Anatomy | The Biology Corner This worksheet provides steps for identifying structures of the grasshopper, with a focus on the external anatomy and mouthparts. The lesson can be part of a larger unit on insects … In animals, form and function are closely related. Instructions include how to identify crayfish mouthparts, eyes, and appendages. Students investigate what happens to the respiration rate of a fish as the temperature is increased and decreased; includes directions, data table and analysis. Students examine the symptoms of a newborn baby who has a problem with his heart and suggest treatment options. Worksheet provides instructions for dissecting an earthworm, starting with external anatomy and then locating internal structures, like the crop and gizzard. External and internal anatomy of the squid with directions for dissection and identifying structures.
Google Body Browser – anatomie interactivă — Se pare că Google nu se complace în poziția de gigant al internetului și al explorării așa că a dezvoltat o aplicație Web 3D (care nu necesită plug-in-uri suplimentare) care ne permite să vedem anatomia corpului uman în detalii minuțioase. Body Browser, de la Google, este o aplicație medicală care ne poate ajuta pe toți să înțelegem unde se află un anume os și să vedem și faptul că majoritatea dintre noi avem ceva mai mulți neuroni între urechi. Știrea am primit-o astă noapte de la Googlesystem și nu m-am putut abține să nu mă joc și eu. Pot spune că este incredibil ce pot face oamenii într-un browser în zilele noastre. Aplicația este ușor de folosit, dar din câte am înțeles nu va merge decât pe browserele care folosesc Web 3D, în stadiul lor beta, și cel mai probabil va funcționa pe Chrome (eu am Chrome 9). Mai multe detalii aici. (alt link la Zygote Body) Dacă nu poți folosi aplicația iată mai jos un film de prezentare.
WebAnatomy- labled diagrams and good quizes Quiz Bowl and Timed Test were retired at the end of summer 2013. Quiz Bowl had always been buggy, as many people had pointed out, and it had become difficult to maintain. It also used technology that doesn’t work on a lot of newer computers or tablets. Looking for the Image Bank? Conference for High School Anatomy and Physiology Instructors - October 17 and 18, 2014 - Minneapolis, MN.
Master Muscle List Home Page Poets & Writers | Contests, MFA Programs, Agents & Grants for Writers Zygote Body - Interactive Human Body Browser for your Whiteboard Biologists who wanted a human body browser in the same style as Google Earth, Google Sky, Google Moon etc got very excited a few years ago when Google brought out its Body Browser. They then got sad when Google retired it. Well it looks like it’s back (sort of) under new management and is now called Zygote Body. Zygote Body gives you a fully-explorable 3D body. Double click on any organ to isolate it from the rest of the body. This will make teaching about the human body much better on an interactive whiteboard. Combine this with the desktop annotation or image capture and annotate to label organs and systems, or to just explore different organs in detail. Hopefully this will be around for a while and won’t vanish like the Google Body Browser did. Go take a look at : Update : You now have to register to access Zygote Body, but you can get the basic features for free.
Anatomie 3D interactivă direct în browser — Dacă vrei să vezi cum poți să înveți anatomia umană într-o formă rapidă atunci trebuie să citești cele de mai jos. Din data de 10 mai cei de la Healthline Bodymaps au oferit acces public la site-ul lor unde poți vedea fiecare parte a anatomiei umane într-o formă ușor de înțeles și de identificat. Nu aș fi crezut vreodată să văd un meniu al corpului uman. Tot ce ai de făcut este să mergi cu mausul deasupra unei zone și îți vor apărea câteva detalii. Iată o inovație care ar putea fi folosită în licee: se ia una bucată proiector, se conectează calculatorul la internet și se accesează acest site. Un asemenea model 3D a fost realizat și de Google și se numește Google Body Browser, o senzație la vremea sa.
