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Heart Power eart, Lungs, Liver, Veins and Arteries, Circulation Opening the Heart. Interesting. So many people call initially saying they want this bowl but, when all bowls are played blindly, 9/10 people actually choose another. Consider this: these are the rarest of all bowls. (Bowls can be produced by size, but not by chakra; what chakra each bowl is varies with each production run.) Whatever the reason, the rarity of the Heart Power Bowl™ means that these bowls are the hardest bowls to obtain generally, but The Wisdom Light® usually has an excellent supply in two styles and multiple size options. Note: Reiki-Attuned Persons resonate strongly to this bowl and it is highly recommended for them. Astrological Association: Virgo, Libra No medical claims are expressed or implied. © The Wisdom Light®, LLC, 1999-present All Rights Reserved

Top 10 social media dashboard tools Hootsuite: Among the best of breed. How to manage the torrent of social media conversations — and increase your productivity! By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff One of the things we often hear from nonprofits and social enterprises is: How do I manage the torrent of social media conversations coming at me? The answer used to be: Painstakingly and one conversation at a time. When selecting a dashboard for personal or professional use, you should consider such items as cost, analytics and which social networks they support, among other things. Here are 10 of our favorite social media dashboard tools: Threadsy: Unify your email, social networks 1Threadsy is an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard that allows organizations to connect through multiple email accounts as well as Facebook and Twitter. Myweboo: Organize your information streams 2Haven’t heard of Myweboo? Hootsuite: Integrate all your platforms 3Our personal favorite is Hootsuite because of the depth of its products and services.

Singing bowls, crystal bowls, crystal singing bowls, quartz singing bowls, new age music While each bowl's effect is as indicated for its corresponding Chakra, due to the bowls' composition of pure quartz crystal (99.992%) the entire body benefits. Any bowl can place the listener/receiver into an Alpha brain wave pattern easily and quickly. What determines which Chakra any given bowl represents? Its musical note or tone. We cannot produce bowls by note, only by size. Therefore, availability of any given Chakra in any given size varies constantly. Please feel free to call and ask for current availability when you are ready to order. Re member, it's all in Divine Order! To sample bowl sounds, feel free to call us at 1-800-677-1308 (9:30am - 6pm mountain time). Chakra 1 — Aries, C; Taurus, C# Chakra 2 — Gemini, D; Cancer, D# Chakra 3 — Leo, E Chakra 4 — Virgo, F; Libra, F# Chakra 5 — Scorpio, G; Sagittarius, G# Chakra 6 — Capricorn, A; Aquarius, A# Chakra 7 — Pisces, B Source: Deborah Van Dyke, Travelling the Sacred Sound Current (book).

Cosmic Gaia Observing Aura Color - Meaning of Aura Color Observing auras of other people The best is to look directly at someone's brow chakra (third eye or wisdom eye, which is located @1.5 cm above the nose, between eyes) and aim to achieve the state of mind similar to the concentration technique described above for at least 30-60 seconds. I have tried also looking at throat and heart chakras with similar results. However, if you concentrate on someone's chest it looks so unusual that the person concerned is usually very uneasy about it. Meditation To reach the Higher Self it is best to concentrate on the source of the "inner sound", leading to the "inner light" - a nucleus of the Higher Self, which initially seems infinitely far "at the other side of a long dark tunnel". When we get sufficiently close to our Higher Self, the inner light becomes much brighter than the Sun, and when we are allowed to join it, the bliss cannot be described in any human language. To get that far, we have to achieve a complete purity of the mind during meditation, have pure intentions, and then intensively concentrate for some time on the "inner sound" and "inner light". The most important role of a spiritual teacher is to show everyone his/her individual way to the Higher Self. Then, it is up to the individual to practice and reach the Higher Self. From the above, meditation seems to be an essential skill to attain the ultimate enlightenment. 1. mantra is a very simple thought. 2. The posture during meditation is also important. © Dr Tom J.

Relationships are easy | zen habits Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Corey Allan of Simple Marriage. Relationships are easy. You may have read or heard the opposite, that relationships are hard work. I used to believe that was true. Not anymore. I understand that making time for someone else or giving up some of the things you love or getting your own way create some struggles in life – but once again, relationships are easy. Perhaps what people who believe relationships are hard work are actually referring to the difficulty of interacting and living with an immature, childish human. Why would it be hard work to be in relationship with a mature, caring grown up? Here’s a couple of other questions to ponder: Why is it that we are sometimes nicer to strangers than we are to loved ones? Shouldn’t marriage and relationships lighten our load, not add to our burden? Perhaps the problem is that many times we get bogged down in a lot of the unnecessary parts of relationships and lose focus on the essential parts. Here’s how.

