Dataviz : les outils gratuits indispensables
mar132012 La visualisation des données (dataviz) est devenu la nouvelle marotte des rédactions connectées. m0le'o'blog vous propose une petite sélection des meilleurs outils gratuits. Révolu, le temps où les connaisseurs d'Excel étaient les seuls à pouvoir transformer des tableurs complexes en graphiques lisibles par tous ? Beaucoup de développeurs en font le pari en lançant leurs propres applications. m0le'o'blog en sélectionne quelques-unes pour vous. Cliquez sur le titre pour arriver sur la page d'accueil des applications. Image : capture d'écran sur La société Tableau Software fait le pari d'un logiciel tourné sur la visualisation des données. Avantages le large éventail de visualisations disponibles, notamment gréographiquesla possibilité de travailler offline une fois le logiciel installél'exportation sur Internet optimisée Inconvénients l'ensemble fait vraiment usine à gaz et il faudra forcément vous plonger dans les tutoriels pour vous y retrouver
Milano: ecco la mappa del crimine 2010 – 2 « Milano – Il giro della Nera
Seconda parte dei risultati della mappatura 2010 di Milano – Il giro della nera. Ecco la legenda: La legenda della mappa 2010 di Milano - Il giro della nera Questi gli eventi criminali di cui agenzie stampa e quotidiani hanno parlato durante il 2010, nella zona sud della città ( Darsena, viale Toscana, primo tratto di corso Lodi, viale Liguria, via Meda, Morivione, Vigentino, viale Ortles, Stadera, Chiesa Rossa) Semiperiferia sudovest (Bande nere, piazza Tripoli, tratto sud via Washington, via Inganni, Tirana, Lorenteggio, Giambellino, Savona-Tortona, Negrelli, Barona, Famagosta, Romolo) Questa è la mappa della cronaca nera per la semiperiferia ovest di Milano (Ippodromo, Monte Stella – QT8 – piazza Firenze, San Siro, Lotto, Fiera, Bullona, via Novara, Selinunte, De Angeli, Corso Vercelli) : Concludo questa seconda tranche di mappe con quella della semiperiferia nord-ovest (Garegnano, Espinasse, Villapizzone, Lampugnano, Portello, Mac-Mahon): Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...
[datajournalisme] 7 idées de projets pour la presse locale
Je suis toujours frappé du potentiel inexploité du datajournalisme par la presse locale en France. Mises à part quelques rares expériences (au Dauphiné Libéré par exemple ou à Marsactu pour les pure players locaux), l’utilisation et la mise en scène des données sont quasi absentes des sites d’informations régionaux. On en reste malheureusement encore au stade de la Google Map comme sommet d’innovation data-journalistique ! Justice, fiscalité, fait divers, sport, économie, culture, citoyenneté… A l’échelle d’une région, d’un département, d’une ville, d’un quartier, d’un village, ce ne sont pourtant pas les statistiques et les sources pertinentes qui manquent. L’argent, mon bon monsieur ? L’argent est à mon avis un (presque) faux problème. Mais quand même : il y aurait des choses à faire. Prenons par exemple le Los Angeles Times, le grand régional de la côte Ouest des États-Unis (800 000 exemplaires, l’équivalent d’un Ouest-France). CARTE 1. CARTE 2. Le mode d’emploi.
Google Maps API v3 Geocoder Tool
Google Maps API v3 Geocoder Tool Enter a query to forward geocode, or click on the map to reverse geocode. Query: Bias this viewport: Country bias: Geocoder response: () Matches returned: Terms of Use Map Satellite 500 km Bounds Viewport BESbewy
Visualizations - Jim Vallandingham
Sentence Drawings Stefanie Posavec is known for her manually curated and hand drawn visualizations that illuminate variations of structure and form in great works of literature. In this remix, automation is used in place of thoughtful analysis to recreate a selection of her First Chapters, in which a layout technique she calls "sentence drawings" is used to display the first chapters of classic books. Implemented in D3. Automatic Sentence Drawings Track Tag Love An experiment that allows users to explore their most-listened to songs, and the tags associated with these songs. User names are faked - but the rest of the data is real. Visualization includes a force-directed layout with tag nodes suspended in a circular orientation. Song nodes are drawn towards the tags they are associated with. Track Tag Love Dallas Neighborhood Comparison Tool This piece provides both scatter plot and interactive map, allowing the user to zoom in on one of over 500 neighborhoods in the metro area. Feltronifier
Import data - Fusion Tables Help
Fusion Tables supports import of several file types. You may need to prepare your data before importing it. Import a file To import data from a file on your computer: Go to Google Drive and sign in with your Google Account (or create one!) Click the New button and select More > Google Fusion Tables. Your newly uploaded data now appears in a new Fusion Table! Available import options Separator character. Character encoding. Column names. Table metadata. Attribution: the citation for or owner of the data URL: where to find the data or the data owner online. Download.
TDP x-Ray Lite: View And Manage Hard Disk Contents Through A Pie-Chart
It is important to know about the files and folders are consuming your hard disk space. If you have a big hard drive, you might not care about duplicate files stored in your computer, but if you have limited disk space, storage memory management can have a lot of importance for you. TDP x-Ray Lite is a disk space management tool that displays the memory information in a colorful pie-chart, both in window and full-screen modes. The pie chart is divided into pieces of different sizes and colors, according to type of files and the space consumed by them. The interface has a list of all the connected disk drives at the left side, a pie-chart of files and folders in the middle and options, namely Up (to move up a folder while navigating), Browse (to open the current folder in Explorer), Refresh, Fullscreen Mode and Empty Recycle Bin, at the right side. Hover the mouse cursor over a piece to view some basic details about the folder, including its name, size and number of files. Advertisement
Immersion: a people-centric view of your email life
Italian Prisoner Deaths on Google Maps