Capsule outil: La voix et l'appareil de phonation
Capsule outil: La voix et l'appareil de phonation Parler sa langue maternelle se fait tellement inconsciemment et sans effort que l'on ne se rend pas compte, outre les processus cognitifs hypercomplexes qui sous-tendent la parole, comment le simple fait d'articuler correctement des mots découle d'une mécanique d'une grande précision. L'appareil vocal humain peut être comparé à la fois à un instrument de musique à vent et à corde. D'un blanc nacré, les cordes vocales sont attachées horizontalement entre le cartilage thyroïde (la " pomme d'Adam " chez l'homme) situé à l'avant et les cartilages aryténoïdes situés à l'arrière. Sous la pression de l'air expiré, les cordes vocales s'écartent, puis se referment aussitôt, entraînant à nouveau une hausse de la pression sous la glotte. Mais ces sons ne constituent pas encore des mots, ils doivent être sculptés par le reste de l'appareil vocal pour en devenir. L'appareil phonatoire humain essentiel à la parole ?
The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
Chapter 4 (Pages 1 to 6 of the manuscript, containing chapters 1 - 3, are lost. The extant text starts on page 7...) . . . Will matter then be destroyed or not? 22) The Savior said, All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots. 23) For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. 24) He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 25) Peter said to him, Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this also: What is the sin of the world? Chapter 5 1) But they were grieved. Chapter 8: . . . it. 10) And desire said, I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Chapter 9 1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Savior had spoken with her. 2) But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said.
The world's scripts and alphabets - World Standards
Last update: 6 July 2015 Speech, the universal way by which humans communicate, fades instantly: before a word is fully pronounced it has already vanished forever. Writing, the first technology to make the spoken word permanent, changed the human condition. It was a revolution in communication when a script allowed individuals to share information without meeting face to face. Over the past millennia hundreds of different alphabets and scripts have been used all over the world. A quick calculation shows that about 2.6 billion people (36% of the world population) use the Latin alphabet, about 1.3 billion people (18%) use the Chinese script, about 1 billion people (14%) use the Devanagari script (India), about 1 billion people (14%) use the Arabic alphabet, about 0.3 billion people (4%) use the Cyrillic alphabet and about 0.25 billion people (3.5%) use the Dravidian script (South India).
Top 6 Underground Search Engines You Never Knew About
Advertisement I love Google, Bing and Yahoo just as much as the next Internet user, but sometimes you really want to dig down into a particular subject. In order to do that, you really need access to those underground search engines that may not be quite as well known, but they dig much more deeply into specialized areas of the Internet than the general search engines are capable of. In many cases, these search engines are tapped into what is currently termed the “invisible web,” which is the information available on the Internet that standard search engines don’t have access to, because they are buried behind query forms or directory requests. The following 6 underground search engines that I chose are not porn sites, illegal piracy sites or anything else that could get you in trouble with the law, or with your significant other. The available list of Torrent sites that are plugged into this meta-search is impressive, and even more impressive are the search results.
Langage et évolution : nouvelles hypothèses
En croisant de nombreuses données issues de différentes disciplines, il est désormais possible d'élaborer des scénarios sur l'émergence du langage, les raisons de son apparition, et même d'imaginer quelle langue ont parlée les premiers hommes. La question de l'origine du langage, fort prisée des philosophes des Lumières, devint centrale pour nombre de savants du xixe siècle : les théories se mirent à pulluler et chacun y allait de son hypothèse plus ou moins fantaisiste... Le philologue Friedrich Max Müller s'était d'ailleurs plu à classer toutes ces théories en leur donnant des noms péjoratifs (1) : ainsi la théorie « bow-bow », selon laquelle les onomatopées étaient à l'origine du langage ; ou encore la théorie « pooh-pooh », qui supposait que le langage dérivait des cris d'alerte chez les animaux. Il a fallu attendre la fin du xxe siècle pour que ce sujet sorte du ghetto dans lequel elle avait été plongée pendant un siècle. Quand le langage est-il apparu ? L'hypothèse de M. NOTES 1 P.
Christian Existential Phenomenology
WHAT IS CEP?Christian Existential Phenomenology is an epistemology (i.e., theory of knowledge) that seeks to explore the relationship between post-modern critical theory (e.g., deconstruction, post-structuralism) and an Existentialism drawing from a Christian worldview and the pragmatism of phenomenological philosophy and modern science. The below items represent critical thinking toward these subjects that I initially began in 1991 and successively built upon with the following items written in 1992, 1993, and 1996. A READING TACTIC INTO CEP The following items are arranged chronologically from bottom to top to indicate the progressive development of CEP. (1996) A Formal Outline of Christian Existential Phenomenology, including a Literary Reading Practice (1993) The Significance of Language Reconsidered, or first steps toward a Christian literary theory(-practice), which might be called: Christian Existential Phenomenology --- follow-up essay, Spring, 1993 [unpublished]
Mapping the United Swears of America – Strong Language
Swearing varies a lot from place to place, even within the same country, in the same language. But how do we know who swears what, where, in the big picture? We turn to data – damn big data. With great computing power comes great cartography. Jack Grieve, lecturer in forensic linguistics at Aston University in Birmingham, UK, has created a detailed set of maps of the US showing strong regional patterns of swearing preferences. The red–blue scale shows relative frequency. Polysemy – a word’s multiple meanings – has not been controlled in the graphs, so the hell map includes straight religious uses as well as sweary ones, the pussy map includes cat references, and so on. Hell, damn and bitch are especially popular in the south and southeast. Here’s the full glorious set in alphabetical order (click to enlarge): As Grieve put it, ‘pretty much everyone’s swearing. Updates: Some composite maps, including swears not covered above, are now available on Grieve’s blog. Like this: Like Loading...
Hot Wire Your Car
From Wired How-To Wiki Nine times out of ten, the term "hot-wire" summons images of car theft. Of course, anyone who's been stranded in a hostile environment without their car keys knows better. Here's the trick to getting your vehicle moving again. This article is a wiki. Got extra advice? What you'll need Proof of ownership of the vehicle Slotted screwdriver Wire stripper Insulated gloves Try the screwdriver It's not pretty, but a screwdriver can save you some trouble. If you're considering hot-wiring your car, chances are you're already in dire straits. No such luck? Remove the ignition cover Be careful not to do permanent damage when removing the cover. Before continuing, be sure to exercise extreme caution. The first step is to gain access to the wiring. Identify the battery and starter wires Consult your vehicle's manual to get the correct wire color code. You'll typically see three pairs of wires running into the back of the cylinder. Here's where it gets tricky. Things to consider