jQuery Geo docs
Welcome! jQuery Geo is an open-source, geospatial mapping jQuery plugin from Applied Geographics developed with the intention of making spatial web mapping significantly simpler than it may initially seem. We would like to point out the term "open-source" to explictly state that Google, Bing, & Esri are generally free but not open. Please read the following sections for more information and examples, and thank you for considering us! If you have any questions feel free to ask the lead developer on Twitter. If you would like only release notifications, you can follow the project itself on Twitter. docs This project takes pride in having easy-to-use, up-to-date documentation. examples Now that that's out of the way, here are some code examples! "everything" examples These first two examples attempt to let you test as many of jQuery Geo's features as possible on one page. demos The examples in this second set of use the features of jQuery Geo in a more interesting way. showcase component examples
bjornharrtell/jsts - GitHub
Open Source Ebook Readers for Android
Your Android device is a versatile tool which can be put to a variety of practical uses, including reading ebooks. But for that you need a decent ebook reading app. While there are several ebook readers available on the Android Market, the Cool Reader and FBReader open source apps are probably the best of the bunch. There are several features that make Reader worthy of its name. For starters, Cool Reader really excels at format support: the app can handle all popular ebook and text formats, including EPUB, FB2, TXT, RTF, and HTML. Cool Reader provides basic tools for managing your ebook library. The app’s default interface offers a comfortable reading environment, but you can also tweak a wide range of settings from page background and page margins to alternative fonts and external stylesheets. While FBReader supports only the EPUB, OEB, and FictionBook formats, the app does have a few clever tricks up its sleeve.
MapTiler - Map Tile Cutter. Overlay Generator for Google Maps, Google Earth (KML SuperOverlay).
Android niceties
Interactive maps with OpenLayers examples
Embed a map in your website - Using wizard Use the OpenLayers Wizard to generate your own customized snippet. Copy/paste the generated snippet to your page source (it should look like sample below). <html><head> […] <!-- Road-Maps API //--><script src='//ec.europa.eu/wel/maps/open_layers/scripts/openlayers_eu_min.js'></script><! Embed a map in your website - Manually Required files Include the OpenLayers API in the <HEAD> section of your document: <head> […] <! Required elements Define the container into which the map will appear in the <BODY> section of your document: <! Layers / Placemarks / Data Include placemarks and data using kml files through a JSON object ollayers requiring 3 parameters: identifier / name: key identifying the layer in the JSON object label: Label of the kml file. Important: If you use kml file, make sure it respects the correct structure OPTIONAL: You could define several layers. List of styles for placemarks: Parameters
Writing HTML5 Mobile Web Apps using Backbone.js
OGR: OGR Simple Feature Library
The OGR Simple Features Library is a C++ open source library (and commandline tools) providing read (and sometimes write) access to a variety of vector file formats including ESRI Shapefiles, S-57, SDTS, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, and Mapinfo mid/mif and TAB formats. OGR is a part of the GDAL library. Resources Download Ready to Use Executables The best way to get OGR utilities in ready-to-use form is to download the latest FWTools kit for your platform. Source The source code for this effort is intended to be available as OpenSource using an X Consortium style license. Bug Reporting GDAL/OGR bugs can be reported, and can be listed using Trac. Mailing Lists A gdal-announce mailing list subscription is a low volume way of keeping track of major developments with the GDAL/OGR project. The gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org mailing list can be used for discussion of development and user issues related to OGR and related technologies. Alternative Bindings for the OGR API
PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS
Quelques bibliothèques utiles à intégrer dans vos applications Android
Pour accélérer le développement d’applications, des bibliothèques (library en anglais) sont utilisées afin d’éviter de réécrire ce que quelqu’un d’autre a déjà fait. L’accent est porté aujourd’hui sur les composants graphiques, mais d’autres articles arriveront prochainement. Android-support : ajout du DrawerLayout et du SlidingPaneLayout Cette bibliothèque est développée par Google et est déjà disponible depuis de nombreux mois. Mais si nous évoquons aujourd’hui cette bibliothèque, ce sont pour les nouveautés introduites lors de la dernière mise à jour. Ce composant est nommé DrawerLayout et est très simple à intégrer dans les applications existantes. Notez qu’une ActionBarCompat sera prochainement intégrée, mais en attendant l’ActionBarSherlock reste la référence. ActionBar-PullToRefresh : intégrer le nouveau pattern de GMail Ce n’était sans compter sur la dernière version de GMail qui propose maintenant sa propre implémentation. FadingActionBar : recréer l’effet de Google Music Gratuit