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Stixyboard. Espace collaboratif visuel en ligne

Stixyboard. Espace collaboratif visuel en ligne
Stixy est un nouveau service qui permet de créer un espace collaboratif en ligne pour partager des informations avec d’autres utilisateurs ou pour travailler ensemble sur un tableau blanc virtuel. Stixy aide les utilisateurs a organiser leurs informations sans contrainte sur un tableau blanc en ligne. Vous allez pouvoir créer des tâches, des rendez-vous, y accrocher des fichiers, des photos, des notes, des liens et les organiser graphiquement comme bon vous semble. Stixy est un espace collaboratif pour monsieur tout le monde. Une sauvegarde automatique sur le site a lieu toutes les 30 secondes. Un bon outil grand public pour s’initier aux espaces collaboratifs. Vous pouvez visiter le site ici. Like Loading...

Freeware desktop to-do list. Beautiful & light-weight desktop task list. 100% free. To-Do DeskList, free desktop to-do list software To-Do DeskList is a simple desktop to-do software that is powerful in its simplicity and effectiveness. To-Do DeskList surprised us by delivering a fresh, unusual design and just the right number of features. CNet Review This list is that it is exactly what I've been looking for! Emma L, USA To-Do DeskLists's development has been inspired by real situations at work or home when new small to-do's or thoughts come to mind while working and it is not efficient to place them into a complex to-do list software. Simple, nice looking and easy-to-use interface To-Do Notes placed directly on your desktop Assigning priority levels to to-dos All to-dos can have a reminder to a specific date and time Hotkeys for adding a new to-do and displaying all to-do notes in front of other windows Sorting To-Do Notes by priority or by date Well-arranged to-do list on your desktop instead of a complex structure Minimalistic design Chilly B., USA Softpedia Review

DeskNotes Ditching Evernote? Check Out 5 Free Web Clipping Alternatives Perish the thought. Why would you ditch Evernote? The one de facto tool that can take care of capturing, annotating, tagging, and organizing all the information that’s out there. But then the web space of web clipping tools and information managers is not Evernote’s alone. Online note-taking, web clipping tools are must have tools to keep in our browser toolset. The five web clipping alternatives have their own good points in the way they catch and keep the information for us. Clipmarks Clipmarks allows you to clip just the things you want instead of saving the entire thing as a complete file. Clipmarks installs itself as a button in Firefox and Internet Explorer. You can add your own tags and a title to each Clipmarks Clip. Clipmarks keeps count of your clips with a character meter. Read our past coverage on Clipmarks here and here. Marro (Beta) Marro is another web clipping/social bookmarking web application that follows the Firefox and IE browser extension route. Scrapbook
