultimate Social Media Guide: 31 Tips for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ And More More than 30 performance-enhancing tips to energize your online sharing! Sure, you use Facebook, but do you own Facebook? Can you make it do anything you want it to do? Enough is enough. Social media? So you think you're a Facebook master, eh? Similar to when a Sith picks his or her new name upon turning super-evil, you too can select a clever alternate name for people to search within Facebook. For years, Facebook offered you no way to create an archive of everything that you’ve posted—or have been tagged in. Just click the green button to assemble your own personal embarrassment of embarrassing riches. We don’t have to tell you about the wonderfully life-shattering things that can happen when someone is using Firesheep to pilfer your Facebook login credentials over an open wireless network. By default, Facebook doesn’t give you a method for downloading all your friends’ email addresses at once. Facebook APIs allow polite sharing of information among friends. Mice are for sissies!

Presentation: The need for engagement in education (redux) Below is a ustream version of a short talk I did in the spring at TEDxOsaka. This repeats a lot of the stuff I (and many others) am always hammering on regarding school and the lecture approach to teaching. What's the use of lectures? I mention Dr. Related links• Lecture Fail (Chronicle of Higher Education)• Article: 60% find lectures boring (only 60%?) Digg this • Add to

Twitter Search Twitter Voice App gratuita che permette di effettuare chiamate in viva voce attraverso il riconoscimento vocale di Google. Questa app permette di richiamare i contatti direttamente dalla rubrica, nel caso ci siano più numeri nella stessa scheda chiederà qual'è il numero desiderato, aspettando una conferma prima effettuare la chiamata. Per chiamare premere il pulsante "microfono" e alla richiesta dire il nome del contatto senza "chiama" o altro, a questo punto l'app provvederà a ricercare nella rubrica il nome del contatto, se esiste un solo numero nella scheda verrà chiamato immediatamente, altrimenti chiederà, in ordine di salvataggio dei numeri, a quale numero effettuare la chiamata, a questa domanda rispondere "si" per chiamare e "no" per passare al numero successivo. Si può entrare nei Settings per modificare la proprietà di attivazione viva voce in chiamata (per dispositivi con tasto menù fisico premere quello, altrimenti ci sarà in alto a destra l'icona per entrare).
