5 Remove Background from Photos Android Apps Free
User Ratings: [Total: 0 Average: 0/5] This article covers 5 Android apps to remove background from photos. These apps let you make you old photos look new with a little work. You can erase background from photos and use new backgrounds to make your photos look attractive.
Rollip : 40 effets pour vos photos
Nul besoin de disposer de hautes compétences en graphisme ou de machines ultra-puissantes pour appliquer à vos photos des effets sympathiques. Il suffit de chercher un peu sur Internet pour dénicher assez rapidement un service en ligne qui fera tout le travail à votre place. Rollip fait partie de ces petits sites utiles. Rollip est donc un service gratuit qui permet à n’importe quel internaute d’appliquer très rapidement un effet graphique.
70 Hand Drawing Style Resources, Brushes, Textures,Icons And Tutorials
As promised I finally finish my hand drawing related article series with this one. I categorized all resources so You can more easier navigate through. Here You can find the best resources You need to create hand-drawing style designs, artworks or websites.
Create a Glowing Surreal Planet Design
This time I'll show you how to create a glowing planet design. You'll learn how to create a planet from a panoramic picture, use the Lens Correction Filter, create complex background patterns, and more. Final Image Preview Before we get started, let's take a look at the image we'll be creating.
Bulk Resize Images on Android with These 4 Free Apps
User Ratings: [Total: 0 Average: 0/5] Here are 4 free apps to bulk resize images on Android. You can resize all or selected photos stored on different folders or locations in your Android phone.
Create paintings from photos
Did you ever wanted to be a great artist? But unfortunately you are really bad at it? Well that's ok because now with Psykopaint you can be a great artist with no skills. But how does it work? Open a photo you like and paint it using a variety of tools like brush, spraycan, ribbon, knife, Psykopaint will choose the colors automatically for you So you don't need to worry about it and focus on a style you like. Impressionist, cubist, abtract or classic, or something totally unique.
Télécharger des icones et images gratuites pour webmasters
Icones gratuites Xiao de boutons web 72 icones avec fléche en haut bas droite et gauche, bouton de validation, plus, moin, étoile de notation, étoile macaron, bulle, feuille, fenêtre de page web, calendrier, étiquette de post, perso utilisateur, dossier onglet, coeur, disquette, enveloppe, info, interrogation, graphique stats, porte documents, feed rss, home maison, puzzle, utilitaire... Format: PNG Tailles: 16x16 pixels Provenance: DeviantartLicence: Creative Commons
Aqua-Style mit Illustrator
Bartelme:Design zeigt Ihnen in dem folgenden Tutorial, wie Sie mit Adobe Illustrator in ein paar einfachen Schritten ein Aqua-Symbol erstellen. Apple mit Aqua-Style Seitdem Apple sein neues Betriebssystem „MacOS X“ im Aqua-Style herausgebracht hat, ist dieser in aller Munde. Viele sind von dem neuen Style fasziniert und versuchen diesen nachzubauen. Bartelme Design zeigt Ihnen in dem folgenden Tutorial, wie Sie mit Adobe Illustrator in ein paar einfachen Schritten ein Aqua-Symbol erstellen. Im Prinzip bestet der Aqua-Style nur aus ein paar Verläufen, die in der richtigen Art und Weise kombiniert werden.