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Rapid eLearning
December 21, 2015 176 Free Video Tutorials to help you learn Adobe Photoshop CC inShare8 In this Adobe Photoshop CC training course, you will learn how to use the worlds most popular graphics and photo editing software. This training is designed for the absolute beginner, and you will learn Adobe Photoshop CC from the ground up, with no prior experience required. This training course breaks down the features and tools of Adobe Photoshop CC into easily understood parts, increasing your ability to understand and retain the information. With 176 Tutorial Videos and almost 13 hours of instruction in this Adobe Photoshop CC tutorial, you will learn more than can be possibly listed here! Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. These tutorials have lifetime access and you can learn them at your own pace. Certificate of Completion now available. November 18, 2015 Getting Started with Adobe Captivate Prime – Uploading your Learners inShare3 inShare1 Related:  e-learning

Devenir concepteur pédagogique e-learning - cycle certifiant Objectifs de la formation Etre capable de mettre en oeuvre et de gérer un dispositif digital learning. Savoir piloter le projet et formaliser les cahiers des charge. Choisir les outils de développement permettant de mettre en oeuvre l'approche pédagogique souhaitée. Module 1 : Mettre en oeuvre un dispositif FOAD Les grands principes de la formation à distance Les principaux courants et modalités pédagogiques Les caractéristiques de la formation à distance et du e-learning Les avantages et limites de la formation à distance et du e-learning Le rôle de l'humain : la fonction tutorale Différencier rapid-learning, e-learning, blended-learning social-learning, micro-learning, mobile-learning L’influence des nouvelles formes narratives : les cas de la BD interactive, du webdoc et du transmédia Les spécificités de la gestion de projet de formation à distance Les livrables courants (note de cadrage, cahier des charges, plannings ...) La BD interactive Le webdoc Le transmédia

135 Completely Free Distance Education Courses Whether you’re studying online or at a traditional college, there’s no question that school is expensive. But not everything has to cost an arm and a leg. There are plenty of free distance education resources out there for cash-strapped students—if you know where to look. Here are 135 free ways to enhance your education online. Free Classes Many of these schools and sites offer a large number of free courses and courseware. Access to scholarly journals: Google Scholar: Search scholarly articles with Google.Resource Shelf: See the results of searches performed by professional researchers, scholars, professors, and reference librarians.Directory of Open Access Journals: Online access to scholarly and scientific journals—all free.Rutgers Library Online: Rutgers library archives on African American history, literature, and Privately-run website where academic researchers can store online academic papers—a user-contributed web library.Questia: Online library. U.S.

Infosemantics Pty Ltd | Adobe Captivate Widgets | Advanced e-Learning Tutorials | SCORM LMS Compatibility 8 Powerful iPad Apps That Support Inquiry-based Learning December 8, 2015 Inquiry-based learning is a constructive, dialogic and student-centred learning strategy that uses questions as a locomotive for learning. And as we have argued elsewhere, inquiry-based learning is radically different from traditional modes of learning where much of the focus is placed on things such as drills, memorization and rote learning. In inquiry-based learning, students are driven by a sense of curiosity in an investigative process that involves posing questions and exploring different learning paths. In today’s post, we are sharing with you some excellent iPad apps that support the ethos of inquiry based learning. For web tools that support inquiry-based learning check out this page. 1- Explain Everything Explain Everything is an excellent interactive screen casting whiteboard that students can use to create video tutorials and explanatory guides to share with others. 2- Penultimate 3- Ideament (Formerly Idea Sketch) 4- Haiku Deck 5- Tellagami 6- Aurasma

10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should) This week, the OCW Consortium is holding its annual meeting, celebrating 10 years of OpenCourseWare. The movement to make university-level content freely and openly available online began a decade ago, when the faculty at MIT agreed to put the materials from all 2,000 of the university’s courses on the Web. With that gesture, MIT OpenCourseWare helped launch an important educational movement, one that MIT President Susan Hockfield described in her opening remarks at yesterday’s meeting as both the child of technology and of a far more ancient academic tradition: “the tradition of the global intellectual commons.” We have looked here before at how OCW has shaped education in the last ten years, but in many ways much of the content that has been posted online remains very much “Web 1.0.” But as open educational resources and OCW increase in popularity and usage, there are a number of new resources out there that do offer just that.

