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Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop and IBM i. Node.js provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O API that optimizes an application's throughput and scalability. Node.js is gaining adoption as a server-side platform[4] and is used by Microsoft,[5][6] Yahoo! History[edit] Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js Node.js was invented in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, and other developers working at Joyent.[17] Node.js was created and first published for Linux use in 2009. Dahl was inspired to create Node.js after seeing a file upload progress bar on Flickr. In June 2011, Microsoft partnered with Joyent to implement a native Windows version of Node.js.[23] The first Node.js build to support Windows was released in July. In January 2014, Schlueter announced Timothy J. Overview[edit] V8[edit]

Qu'est ce que NodeJS ? Actualité - Web-Wave NodeJS est une plateforme construite sur le moteur JavaScript V8 de Chrome qui permet de développer des applications en utilisant du JavaScript. Il se distingue des autres plateformes grâce à une approche non bloquante permettant d’effectuer des entrées/sorties (I/O) de manière asynchrone. Pourquoi NodeJS ? Avant de commencer à découvrir une nouvelle technologie, il est important d’en comprendre les spécificités. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine : Afin d’interpréter le code que l’on va écrire en JavaScript NodeJS se repose sur le moteur V8 qui équipe actuellement Chrome. Ce que n’est pas NodeJS NodeJS n’est pas un framework. Hello world Voici un exemple d’utilisation, comment faire un serveur http avec Node.js (exemple.js) Puis exécutez ce fichier avec la commande suivante :

An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Node.js There's no shortage of Node.js tutorials out there, but most of them cover specific use cases or topics that only apply when you've already got Node up and running. I see comments every once and awhile that sound something like, "I've downloaded Node, now what?" This tutorial answers that question and explains how to get started from the very beginning. What is Node.js? A lot of the confusion for newcomers to Node is misunderstanding exactly what it is. The description on definitely doesn't help. An important thing to realize is that Node is not a webserver. Installing Node Node.js is very easy to install. I've Installed Node, now what? Once installed you'll have access to a new command called "node". $ node > console.log('Hello World'); Hello World undefined In the above example I typed "console.log('Hello World')" into the shell and hit enter. The other way to run Node is by providing it a JavaScript file to execute. hello.js console.log('Hello World'); $ node hello.js Hello World
