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Online HTML Editor
Purchase The Pro HTML Editor License! The best real-time online HTML editor software kit with dynamic instant live visual preview and inline WYSIWYG editor and markup clean-up feature. Includes a HTML viewer, editor, compressor, beautifier and easy formatter. It's impossible to create invalid code with this tool. How To Use The HTML Editor?
Free with No Registration Required
You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features.
Use Excel to open or save a worksheet in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format
You can open and save files in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) file format that is used by some spreadsheet applications, such as OpenOffice.org Calc and Google Docs. What do you want to do? Open an OpenDocument Spreadsheet in Excel Save an Excel worksheet in OpenDocument Spreadsheet format
German Online Interactive
This website is for people who want to learn German online; for teachers who want materials and webexercises to supplement their teaching curriculum; for speakers of German to find resources for news, humor, travel, and business events; and for anyone interested in the use of the Internet to learn and maintain German as a foreign language. To support this website, and to keep all the resources free, please consider purchasing your books and other media through the following pages: Books | Audio CDs and Cassettes | DVDs and Video tapes | Software | Games | Magnets
World Famous from The Teacher's Corner
Ads Blocked:That's OK! You are viewing a 'AD-Free' version of our site that has limited functionality You will get a MUCH IMPROVED application by simply allowing our advertisements to show! If you are completely against ads, we do have a fee supported site that contains no ads, and also offers a few extras over our ad supported site!
How to Record an Online Video Interview
I have been sharing video interviews with authors and those in publishing and online media who inspire me. Here is a recent example: You can find the rest of them here.
The Site for Free Printable Worksheets
The Math Snake worksheet puzzle is a fun math practice tool. A number is printed on the first part of the body of the snake. On the path to the next part of the body you will see an operator and an operand. Use these with the number of the previous body part and you will get the number for the next part. Continue untill the end of the snake. By default the Math Snake puzzle will only use the addition and subtraction operators, but you can choose to add the multiply and division operators.
Loading different images based on time of day
Hi,I am new comer this site but really find helpful and genious persons around here...I found one of script ... I mean this one for my site to implement there, but still not success to setting time as per required... Any body would like to help me ... Thanks in advance...I would like to set time and want to show picturesFROM :- 01:00 AM - 04:00 PM ( CLOSED SIGN )FROM :- 04:00 PM - 11:59 PM ( OPEN SIGN )AS UK LONDON TIME ( GREENWICH TOWN )Thanks in advance again if somebody help I been trying to setting time but some times looks OK but not...My server is in USA and time difference between my server time and LONdon Time about 6 Hours ( Right now in UK time is 16:30 and As my server time after testing is 10:30:03 Server Time )Please note, I been setting for time difference after asking to support team and they asked me to add +6 hrs in my database config file.... So now Time Print on my invoices As time in UK ..... Hope you understand what I want to explain .... )Thanks and best regards
General settings Dutch English German
today's timetable
March 1, 2010: Update I'm launching a new website: SlashJob It's been a project on the works for years now, and I'd really like to see it grow. Please take a look at it. On SlashJob you can search for a job on several job sites at the same time.
“Classroom courses and textbooks are fine but self study is really where it’s at these days.. and the German is Easy course really nails it.” Elly, the magical unicorn on language learning, 3-2016 No matter if you want to learn German by yourself, or just freshen up what you learned a while ago or you’re looking for some reading along the course… you’re at the perfect spot. We’ll go over all the grammar and step by step and we’ll discover how this weird yet fascinating language works, one “Wow, now I get it”-moment at a time :)
Easily Link to Places/Directions using the New Google Maps
Since the release of the new Google Maps API, there are some really powerful ways to create links from your site. These links could be a simple location, or they could be directions or even local searches. Here are some ideas of how to link to the New Google Maps.
Német nyelvű feladatlap készítő program háromféle feladattípushoz: lyukas szöveg, bekezdések sorba rendezése, bekezdések címhez sorolása by ikalocsa Oct 18