Photo Gallery of Anatomy Models Labeling, design and programming by Leif Saul. Photos by Leif Saul, Chris Landis, and Robert Donovan. Note 1: You can zoom in on these models. Control-click (on a Mac) or right-click (on a Windows computer) until the pop-up menu appears, then choose "zoom in" from the menu. Note 2: The choice of labeled structures does not necessarily indicate what you are responsible for. Note 3: Each model photo now offers several labeling options. Body Regions Head: midsagittal section (primarily structures of the brain)Thorax: deep view (primarily blood vessels)Abdomen: visceral organsAbdomen: deep view (primarily visceral organs and vessels)Leg: deep posterior view (primarily muscles and blood vessels) Integumentary System Skin of the armpitSkin of the hairy scalpSkin: epidermis and dermis Skeletal System Skeletal system: compact boneSkull: cranial base, superior viewSkull: cranial base, inferior view Articulations Knee: anterior viewKnee: posterior view Muscles Respiratory System Digestive System
Cranial Nerves Can't remember the names of the cranial nerves? Here is a handy-dandy mnemonic for you: On Old Olympus Towering Top AFamous Vocal German Viewed Some Hops. The bold letters stand for: olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, hypoglossal. Still can't remember the cranial nerves? not_available Introduction - Download - Tutorial - Details & Options - Donate Dual N-Back exercise featured in Brain Workshop was the subject of an April 2008 peer-reviewed scientific study which shows that practicing the Dual N-Back task for 20 minutes 4-5 days per week will improve your working memory (short term memory) and fluid intelligence. This Wired article has a good summary of its benefits. If you've never tried Dual N-Back before, here's a quick tutorial to get you started. Dual 1-Back It's best to begin with Dual 1-Back, the simplest mode. Launch Brain Workshop.Press Space to enter the Workshop.Press M to switch to Manual mode.Press F1 to decrease the N-back level to 1.Press Space to begin a Dual 1-Back session. You will see a blue square appear every 3 seconds accompanied by the sound of a letter. It's easy to perform this task when focusing only on a single cue (either the square's position or the letter). Dual 2-Back Brain Workshop starts in Dual 2-Back mode by default.
Earth - The making of me and you This story is part of BBC Earth's "Best of 2016" list, our greatest hits of the year. Browse the full list. • Bill Gates is actually worth $1,956• Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has five times fewer cells in his brain than in his liver• Top tennis player Serena Williams has 24.5 trillion red blood cells powering her body• Internet and social media pioneer Mark Zuckerberg’s body contains 800MB of data• President Barack Obama’s head rules his heart; his brain weighs 1.4kg, his heart just 0.4kg Welcome to The Making of Me and You, a unique, new digital interactive from BBC Earth that details extraordinary personalised facts. Just input your date of birth, sex at birth, height and weight, and choose the metric or imperial units that make most sense to you. And instantly find out: Explore, enjoy, and share with your friends either the whole page, or your favourite insights, comparing your vital statistics. This is our story, the story of the making of me and you. Lead photo credit: Beyond Words
Moore - Essential Clinical Anatomy - userlogin Essential Clinical Anatomy, Third Edition presents the core anatomical concepts found in Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fifth Edition in a concise, easy-to-read, and student-friendly format. This streamlined book is the ideal primary text for health professions courses with brief coverage of anatomy and functions as a convenient review for medical students. This updated edition features new full-color surface anatomy and new diagnostic images. All of the artwork has been updated to provide greater clarity, and a new design allows for easier navigation and understanding. Essential Clinical Anatomy, Third Edition now includes free online student resources with 145 interactive clinical cases, 135 USMLE-style review questions, and more! Other Product Details All Materials Copyright ©2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
not_available Log In Video The Times’s Quentin Hardy talks with Mary Roach about her new book, “Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal.” Overview | In this lesson, students research the digestive system in depth, and then create a detailed walk-through model to illustrate each compartment.Materials | Computers with Internet access, projection equipment, an assortment of art supplies (butcher paper, fabric, yarn, cardboard, colored paper, tissue paper, paints, markers, glue, staplers, tape, scissors, etc.) Warm-up | When students arrive, project “Gulp! The Quiz” at the front of the room. When you have finished, lead a short discussion to debrief the quiz. Did any of the answers surprise you? Ask students to think about why they may find this topic funny, gross or uncomfortable as you then play the video “The Inside Scoop on Your Insides.” When the video has finished, ask: Do you agree with the author Mary Roach’s assertion that “It’s uncomfortable for people to think about their insides at all?” Reading 1.