Jellyfish, Power Animal, Symbol of Acceptance and Faith <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Jellyfish, Power Animal, Symbol of Acceptance and Faith By Ina Woolcott Jellyfish's medicine includes - sensitivity to water energy (emotions), understanding of the value of floating rather than swimming through trying emotional times, proper use of softness (not being rigid), ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life, acceptance and faith, There are many species of jellyfish, with the Man of War being the best known. Jellyfish reside in the warm seas across the whole planet. Jellyfish hold acceptance and faith, knowing and trusting that All That Is will provide the necessary for them to survive. As they move in harmony with the currents of life, they show to us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth.

50 Life Secrets and Tips Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.

Animal Totems S - U - Pathways What follows is an alphabetical listing of animals and their symbolism, from the letter S through the letter U. Salamander / Newt - A symbol of patience. When a salamander appears in a dream or meditation , it teaches you how to use your inspiration and dreams to make your goals happen. As a totem or power animal, the salamander aids in transformation, internal and external. Scarab - A symbol of persistence and resurrection. Scorpion - A symbol of death and rebirth. Sea Gull - A symbol of communication with higher beings. Seahorse - A symbol of grace and chivalry. Seal / Sea Lion - A symbol of creativity. Shark - A symbol of stubborness and power. Sheep - A symbol of patience, fertility and rebirth. Skunk - A symbol of self-confidence, respect and sensuality. Snake - A symbol of elemental energy and immortality. Sparrow - A symbol of dignity and self-respect. Spider - A symbol of wisdom and divine inspiration. Squid - A symbol of intelligence. Stork - A symbol of new beginnings.

Shamanism, Journey to meet your Animal Totem, Power Animal, Spirit Guide As with all meditations, its not important that you see everything I am writing... just that have fun and remember why you are here... when we do meet your animal guide... unless several come at once... you just accept the first one that comes to you.. the others are merely those you wish to have.. rather than actually have.... if several come at one time.. then those are the ones you have and accept them all Using whatever method suits you... allow yourself to relax.. Imagine as clearly as you can... that you are in a large cave... there are rugs and skins on the floor... paintings etched onto the walls with charcoal and natural made colours... shelves with various books and instruments and pots and many other items that you can look at.. add to or even take.. This is your place... a safe place... herbs and flowers are drying.. hanging from the ceiling and laid out to dry. their musky and aromatic scents fill the cave... oil burners gutter and splash their light onto the walls..

SPIRITUAL SEX Here is your chance to spiritualize your sex life or to make your spiritual life more sexy by Walter Last Sexuality is closely related to spirituality in several ways. In its negative aspects of lust, sexual excess, degradation and rape, it appears as the antithesis of spirituality, and in this light it has been seen in the Christian tradition. The idea of celibacy for priests, nuns and monks is to spiritualize sexual energies as in meditation, rituals and other devotional practices. There are various yoga and meditation techniques to transform sexual energy into kundalini or spiritual energy by oneself. Commonly esoteric teachings advise to curtail sexual activity and portray abstinence as an ideal in order to retain sexual energies for internal development. Furthermore, most of those with a chronic disease, and especially cancer, are emotionally rather fragile, and benefit greatly from a close-bonding loving relationship. Karezza “Try to feel yourself a magnetic battery. Meditative Sex

How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words | zen habits ‘Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune.’ ~Walt Whitman By Leo Babauta I’m a pretty positive person — I consider it one of the keys to the modest success I’ve had in creating new habits and achieving things in the last few years. I couldn’t have run three marathons without a positive mindset, nor created Zen Habits, mnmlist, or The Power of Less. I couldn’t have lost 50 lbs., quit smoking, eliminated my debt, or quit my day job. Positive thinking, as trite as it seems, has changed my life. I’m not going to sell you on it, but if you’re interested, here’s the condensed guide to changing your own life: Realize it’s possible, instead of telling yourself why you can’t. Focus on this habit first, and you’ll have a much easier time with any other. ‘A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.’

The Case Against Buying Christmas Presents | zen habits Post written by Leo Babauta. I love Christmas. I love the snow-themed everything, even when I was living on tropical Guam, and Santa and elves and reindeer and snowmen and candy canes. Yes, I even love the non-stop playing of Christmas music for two months. Most of all, I love getting together with my family — eating Christmas cookies, singing Christmas carols together, gossiping and laughing at each other. I don’t love Christmas shopping, or the overconsumption, frenzied malls, consumer debt, environmental waste, wasted time wrapping, and over-accumulation of needless stuff that goes with it. Bah humbug! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Questions Q: But what about the kids? I think, instead, this can be a great opportunity to have an open discussion with kids about buying and spending and debt. Q: But what about family? This is also a great opportunity (you see how I love turning problems into opportunities?) Q: But I love giving presents! Alternatives to buying
