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Content and Curation for Nonprofits

Content and Curation for Nonprofits

Le Guide de la Curation (1) - Les concepts 01net le 14/03/11 à 16h00 Etymologie La pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager du contenu a été baptisée par les Américains curation ou Content Curation, par analogie avec la mission du curator, le commissaire d’exposition chargé de sélectionner des œuvres d’art et de les mettre en valeur pour une exposition. Les termes curation et curator prennent leurs racines étymologiques dans le latin cura, le soin. Le terme curation est apparu en France fin 2010. Historique La curation est la convergence des deux principales activités sur internet : la recherche et le partage. Elle est indissociable de la culture du partage, dont elle est l’héritière. Parallèlement, le volume d’informations n’a cessé de croître. Les internautes ont commencé à trier, à sélectionner les contenus qu’ils jugent intéressants pour les partager avec leurs amis ou leur réseau, créant ainsi une forme d’intelligence collective. Tout un écosystème se crée alors pour satisfaire la demande. Définitions

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Online Curation: The What, Why And How - An Interview With Micah Sifry Why is content curation so important? In this video interview, I recorded with Micah Sifry, co-founder and editor of the Personal Democracy Forum, you can taste one more viewpoint and explanation of why news and content curation are becoming so important. And not only. Photo credit: Robin Good Micah Sifry states it clear and without any hesitation: such abundance of content and of people producing it offers great business opportunities that are yet to be discovered. "I actually think it's a market opportunity for entrepreneurs, as well as for editors, both in terms of building better tools for sifting through all of this information to tease out the signal from the noise." Curation is not just a fad or the equivalent of sharing a few pictures and funny links with your Facebook friends. This is going to change. What you need to pay attention to, instead, is the fact that Google does have the power to define the world, to be the lens through which we see the world. The Need for Curation

Five Free Software Programs Everyone Should Have | John C. Dvorak When I put together a machine for family or friends, I usually install a bunch of free software that I personally use and recommend to others. They are programs that are close to being definitive and needed. Generally speaking, these programs fall into two categories. The first category is comprised of programs that are best of breed—commercial or otherwise. This includes programs that are not as slick as commercial products, but they're are easier to use or I prefer them because of certain features. The second category contains the programs that are clearly inferior to commercial software, but they're more than adequate for everyday use or non-professional use. The good news is that all of these programs are free. Here are five of the best free software programs that I recommend everyone should have. VLC Media Player At the top of this list is the VLC media player from Video LAN Organization. Open Office If you can't afford Microsoft Office, then Open Office will do.

The Content Strategist as Digital Curato The term “curate” is the interactive world’s new buzzword. During content creation and governance discussions, client pitches and creative brainstorms, I’ve watched this word gain traction at almost warp speed. As a transplant from museums and libraries into interactive media, I can’t help but ask what is it about this word that deserves redefinition for the web? Article Continues Below Curation has a distinguished history in cultural institutions. In galleries and museums, curators use judgment and a refined sense of style to select and arrange art to create a narrative, evoke a response, and communicate a message. For a long time, we’ve considered digital objects such as articles, slideshows, and video to be short-lived. Consider some examples: Topics employs content managers who sift through The Times’ archive to create new meaning by grouping articles and resources that were filed away (or distributed to library databases). What’s the payoff?

Online Data Backup & Storage – CrashPlan – Backup Software, Disaster Recovery Only CrashPlan offers totally free local and offsite backup. A subscription to our cloud backup service gets you continuous backup, mobile file access and lots more. For the ultimate in computer backup, get all three, from the same easy application. Free local backup Zero worries about data caps or network speed makes backing up to an external drive the fastest, easiest way to back up – and get back – your files. Online Content Curation: The Key To Building Visibility, Authority And Value As you are increasingly submerged by an endless flood of information, online content curators may provide a new, valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme. Curated in real-time. When I first wrote about this, six years ago, I called this type of work newsmastering and newsradars, but now that the real-time element has come into play, as much as social media, video, Twitter and other new content sources, the original idea of what a newsmaster / content curator is and what tools and features are really needed has certainly started to change. Photo credit: Erkin Sahin Robert Scoble has recently posted on his blog a fascinating article entitled: Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators. But let's hit on the brakes for a minute and clearly point out what content curation is and why a "new media guide" like Scoble felt the need to make things clear.

