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British Council LearnEnglish Teens | Free resources for teens to help improve... Homework Excuse A short classroom dialogue on excuses for homework [more...] Click play to start dictation or select the track : of 7 Please login to save your score and to see your history. >> Login Embed this listen-and-write audio clip to your blog or site. Sign up now and you can test your listening level. Ressources - Audio - BO n°39 du 23 octobre 2014: épreuves de LV1 du baccalauréat technologique, série STI2D à compter de la session 2015 - BO n° 3 du 23 janvier 2014 : Épreuves de langues vivantes applicables aux baccalauréats général et technologique (hors séries L, TMD, STAV et hôtellerie) - B.O n° 43 du 21 novembre 2013 : modifications des épreuves au Baccalauréat général de la série L, applicable à compter de la session 2014 de l'examen. - BO n° 1 du 3 janvier 2013 Dispositions transitoires pour l’épreuve de langue vivante 2 dans les séries STD2A, STI2D et STL (sessions 2013-2016). - BO n° 45 du 6 décembre 2012: Modification des définitions des épreuves d’enseignement technologique en langue vivante 1 et des épreuves de projet en enseignement spécifique à la spécialité dans les séries STI2D et STL, et des épreuves de design et arts appliqués en langue vivante 1 et de projet en design et arts appliqués dans la série STD2A.

Teaching Resources I offer a variety of resources for teachers through my store. You'll find teaching units and literature guides for novels, interactive notebook activities, Common Core resources to use with non-fiction and literature, editable materials that can be used on Google Drive, Edmodo, and other secure sharing sites, poetry and figurative language resources, memes and other classroom decor, coloring pages for teens and adults, and so much more. I also sell clip art for commercial, personal, and educational use. Most of my clip art can be used commercially with no strings attached (i.e. no extra license fees; you do NOT have to give credit or link back to me in your product). Thanks for visiting!

Podcast Directory The Podcast Directory offers over 2000 audio & video podcasts you can learn from. We've screened thousands of podcasts to find the ones of the highest quality that you will instruct, entertain, and inspire you. Listen to or watch podcasts through our site or download them directly to your computer without any software needed. Sort by Titles Per Page 1 - 10 of 1383 Titles by T.D. The Potter's Touch, a weekly program, with Bishop T.D. by Dan LeBatard Audio from The Dan LeBatard Show heard M-F 3pm-7pm ET on 790 The Ticket - Miami, FL. by Bill Maher He's irrepressible, opinionated and, of course, politically incorrect... and he's airing the world's dirty laundry live, uncensored and exclusively on HBO. by Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life is a daily TV and radio broadcast provided by Joyce Meyer Ministries. by Glenn Beck Listen to The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network. by Dave Ramsey by Joel Osteen by Mark R.

150 sites pour apprendre l'anglais Tous les liens ci-dessous ont été vérifiés le 26/01/2013 Merci de me signaler ceux qui ne fonctionneraient plus Nombreux exercices d'autoformation/ Lots of self learning exercises Les liens ci-dessous renvoient à des sites où vous trouverez des ressources pour apprendre (parfois enseigner) l'anglais (cours, exercices, dictionnaires, textes authentiques, etc.). Le premier intérêt de la démarche est de proposer une grande variété d'exercices et d'approches pour que vous y trouviez plus facilement ce qui vous convient. Le site Genexi d'accès entièrement libre présente de nombreuses ressources entièrement gratuites. Remarques : Les liens proposés ci-dessous sont le résultat d'une recherche visant à identifier des sites intéressants, de mon point de vue. Merci de votre coopération Jean-Jacques HOCHART Université de Savoie Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Table of contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Lire tout en écoutant Fleex, Apprendre l'Anglais en regardant des Films & Séries

14 Song-Based Lesson Plans and Activities Although I know I like using music in my teaching, I never thought there would be so much of it on this blog when I started it over a year ago. Songs are fun, authentic sources with multiple possibilities in the classroom, but the main reason for having published 14 lesson plans and activities based on songs here is to a large extent due to copyright issues: while lyrics and songs are easily available for everyone online, access to other types of authentic texts is more limited because of copyright constraints. I also think the key to a successful song-based lesson is to deal with the text as you would with any other type of short text, whether written or oral, to practise a variety of comprehension skills, work on specific grammar and vocabulary, or introduce a topic for discussion. Choosing a song that meets the students’ needs is not always easy, though. Listening for specific information 1. Listening for detail: “Kilkelly, Ireland” 2. Writing a paragraph: “The Marvelous Toy” 3. 4. 5.

Shaggy Dog Stories and other mp3 recordings for English learners | © Tomasz P. Szynalski, Here are 10 short “Shaggy Dog Stories” in mp3 format that you can download free of charge. You can also download a story called “Going to California”. The story of the stories We got the stories from our English teacher in high school around January 1994. We listened to the tape almost every day, trying to imitate the American accent — with success. In 2001, Tom decided to make an Audio CD with the stories. Later, Tom found the owner of the recordings on the Internet (the English Teaching Forum) and contacted the magazine. How you can use the stories We think the stories can be very useful for learners of American English. Listen to the stories frequently. The stories are rather silly, but we still think they’re funny. Copyright The recordings are the property of the English Teaching Forum magazine — a publication of the United States Department of State. Thanks to: Download All files are in mp3 format, compressed to 64 kbps mono. Shaggy Dog Stories
