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50 things I've learned in 50 years, a partial list in no particular order 1. It’s better to sing off key than not to sing at all. 2. Promptness shows respect. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
12 Tips for Getting Regular Exercise -- and the Benefits for Happiness and Fitness. Exercise is a KEY to happiness . Research shows that people who exercise are healthier, more energetic, think more clearly, sleep better, and have delayed onset of dementia . They get relief from anxiety and mild depression . They perform better at work . Also, although it’s tempting to flop down on the couch when you’re feeling exhausted, exercise is actually a great way to boost energy levels . But even when you admit that you’d feel better if you exercised, it can be very hard to adopt the habit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. People often ask me, “So if I want to be happier, what should I be doing?” I know, that answer doesn’t sound properly transcendent and high-minded on the subject of happiness, but research shows that you’d be wise to start there. * Just spent a looooong time reading Starfish Envy . * It’s Word-of-Mouth Day, when I gently encourage (or, you might think, pester) you to spread the word about the Happiness Project.
25 Ways to Flatten Your Belly by Summer | Vitality - Yahoo! Shine A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve in time for bathing suit season, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods until July 4th isn't the right--or fun--way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. In our lean belly guide, you'll get diet and exercise tips that will help you eliminate hard-to-reach ab flab and reveal a sculpted, sexy midsection. Here, learn 25 ways to flatten your belly by summer. Take Your Gossip Session On A Walk Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move-you're likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Deflate Your Muffin Top With The Roll-Up Hold a resistance band taut between hands and lie on the floor face up, with legs extended and arms overhead. The Secret to a Flat Stomach Do the Windshield Wiper.
Snake oil? Scientific evidence for health supplements Updated September 2015 with a revitalising boost of fresh data. New entries include melatonin, proving travellers were right about its effect on sleep; and good evidence for Vitamin D for flu, bones and long life. Evidence for valerian as a cure for anxiety has dropped, as has any likelihood that cranberry juice has impact on urinary infections. Note: You might see multiple bubbles for certain supplements. This visualisation generates itself from this Google Doc. As ever, we welcome your thoughts, crits, comments, corrections, compliments, tweaks, new evidence, missing supps, and general feedback.
Simple Way to Unlock the Hidden Power of your Brain | Possibilities of our brain are infinitely vast. If you do your own brain workout, you can get enormous opportunities and achieve success in business, career and communication. A person owes all his achievements in work, studies or society to the hard work of his brain. But how to develop a way of thinking that would activate the parts of the brain that have not been involved before? There is a simple way to take another look at the possibilities of your brain. As a result, this training will allow you to take non-standard solutions and to find an easy way out even in the most difficult situations, which will be quite useful at work and in other spheres of life. i 15 Votes
ADHD in Girls and Women: Straight Talk about Suicide Research shows girls with attention deficit are more likely to attempt suicide or self-harm. To everyone who struggles with ADHD: Treat it — and know you're not alone. Confessions of an ADDiva | posted by Linda Roggli, PCC Confessions of an ADDiva | posted by Linda Roggli, PCC 65+ More Print Pistol Squats | Shape Magazine One-legged squats don't seem very tricky—after all, you did manage to pick up that cotton ball you dropped without putting your newly pedicured foot on the floor—but squatting on one leg seriously challenges your balance. It also activates your core and just about every other muscle in your lower body, including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Try it: Stand holding your arms straight out in front of your body and raise your right leg off the floor. Tip: Modify this move by using a resistance band or do them in front of chair or weight bench in case you lose your balance or get stuck (It happens). You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) Promo Subtitle Image Alt Text 25 Most Deceiving Exercises (They Tone More than You Think!) Title Text Media Folder: Media Root By Charlotte Andersen 44009 shared this
15 Unconventional Uses for Honey Feb2 The bee, feared for its nasty sting, comes as an unwelcome visitor in our gardens. People often scamper away when they see the buzzing insect approach their direction. Honey, aside from being a tasty snack, can be used for a variety of home and health-related applications. Skin Moisturizer - Honey, when mixed with eggs and some flour, is an effective skin moisturizer. Honey happens to contain a good amount of the chemical. Colon Damage Prevention - Colitis, a disease that damages the colon, induces much discomfort for the afflicted. Cancer and Heart Disease Prevention - Heart disease and cancer are diseases that have claimed the lives of millions of people. Honey is a medical resource used before modern medicine became established.
Maximum PC It's time to update the entries in your browser's links toolbar. But with recent estimates putting the size of the internet at well more than 100 million distinct websites, it's getting harder and harder to get a handle on all the great stuff that's out there. That's why we've compiled this list. And unlike some lists you may have seen, which try to name the very "best" websites, but end up just telling you a lot of stuff you already know, we've chosen instead to highlight 50 of our favorite sites that fly under most people's radar. Think of it as the Maximum PC blog roll (remember those?). These sites represent great alternatives to popular web destinations like YouTube and Hulu, and include useful references, powerful web apps, and the unknown blogs you must absolutely bookmark. You might have heard of some of these sites, but we'll bet you haven't heard of all them. Demoscene.tv See What Can Be Done with 4 Kilobytes lite.Facebook.com Clutter-Free Social Networking You can admit it.