Des capsules avec une animation de "main qui dessine" - Padagogie Ce sont des logiciels accessibles via Internet, et donc en soi facile d’accès. Il n’y a rien à installer, mais uniquement à gérer une inscription avec un identifiant et un mot de passe pour retrouver vos créations. En gros ces programmes permettent de répondre aux mêmes attentes, mais on verra qu’ils présentent des particularités et qu’il faudra choisir en fonction de vos attentes. Ils permettent une mise en mouvement de textes et d’images fixes avec des effets d’animation : écriture, effet dessiné ou dépôt par une main. Avec ces outils, l’utilisateur dispose de bibliothèques de modèles, d’images, de décors et de musiques variées. Il est parfois possible d’enrichir les bibliothèques avec des médias personnels, mais à part dans Explee, les possibilités d’animer ces médias seront limitées. Ce qui est super avec ces logiciels, c’est surtout la main qui dessine et qui écrit. Si on prend par animation, l’effet « main qui dessine » est un petit peu différent selon les programmes :

45 Free Online Computer Science Courses Missed lectures or hate teachers? Or want to study computer science courses without going to university? … You can study anytime anywhere because there are number of free online computer science courses available on internet that are very interactive. Here is the list of 45 free online computer science courses that are designed by teaching experts from best universities of the world (almost the whole graduation!). 1. Programming Methodology CS106A , Stanford University Course. Complete set of course materials. 2. This course is the natural successor to Programming Methodology and covers such advanced programming topics as recursion, algorithmic analysis, and data abstraction using the C++ programming language, which is similar to both C and Java. 3. Advanced memory management features of C and C++; the differences between imperative and object-oriented paradigms. 4. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. 5. 6.

How to Determine the Real Cost of e-Learning Programs "Costing e-Learning is much like peeling an onion... there are many layers, they don’t ever seem to end, and sometimes it really smells. ... if you understand the variables involved in determining costs you can take the magic right out of the process. Don’t be misled that it’s easy though; there are a lot of variables to consider!" “How much is it going to cost?” asked the project manager. “Well, it isn’t that simple!” was my pained response. But it’s just not that simple! Costing e-Learning is much like peeling an onion... there are many layers, they don’t ever seem to end, and sometimes it really smells. So how do you determine the cost of an e-Learning Program? A Blended Cost approach is to take all hourly rates and average them into one rate and then multiply the total expected hours by this number. TABLE 1: Blended Cost TABLE 2: Actual Cost An Actual Cost approach takes into account the hours each role is expected to use. individual. Got a headache yet? The Project Team Content Summary

20 Places to Find Free Books Online | Northern Cheapskate The following is a guest post by Bailey Harris. There are many different sites offer free books online. Within minutes, you could find enough reading material in the form of e-books and audio books to keep you and your family entertained for months, if not years. The following sites provide free books that can be enjoyed online, downloaded to your computer, or transferred to an e-reader or MP3 player. E-books Google Books – Google Books is a great place to find free classic books in the public domain. Read Print – Read Print makes thousands of novels, poems, and stories freely available online. Online Books Page – This University of Pennsylvania website lists over 800,000 books that can be read for free online. Project Gutenberg – Project Gutenberg was the first site to provide free e-books online and is still among the most popular. Bibliomania – Bibliomania offers more than 2,000 free classic books, plays, poems, and short stories. Audio Books Children’s Books

Are You Ready for Responsive E-Learning Design? | Content Development December.10.2015 By: Ruby Spencer In 2014, 20 percent of the world’s population owned a tablet device, with a growth rate of 30 percent from 2013. Desktop computers and laptops are predicted to lose popularity from 2016 onward as tablet sales soar, according to a forecast for global shipments of tablets, laptops and desktop PCs from 2010 to 2019. Until recently, companies needed to have a different website version for every device, which became increasingly complex, not to mention expensive, as more devices and technologies popped up, such as Android, iPhones and Kindles, to name a few. This was until the birth of responsive design, which uses HTML5 coding language to allow a single build to display and function on multiple devices, including desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. With screen real estate increasing, it seems that mobile devices might be ready to provide a sound e-learning experience. 1. 2. 3. Check the capabilities of your current authoring tool. 4.

Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online #1 UC Berkeley Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing. Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name. Even though the notes, homework and tests are not directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it's not a problem to find them. Visit:Berkeley WebcastsVisit:Berkeley RSS FeedsVisit:UC Berkeley on Google Video Getting The Most From Berkeley Webcasts Berkeley Videos are in .rm format and real player can be a pain. Download:Real Alternative PluginDownload:Media Player Classic For Windows XP/2000Download:Media Player Classic For Windows 98/ME #2 MIT Open Courseware The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked 7th nationally in the United States. Getting the Most Out of MIT OCW Download:Foxit Reader #6 Openlearn

Produire un module e-learning, étape par étape Si vous démarrez dans le e-learning, vous cherchez sans doute un processus simple pour produire des modules. La réalité est que chacun suit sa propre méthode et qu’en fonction des paramètres du projet (son ampleur, le budget qui lui est alloué, le temps que vous avez à y consacrer et le nombre d’acteurs impliqués, par exemple) le processus peut varier. Je vous propose ci-après un processus qui fonctionne bien pour moi, et qui peut être facilement adapté à vos besoins. Étape 1 : discussion avec le client Quand vous démarrez un projet e-learning, la première chose à faire est d’identifier pourquoi le client (que ce soit un client interne ou externe) souhaite développer le ou les modules. Discutez avec votre client pour fixer les paramètres du projet, c’est-à-dire : À ce stade, vous pouvez également demander à votre client de vous donner accès à tout le contenu existant sur le sujet du module pour que vous ayez un point de départ. Étape 2 : recueil et organisation du contenu

25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites Just because you’re online doesn’t mean that you can’t experience the world first-hand — or as close to first-hand as possible. Here are websites that feature virtual learning experiences, exposing online visitors to everything from history to geography, astronomy to anatomy, literature to government. 7 Wonders Panoramas – 360-degree views of the Seven Wonders of the World. Arounder Virtual Tour of the Moon – 360-degree panoramic views of the moon, courtesy of the Apollo 11, 12 and 17 missions. Frissiras Museum – A virtual art gallery from Athens, Greece that allows you to explore paintings by clicking through their entire collection. Google Earth – Explore the geography of both land and sea (free download). Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Vital Signs: Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases – A virtual gallery teaching about heart disease. Louvre Virtual Tour – Virtual tour of the world-famous Louvre museum in Paris. Mount St. Supreme Court Tour – A 360-degree exploration of the U.S.

Comment prendre des photos d’arrière-plan pour vos modules e-learning ? Les gens nous demandent souvent comment améliorer le design de leurs diapositives. Bien sûr, il n’y a pas une seule bonne réponse à cette question, mais l’un des moyens les plus simples consiste à créer un bon arrière-plan. Créez un bon arrière-plan Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être photographe professionnel pour prendre des photos de qualité suffisante à utiliser comme arrière-plan. La plupart des smartphones aujourd’hui ont un appareil photo intégré qui prend des photos de bonne qualité. Le secret est dans la post-production, lorsque vous pouvez ajouter des filtres et des effets. À gauche : image originale ; À droite : image rognée avec un filtre de floutage De « bof » à « ooh la la ! Pour illustrer à quel point cette transformation est simple, prenons comme exemple cette photo prise avec un iPhone. La première étape dans la transformation consiste à rogner et à redresser l’image. Ensuite, appliquez un filtre. On constate une nette amélioration par rapport à la photo originale, non ?
