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Web Button Maker, Free Web Button Generator - GRSites

Web Button Maker, Free Web Button Generator - GRSites

My Computer Takes Forever to Boot Up! My Computer Takes Forever to Boot Up! A friend calls -- did you get my email? Did you see that hilarious video? One of the most common complaints we hear is how long it takes to start up a computer. Older computers are, of course, more likely to suffer from these symptoms. A Word About Anti-Virus Software Before we begin, we would be remiss if we didn't mention anti-virus software. Startup Slowdown One of the primary culprits on a slow-starting PC is the array of junk that has been placed on the machine by the programs we use (and don't use). You can see what programs are on your computer's startup list by clicking the Start button, then Run, then typing MSCONFIG, then pressing Enter. Look through the list and see if you recognize anything you don't or rarely use. A process library site (which you can find in Search) can help explain what individual startup items do and if they are needed. Font Fog Another little-known trick is to remove fonts. Other Ideas

Builders Club Buy ROBUX Use ROBUX to buy virtual goods for your character - shirts, pants, hats, faces, and even heads! You can also buy gear, like hammers, potions, jet boots, swords, and BLOXI Cola. Buy ROBUX Buy ROBUX with Need Builders Club Now? Fill out our fun, interactive form, and print it out or send it your friends and family! Please Upgrade Me! Warning: "Please Upgrade Me!" Parents Learn more about builders club and how we help keep kids safe. Other Accounts To cancel the memberships for one or more other accounts, please contact customer service at How Twitter Stores 250 Million Tweets a Day Using MySQL Jeremy Cole, a DBA Team Lead/Database Architect at Twitter, gave a really good talk at the O'Reilly MySQL conference: Big and Small Data at @Twitter, where the topic was thinking of Twitter from the data perspective. One of the interesting stories he told was of the transition from Twitter's old way of storing tweets using temporal sharding, to a more distributed approach using a new tweet store called T-bird, which is built on top of Gizzard, which is built using MySQL. Twitter's original tweet store: Temporally sharded tweets was a good-idea-at-the-time architecture. Temporal sharding simply means tweets from the same date range are stored together on the same shard.The problem is tweets filled up one machine, then a second, and then a third. Twitter's new tweet store: When you tweet it's stored in an internal system called T-bird, which is built on top of Gizzard. MySQL isn't used for everything: Cassandra is used for high velocity writes, and lower velocity reads. Some other ideas:

Free Games at Sky Marshall Blitz Battle Build an aerial combat game where the goal is for one team of pilots to win against the other team. The sky's the limit! Build an Epic Fantasy Game Now is your chance to build an epic fantasy game! Fortify Daventry Hills Maldark has invaded Daventry Hills, Lyle, Wyatt and Dante’s hometown. Build Maldark's Icy Lair Maldark is a super villain of epic proportions. Neverending Halloween Party! This is the week for Halloween festivities. How Do You Celebrate Halloween? The Halloween season means different things to everyone. Build Your Summer Vacation Now that we're going back to school, everyone wants to know what you did over the Summer. Build an Aztec Pyramid An Aztec Pyramid has increasingly smaller levels as you get towards the top, and a grand staircase up the front. Build a Monster's Palace You are the monster king or queen of a vast nation of loyal monster subjects! Space Truckers Building Contest! Aquamarine Adventure Contest Build an undersea adventure. This is it!

Computer Hope's free computer help herobrine eXe : eLearning XHTML editor The eXe project developed a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages. eXe grew out of the ​New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the ​University of Auckland, ​The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It was later supported by ​CORE Education, a New Zealand-based not-for-profit educational research and development organisation. It has also been greatly assisted by a global group of participants and contributors. eXe was named a finalist in the New Zealand round of the ​IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2008 and went on to claim a Leadership Award at the international judging. - bikeroute - Cyclist's satnav for Android devices Older revisions r10 by demonixz on Jun 25, 2010 Diff Better error handling across the board. Operations requiring a GPS fix now wait instead of crashing if one is not available. ... r6 by demonixz on Jun 24, 2010 Diff Cyclestreets parser now handles segment length, dismount status, street names. r3 by demonixz on Jun 21, 2010 Diff Initial upload. All revisions of this file

Engineering ToolBox Colin’s application (and why we hired him to be our Apprentice) | Mark Boulton Design Back in February, we advertised for an Apprentice Web Designer. We weren’t looking for an intern, or someone looking for work experience. We wanted to hire someone we could teach, nurture and mould into a world-class talent. We asked interested applicants to hand write a letter describing why they’d like to spend two years of their life at Mark Boulton Design, learning what we do. We also wanted to keep it fun and find out what makes them tick, so we gave a more open brief of telling us a story, writing a haiku or drawing us a picture. We were inundated with post from all over the globe; from as far away as Australia, North America and Eastern Europe and plenty closer to home, from all over the UK. We’re also sharing the winning application from our new Apprentice, Colin. Colin, hand-delivered a large hand-made box. So, what can you learn from Colin’s approach?

mejorar el rendimiento de windows 7 hola amigos de taringa les cuento encontre esta info por ahi en la web me gusto esta muy bien explicado y me gustaria compartirla con ustedes ya q los que tenemos windows 7 queremos el maximo rendimiento bueno ahi se los dejo 1. Desactiva la opción de Indexación de archivos de Windows 7 Al igual que sucede con Spotlight en Macintosh, Windows 7 incluyó un sistema que permite indexar tus archivos en tu disco duro -algo así como hacer una lista de cada archivo que tienes en tu ordenador- con el fin de que cuando hagas una búsqueda, esta sea rápida, ya que no tendrá que buscar directamente en el disco, sino en el índice que posee. Lamentablemente, esta función aún no es tan poderosa como en Mac y ralentiza a tu Windows 7 ya que actualiza el índice cada vez que haces cambios sobre los archivos de tu equipo. Sal de esa ventana presionando “Aplicar” y luego “Aceptar”. 2. Para desactivar Aero haz lo siguiente: 3. Windows 7 no es muy inteligente cuando hablamos de fondos de pantalla. 4. 5. 6.

Pedir un intercambio de enlaces | PosicionaPro Ayer me llegó un mail: Estimado webmaster.Me gustaria conseguir dos link en tu pagina principal www.posicionapro.comMis links que quiero que pongais en tu pagina, como he mencionado arriba son y el otro pondre vuestro link en mis dos proyectos y en la pagina principal.Gracias por su tiempo y un cordial saludo. Me encantan los intercambios de enlaces. Busca webs de más o menos la misma calidad Entro en las dos webs mencionadas en el mensaje y encuentro, francamente, una mierda pinchado en un palo. P.D. Mi nombre es David, no “webmaster” Haz todo lo posible para encontrar el nombre de alguien que tiene algo que ver con la empresa, aunque sea el nombre del perro del vecino del director. Me importa un pepino lo que quieres tú No hables de lo que quieres sino lo que quiere el destinatorio. Se perfectamente la URL de mi web Yo, yo, yo. Repito. ¿Soy “tú” o soy “Vd.”? ¿Quién eres tú?