Online News Content And Distribution Strategies: Content Curation And User Syndication Are Next Darn, Why Did They Think of It First? News Media Companies Adapt To Online Value Points by John Blossom The AP Strategy For Premium Packaging of Online News Content I have to chuckle a bit at the recent Poynter Online email interview with Wikimedia Foundation's Jimmy Wales, in which he discusses an internal memo gleaned from Associated Press (PDF) by Nieman Journalism Lab. The AP memo, entitled "Protect, Point, Pay - An Associated Press Plan for Reclaiming News Content Online", covers a lot of ground already familiar to those following AP's efforts to put in premium packaging for news content. However, in addition to conjuring up long-standing concerns about Google and other major search engines as competitive forces, the memo also highlights AP's concern about the millions of topic-oriented pages in Wikipedia that are capturing traffic when people search for breaking news. Maybe There Is a Business Model In Freshly Updated Topic-Oriented Content? What Are People Willing To Pay?

Content Curation: Why Is The Content Curator The Key Emerging Online Editorial Role Of The Future? What is content curation and why is it so important for the future of web content publishers? The content curator is the next emerging disruptive role in the content creation and distribution chain. In a world submerged by a flood of information, content curators may provide in the coming months and years a new, tremendously valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme. Photo credit: Luna Vandoorne Vallejo In other words, a content curator is someone "who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online". This is how marketing expert Rohit Bhargava defines what he thinks is one of the key emerging online editorial roles of the future. I have written and discussed at length of something very similar since 2004, when I started writing about the concept of newsradars and newsmastering:

Content Curation And Value: The Business Of Context The Importance of Curated and Free Content - George Siemens Duration: 4' 17'' Full English Text Transcription George Siemens: Could I be starting to serve as an emphasis point, that would help an organization like a corporation then gain value and make money from my commentary and the insights I provide? Yeah, I could do that. I could monetize that if I wanted to. Right now, if I look at the newsletter that I send out - I have with the newsletters on elearnspace and Connectivism - I probably have just under 8,000 subscribers to newsletters. If I was to say: "Look, I want a hundred dollars a year", I am pretty sure I would be losing 98% of those subscribers. Question is: "Do I think that the monetary value, that 2% of that subscriber is worth it?" Perhaps, would they then begin to share that content with others, because it is I have filtered, what I have selected as being important? It just make no sense to me. Value economically can be measured in different ways. Duration: 1' 52''

The Best 2010 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia Part 7: Business Applications And Trends Real-Time News Curation: Part 7 - Business Opportunities 1. Where Is The Money 2. 3. 4. 5. 1) Where Is The Money? "So here's a prediction. News channels in the near future will have no reason, incentive or advantage in trying to replicate what they do now: giving coverage to a handful of topics and stories out of the whole spectrum of news out there. The very goal of trying to satisfy the greatest number of readers while keeping an often undisclosed political and business agenda will give enormous competitive advantage to new independent content sources which have built their following on deep trust, full disclosure and opinionated dedication to a very specific topic, issue. As demand for quality, topic-specific news and information becomes the real of every individual and not just of those operating in the stock market, a universe of opportunities for monetizing high-quality and high-value topic-specific information will likely appear. 4) Business Applications: The News

Part 6: The Tools Universe Real-Time News Curation: Part 6 - The Tools and Technologies In this part of the guide you will find: 1. A Brief History of News Curation Tools 2. 3. 4. 5. "I've spent a good deal of time searching for a word other than "Curation" in part because of the connection to museums (which I feared sounded elitist and historic). 1) A Brief History of News Curation Tools The first news curation tools that I am aware of came out in late 2004 - early 2005, reflecting from the very beginning a growing need for both small publishers as well as for medium and large content publishers to be able to aggregate, filter and manually re-order and select the specific content items to be published in a news channel. MySyndicaat, whose parent company, Kipcast has now grown into a multi-faceted service providing advanced news aggregation and republishing widgets for online brands and media companies, has been the true pioneer of this space. With both tools the hard part is knowing "how to do" things. b. filter and
