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Debunking Handbook

Debunking Handbook

Quackcast A podcast review of Quacks, Frauds and Charlatans. Oops. Thats not right. That should be Supplements, Complementary and Alternative Medicine i.e. SCAM. Winner of the The People's Choice Podcast Awards 2009, 2010, 2011 Best Podcast, Health and Finess. Well deserved, if I do say so myself. “Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible propositions. -- Thomas Jefferson (on a different topic) Warning: This is not a balanced review. “I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, nor to scorn human actions, but to understand them.” --Baruch Spinoza This does not apply to me. BTW: someone noted my name was no where on the site.

How to Identify and Learn from Your Mistakes Until mankind realizes that by "Design" is made to "Fail" he will always have a problem realizing his or her mistakes. We are not all created equal?,some of us are Tall, short, fat, thin, smart and dumb! That is a fact of life you can't ignore! ATN-reading-lists - home Merseyside Skeptics Society Skeptics with a K Skeptics with a K is the official podcast of the Merseyside Skeptics Society. Each episode features Mike, Marsh and Alice chatting about stuff that interests them, often with a skeptical angle. Subscribe via RSS |Subscribe via iTunes InKredulous InKredulous is the skeptical, satirical, comedy panel show from the Merseyside Skeptics Society. Produced and presented by Andy Wilson. Subscribe via RSS |Subscribe via iTunes Be Reasonable Be Reasonable is the monthly interview show which talks to people who believe ideas contrary to the mainstream scientific and skeptical worldview. Presented by Hayley Stevens and Michael Marshall.

The Four Paradoxes of Great Performance We each long for certainty – the security of simple answers. What, for example, are the specific qualities that make us more likely to be successful? Companies spend millions of dollars trying to define the key competencies for specific jobs. Researchers seek to pinpoint the qualities that distinguish top performers from everyone else. The more time I spend working with leaders at other companies, and leading a company of my own, the more convinced I’ve become that the paradoxical key to great performance – and leadership – is the capacity to embrace opposites.Stoic philosophers referred to this as the mutual entailment of the virtues. No virtue, they argued, is a virtue by itself. Honesty in the absence of compassion becomes cruelty. As Gregory Bateson put it: “There is always an optimal value beyond which anything is toxic, no matter what: oxygen, sleep, psychotherapy, philosophy.” Instead, operate best when we embrace our opposites in each of the four key dimensions of our lives: 1.

The Teacher's Corner - Free Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans Skeptically Speaking Tony Schwartz: The Myths of the Overworked Creative :: Videos :: The 99 Percent Time is finite, but we act as if it were otherwise, assuming that longer hours always lead to increased productivity. But in reality our bodies are designed to pulse and pause – to expend energy and then renew it. In this revelatory talk, energy expert Tony Schwartz debunks common productivity myths and shows us how to regain control over our energy so we can produce great work. Tony Schwartz is founder and CEO of The Energy Project, a company that helps individuals and organizations fuel energy, engagement, focus, and productivity by drawing on the science of high performance. Tony has written four bestselling books, including The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, published in 2010, and The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy Not Time, co-authored with Jim Loehr.Tony has also published widely about leadership, engagement, and culture change.
