Cloud Drive: simple free online storage tool Live From The International Space Station! The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable satellite that was launched on October 31 2000 and has had continued human occupation ever since, the longest on record. It's an observatory and research laboratory in low Earth orbit with crew conducting experiments in Biology, Physics and Astronomy, amongst other things. The station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes, and in 2010 it had racked up almost 60,000 orbits, accruing a whopping 1.5 billion miles. To give you an idea of its size, in total it's about the area of a U.S. football field, and weighs over 400,000 kilograms. If you want to take a look at what it's doing and have a sneaky peek at the crew whilst they're on duty, check out the live ISS stream here! If the stream displays a black/blue screen, there has been a temporary loss of signal. Live streaming video by Ustream
Note avec image + annotation AutoBlogged - Premium WordPress AutoBlogging Plugin Logiciel libre d'enregistrement et de montage audio Sourate al-Fatihah (1, Le Prologue) 1. Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. le chemin de ceux que Tu as comblés de faveurs, non pas de ceux qui ont encouru Ta colère, ni des égarés.2 {s.1 · v.1} Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux.1 {s.1 · v.2} Louange à Allah, Seigneur de l'univers. {s.1 · v.3} Le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux, {s.1 · v.4} Maître du Jour de la rétribution. {s.1 · v.5} C'est Toi [Seul] que nous adorons, et c'est Toi [Seul] dont nous implorons secours. {s.1 · v.6} Guide-nous dans le droit chemin, {s.1 · v.7} le chemin de ceux que Tu as comblés de faveurs, non pas de ceux qui ont encouru Ta colère, ni des égarés.2
Note Advanced Email Extractor v.3 : About Advanced Email Extractor Pro Advanced Email Extractor v.3 Email Extractor designed to extract email adresses, phone numbers, ICQ UINs and other data from webpages on the Internet and from HTML and text files on the local disks. Description. Advanced Email Extractor (AEE) is designed to extract e-mail addresses from web-pages on the Internet (using HTTP and HTTPS protocols) and from HTML and text files on local disks. AEE has various limiters of scanning range, using which you can extract only the addresses you actually need from web-pages, instead of extracting all the addresses present there. Advanced Email Extractor is built on Microsoft Internet Explorer kernel and therefore features unmatched compatibility with all web-servers and has knowledge of all subtleties of HTTP and HTPS protocols. Key features which are not available in other email extractors: AEE works under Windows Vista / Windows 7 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher installed. * Multisearch. Ordering. AEE is shareware.