test taking skills: ninjas
1000s FREE Primary Teaching Resources & Printables - EYFS, KS1 and KS2 - SparkleBox
1000s FREE Primary Teaching Resources & Printables - EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Euro 2016 Football - June 10 to July 10Fathers Day (global) - Sunday, June 19thUS Independence Day - Monday, July 4thEid ul-Fitr - Tuesday, July 5thRio Olympics - Friday August 5 to Sunday August 21Fathers Day (Australia and New Zealand) - September 6thHallowe’en - Saturday, October 31stBonfire Night - Thursday, November 5thRemembrance Day - November 11thDiwali - Wednesday, November 11thThanksgiving - Thursday, November 26thSt Andrew’s Day - Wednesday, November 30thHanukkah - December 24th to January 1stChristmas - Saturday, December 25thNew Year’s Day - Friday, January 1stBurns’ Night - Wednesday, January 25thAustralia Day - Thursday, January 26th Earth Day - Friday, April 22nd St George’s Day - Saturday, April 23rd Anzac Day - Monday, April 25thMothers Day (global) - Sunday, May 8th
websites for kids
Technology is pretty amazing! There are lots of wonderful ways to help our child practice the skills they are learning in school. Often times with some of these great educational sites our children don't even know that they are learning at the same time! It's also a great way to motivate kids to do their homework, have them do their reading and math first and for a reward they can play an educational game...tricky! A friend of mine asked me for some recommendations on some other educational websites, so you know me, I went crazy and found a bunch. I spent many hours digging through cyberspace to find and test out the following educational game sites. Just bookmark this page, and every time you want to use a new site you can come here to find it quickly. 1. This site has lots of great language arts games. 2. Hello! 3. Here's a wonderful site c/o one of my readers! 4. Well after I posted this list on Monday I found an phenomenal site on Wednesday! 5. Wo this is another great site. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Apps útiles: Apps para recordar y comprender
1 Apps para recordar y comprender En la parte inferior de este apartado te presentamos una serie de herramientas útiles para la creación de artefactos digitales de actividades (que pretenden que el alumno recuerde y comprenda) tales como:
hula hoop venns
Lesson Plan SOS This Blog Linked From Here The Web Thursday, May 26, 2011 End of the Year Field Trip… To read the content of this post, please click on the link below: Posted by Lesson Plan SOS Teachers at 7:24 PM8 comments Email ThisBlogThis! Labels: End of the Year, Freebies Wednesday, May 18, 2011 End of the Year Learning Celebration: Hollywood Style! To read the content of this post, please click on the link to my new blog: Posted by Lesson Plan SOS Teachers at 8:30 PM3 comments Labels: End of the Year Monday, May 16, 2011 Not Your Average Animal Research Paper! To read the content of this post, please click here: Posted by Lesson Plan SOS Teachers at 6:39 PM7 comments Labels: Research, writing Friday, May 13, 2011 Basketball Math (Go Bulls!) Labels: Math Labels
Herramientas AICLE: Uso de herramientas TIC para transformación y diseño de contenidos AICLE
5 Uso de herramientas TIC para transformación y diseño de contenidos AICLE Para crear actividades interactivas con las que trabajar la competencia digital: ClassTools: permite la creación de juegos y actividades educativas a golpe de unos pocos clics, pero además contiene una herramienta llamada Virtual Book para crear libros virtuales online, fácil y rápida de usar.LyricsGaps: repositorio de actividades para trabajar la destreza de comprensión oral basadas en canciones para diversas lenguas.LyricsTraining: plataforma social con un gran abanico de canciones y actividades sobre las mismas a distintos niveles, desde fácil a muy difícil, con posibilidad de embeberlas en nuestros propios espacios web y customizar el tipo de juego por parte del propio usuario. Disponible en varias lenguas.Timerime: herramienta para crear líneas de tiempo. Incluye una versión educativa de pago.
20 Ways to Keep Your Students' Attention
As the end of the year approaches, it can be more and more challenging to keep your students' attention. Brain Breaks are important, but there are plenty of things you can do within a lesson to keep kids from day dreaming...or worse yet, nodding off. Here are some ideas:Desk Switch: Students have ten seconds (count down from ten) to find another desk to sit in that is in a different part of the room than his or her normal desk. Did you get a new idea?
Blog de TIC en Lenguas Extranjeras
The Official News Magazine for ESL Collaborative Learners The ESL Times es un proyecto colaborativo para docentes y estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua capitaneado por profesores de inglés de varios niveles: Manuel López Caparrós, Diego Ojeda, Julián Sanz Mamolar, Anna Sorolla y Mª Jesús García San Martín. Se trata de un proyecto colaborativo en red con el que realizar entre todos una revista o periódico digital en lengua inglesa. En el propio blog del proyecto se ofrece un documento de ayuda para participantes, pautas bilingües para convertirse en un buen periodista colaborativo, así como un formulario de inscripción y varios badges para los colaboradores. Lo que busca este nuevo proyecto colaborativo en la red son reporteros intrépidos que hablen, escuchen, lean, y escriban en inglés. Este publicación colaborativa favorece el trabajo en las cuatro destrezas de la lengua: reading, listening, speaking, writing.