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MIDWAY a Message from the Gyre : a short film by Chris Jordan

MIDWAY a Message from the Gyre : a short film by Chris Jordan
Related:  Plastic in the ocean

Facts & Figures 2013 Explore Research » Cancer Facts & Figures » Cancer Facts & Figures » Cancer Facts & Figures 2013 Share this Page Close Push escape to close share window. Share on emailShare on facebookShare on google_plusone_shareShare on twitterMore Sharing Services Print Share Save Start of content Your Local Offices Cancer Facts & Figures 2013 This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2013 as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. DOWNLOAD Cancer Facts & Figures 2013 [PDF version, 1,250 KB] Additional resources: Explore Research Ecobarrios | Organi-K Hoy en día, es de conocimiento común, el que vivimos una época de emergencia ecológica. La explotación, contaminación y agotamiento de los recursos naturales del planeta, así como el problema del Calentamiento Global, nos orientan a revisar y cuestionar el paradigma de vida que ha prevalecido desde la Revolución Industrial. La llamada vida moderna refleja la inconsciencia a todo nivel, que en busca del confort, esta se ve manifiesta en el consumo irresponsable y en los malos hábitos de vida. Desde los años setentas y hasta la fecha se han creado las “ecoaldeas”, asentamientos humanos concebidos a escala humana, en donde se incluyen todos los aspectos importantes para la vida, como son el físico ambiental, el económico, social y humano o cultural. Todos estos aspectos se integran en armonía y respeto con el entorno natural, promoviendo sistemas saludables y perdurables de desarrollo por un futuro indefinido. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. El aspecto social de un Ecobarrio es primordial.

WildAid | Why is Plastic Pollution a Problem in Our Oceans? A sea turtle spots a plastic bag floating among the waves. To him, it looks like a jellyfish, its general shape and consistency swaying and catching the light in just the right way. He swims toward it and ingests the bag in one gulp, satisfying his hunger, and then goes on his away. In actuality, that plastic bag lines his gut, causing digestive blockages and the sea turtle’s eventual death from starvation. This is why a sea turtle could confuse a plastic bag with a jellyfish (Plastic Pollution Coalition) This story is all too common in the marine environment. Only 9% of plastics in the United States are recycled, and since most are not biodegradable, much of this refuse floats around for years, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces that are invisible to the naked eye. WildAid currently works with marine parks throughout Ecuador to remove ghost nets and discarded fishing line from the sea during regular patrols.

JTED: About Eco-Machines An Eco-Machine™, can be a tank based system traditionally housed within a greenhouse or a combination of exterior constructed wetlands with Aquatic Cells inside of a greenhouse . The system often includes an anaerobic pre-treatment component, flow equalization, aerobic tanks as the primary treatment approach followed by a final polishing step, either utilizing Ecological Fluidized Beds or a small constructed wetland. The size requirements are entirely dependent on the waste flow, usually determined during our preliminary engineering phase and site visit. The Eco-Machine™ is a beautiful water garden that can be designed to provide advanced treatment. A robust ecosystem is created in the Eco-Machine between the plants, microbial species and distinct treatment zones. The Eco-Machine can be designed to function, and resemble, a baffled “river” through the creation of eddies, countercurrents, and contact zones in which a diversity of life will arise. click to enlarge

21st-Century Capitalism Is Killing Ocean Life | Yves Engler Sea turtle lies lifeless, wrapped in plastic on the shores of Porto de Galinhas beach on January 12, 2017 in Ipojuca, Brazil. (Photo: Marcos Souza/Brazil Photo Press/Getty Images) For 21st century capitalism the more disposable the better. According to a recent Ellen MacArthur Foundation study, the world's oceans are set to have more plastic than fish by 2050. There are currently 150 million tonnes of plastic debris floating in the world's oceans. The Canada-U.S. During the second half of the 20th century plastic production rose 20 fold and it's on pace to double over the next two decades. Approximately half of plastic is for single use. Before wreaking havoc on ocean fauna, plastics also harm human health. The toxins in plastics should be better regulated. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act provides the federal government with a tool to restrict toxic substances while Environment Canada operates a scientific review to test for possible harm.

How to Plant and Grow Garlic If you love garlic, consider planting some this fall. It’s easy to grow, just follow these steps. GardeningGarlicGIYPlanting Ideas Related Posts « Attention Nature Lovers, You’ve Got To See This Video! Marijuana and HIV; What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know » Take Three Guesses At What Researchers Just Found At The North Pole A British-led expedition to the Arctic has made a depressing discovery in the middle of the Arctic Ocean: polystyrene. The researchers found chunks of plastic and polystyrene on ice floes in the ocean where previously they hadn’t been able to even access due to sea ice. This is the furthest north of any ocean that plastic detritus has been discovered, only 1,000 miles from the North Pole. It would seem there really is no getting away from plastics in the oceans. The researchers were part of Pen Hadow’s Arctic Mission to sail to the North Pole, collecting important data along the way, which is still taking place. The team wasn't expecting to find polystyrene so far from land, but then they weren’t expecting to be able to access an area that is usually covered by ice all year round. “For the 25 years I have been exploring the Arctic I have never seen such large and very visible items of rubbish,” said Hadow, the Guardian reports. [H/T: The Guardian]
