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Center for Digital Education

Center for Digital Education

Office of Educational Technology Schools still conflicted over Web 2.0 tools Web 2.0 tools can help students develop critical 21st century skills, many say. Many school systems have discovered that Web 2.0 tools such as blogging, social networking, and collaborative authoring software can help create participatory learning environments—but the gap between schools that have embraced these tools and those that have not is still large. A new monograph from the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) profiles six school districts—Birdville Independent School District in Texas, New Canaan Public Schools in Connecticut, Michigan’s Westwood Cyber High School, Georgia’s Forsyth County Schools, Barrington 220 in Illinois, and White Oak Independent School District in Texas—and examines how those districts are using Web 2.0 tools to align school policies and practices with global education goals. Web 2.0 tools can transform learning by helping students connect with classrooms across the country or around the globe, CoSN says.

EduTechMag TechCrunch Tech Tools by Subject and Skills Every year, so many new technology tools for teachers are launched into the market that it can be nearly impossible to keep up with them all. In order to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest educational tech tools, our team of edtech specialists has put together this list of the best edtech resources and technology tools for teachers. Clicking on the links below will take you to hundreds of apps, websites, extensions, and more. Whether you're looking for a specific tech tool or just trying to find something new and interesting for your class, we encourage you to browse around all of the different categories to see how many wonderful resources are available for your students. Also, if you have a tool that you'd like to see added to the list, please feel free to contact us at The following technology tools for teachers have been organized by academic subjects, topics, and learning activity.

Washington OSPI Ed Tech Policy Electronic Resources Policy Every district must have an electronic resources (ER) policy in place that identifies responsible conduct within the online environment, and outlines remedies that provide an effective response when violations occur. We recommend this model policy and its procedures document as a good beginning for schools and districts that need to put protections in place related to Internet access. Both models were developed in partnership with the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA). Policy No. 2022 | Policy No. 2022 Procedures Electronic Access: Student & Parental Consent Form Schools can use this model form to document student and parental consent related to the use of the K20 education network. Policy No. 2022 Student/Parental Consent Form Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)CIPA Update: 2012 FCC OrderNew CIPA RequirementsPolicies & Procedures That Meet New CIPA Requirements Guidance on ER PolicyExtend and Support Your Electronic Resources Policy

Dangerously Irrelevant Educational Technology Visit the links below for more information about the work of Texas Education Agency's Educational Technology unit in the Division of Instructional Materials and Educational Technology and statewide educational technology initiatives. Technology Planning and Funding Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 2014 Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology (PDF) School Technology Planning, E-Rate Modernization, and Broadband ConnectivityE-Rate in TexasOnline Technology Plan (ePlan)School Technology and Readiness (STaR) ChartStudy on School District Network Capabilities (TEC Sec. 32.005)Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title II, Part D (outside source) Funding and GrantsState Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) Technology Lending Program Texas Education Agency Grant Opportunities Funding Digital Learning (outside source)Using Federal Funds to Support Transition to Digital Learning (outside source)Federal Grants (outside source)

School Social Media Policies: Should Teachers And Students Be Facebook Friends? NEW YORK — Should students and teachers ever be friends on Facebook? School districts across the country, including the nation's largest, are weighing that question as they seek to balance the risks of inappropriate contact with the academic benefits of social networking. At least 40 school districts nationwide have approved social media policies. Schools in New York City and Florida have disciplined teachers for Facebook activity, and Missouri legislators recently acquiesced to teachers' objections to a strict statewide policy. In the New York cases, one teacher friended several female students and wrote comments including "this is sexy" under their photos, investigators said. A substitute teacher sent a message to a student saying that her boyfriend did not "deserve a beautiful girl like you." "Email is becoming a dinosaur," said David Roush, who teaches media communications and television production at a Bronx high school. "They're not always as savvy as I am," Morris said. | © 2010-2012 edtech digest.
