Resources and Information Spring Conference 2014 - April 4, 2014 Carol Ann Tomlinson - Differentiation and Common Core: Helping All Learners Succeed with Complex Text Presentation cover and .pdf of slides The Bridge Between Today's Lesson and Tomorrow's - article October 4, 2013 Fall Conference "Education at the Crossroads" Registration Flyer Fall Conference Brochure Common Core for the Not So Common Learner K-5 and Common Core for Not So Common Learner presentation - Dr. Tiered Writing Activities for the ELA Common Core Classroom - Judy Dodge Common Core Unit by Unit - Cheryl Dobbertin The Power of Explicit Learning Targets to Unleash Student Learning - Dr. What is Understanding By Design? Curriculum, Assessment and Ed Tech Update - Ken Wagner, NYSED Growing Teacher Leaders: Cultivating, Collaborating & Cooperating - Jen Wolfe, Erin Gilrein & Marguerite Izzo Implementing an Effective After School Program for Students with Autism - Ellie Becker, Frank Carbone, Jeannine Gulli, Kristen Raszka Presentation handout L. F. I. A.
Common Core “I Can” Statements (Updated 5/30) « Turn On Your Brain My I Can Statements for 9-10th grades. My I can Posters for 9-10th grades. Standards-Aligned Question Stems for grades 9-10. CCSS Vertical Progressions ELA for grades K-12. Update 5/30: So, you’re looking for help with all the grade levels? Figure out how to deconstruct the common core standards using my guide based on Jan Chappuis’ Classroom Assessment for Student Learning (2011) Have you heard about “I can” statements? My goal for this year is to incorporate my student-friendly CCSS into both my lesson plans and my classroom. My three goals for this year for an overall overhaul of my classroom are… 1. 2. 3. Ambitious goals, but finishing these “I can’s” was such a huge step in the right direction. Like this: Like Loading...
Wondering About Common Core and Complex Text? - Common Core State Standards TOOLBOX "A lot of reading skills students can apply with a simple text, but can't do so much with a challenging text."- Dr. Blocked from YouTube? Does the information in this chart* cause you concern? *CCSS Appendix A: CCSS Lexile Bands How will you help ALL of your students access the required complex text? You may be thinking, why should I give my struggling readers such difficult text when I know they can’t read it? In a blog post from this summer, Dr. So why is the common core making such a big deal out of having kids read hard text? You can view the summary or download the ACT report right here. Watch Dr. Dr. www.mhecommoncoretoolboxtn.com
Ohio ODE - Mathematics Common Core State Standards and Model Curriculum Skip navigation Skip to main content SAFE | State Agencies | Online Services Follow Home > Academic Content Standards > Mathematics Mathematics Contact Information Mathematics Consultant (P) 614- 644-5887 ann.carlson@education.ohio.gov Mathematics Consultant (P) 614-728-2373 annika.moore@education.ohio.gov Mathematics Consultant (P) 614-387-7561 yelena.palayeva@education.ohio.gov Mathematics Consultant (P) 614-644-6814 brian.bickley@education.ohio.gov The State Board of Education has adopted the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics as part of Ohio's suite of Ohio's New Learning Standards for academic learning. Ohio's New Learning Standards Information on the College and Career Ready (Common Core) Standards. Model Curricula These mathematics Model Curricula were written by Ohio educators to support the implementation of Ohio's New Learning Standards for mathematics. In October 2013, Career Connections strategies were added to the Instructional Strategies in the model curricula.
Common Core State Standards College and Career Readiness Illinois joined more than 40 states in a collaborative effort to raise learning standards and improve college and career readiness for all students, regardless of where they live. The new Common Core State Standards establish clear expectations for what students should learn in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level. The standards are high, clear, and uniform to ensure that students are prepared for success in college and the workforce. By emphasizing depth over breadth, the Common Core ensures that students have comprehensive understanding of key concepts. Illinois has developed The Professional Learning Series (PLS) which is a repository for professional development resources and tools to assist with the various aspects of common core implementation. Twenty-six states are working together in the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. PARCC Resources
Tasks, Units & Student Work - Common Core Library Keywords (optional) Enter keywords (e.g., K.OA.3, informational text, arguments, quadratic equations, etc.) Grade (select at least one) Subject (select one) NYC educators and national experts are developing Common Core-aligned tasks embedded in a unit of study to support schools in implementing the Citywide Instructional Expectations. Search a growing assortment of Common Core-aligned tasks, units and student work by keyword, grade level, subject area and Common Core Learning Standard. The components of the Common Core-aligned tasks with instructional supports include: Unit overview and task description Teacher-annotated student work representing a range of performance levels Rubrics used to assess student work Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles Other instructional support materials To learn more about the components of these tasks and units and for help navigating the interactive student work, watch our virtual training modules. NEW!
Year Two of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: States' Progress and Challenges, by Nancy Kober and Diane Stark Rentner at the Center on Education Policy About the Center on Education Policy: The Center on Education Policy is a national, independent advocate for public education and for more effective public schools. The Center helps Americans better understand the role of public education in a democracy and the need to improve the academic quality of public schools. We do not represent special interests. Instead, we try to help citizens make sense of the conflicting opinions and perceptions about public education and create the conditions that will lead to better public schools. If you have trouble viewing documents on the Center on Education Policy web site, please: ● Make sure you are using the latest Adobe Reader. ● Clear your web browser's cache and cookies. ● If you clear your web browser's cache and cookies, and confirm that you are using the latest version of Adobe Reader, and are still unable to view publications or pages on the Center on Education Policy web site, please contact the CEP web support team.
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) Common Core Hub Overview The Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success in college and/or the 21st century workplace. These standards represent a common sense next step from the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). CCGPS Professional Video Learning Sessions View these professional learning sessions produced by the Georgia Department of Education in partnership with Georgia Public Broadcasting on the Common Core (GPS). Putting the Common Core into Practice: Presented by Cynde Snider from the Georgia Department of Education Georgia’s Promising Practices in RTI: Presented by Paula Freer from the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics CCGPS Professional Learning Sessions English Language Arts CCGPS Professional Learning Schedule 6TH -12TH Teachers of History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects