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Tobias van Schneider

Tobias van Schneider
Related:  Design Studios

Sr. y Sra. Wilson — Estudi estratègic de disseny Sr. y Sra. Wilson som un estudi estratègic de disseny amb base a Mataró, Barcelona. Estem especialitzats en branding i comunicació de marques. El nostre objectiu és crear marques que ajudin a créixer els negocis, utilitzant el disseny com a element diferenciador per connectar amb la gent d'una manera atractiva i efectiva. Ens impliquem amb els nostres clients en tot el procés de disseny al complet. Som un equip petit en nombre, gran en esperit. Ens impliquem en petits i grans projectes, aplicant les mateixes premisses sempre, creant conceptes aparentment complexes des de la simplicitat, sintetitzant al màxim el missatge, el to i el disseny, però sense perdre ni diluir la seva eficàcia, buscant el millor camí per a resoldre qualsevol repte amb un resultat creatiu, original, rellevant i, sempre, buscant l'excel·lència. Hem treballat per a clients com Tous, Reebok, Club de Creativos, Magro Cardona, Ajuntament de Cabrils, Tic Tac, Letsbonus, Glenda López Jewels, Simtec, Editorial Andamio...

Elke Walter - Home - Elke Walter Graphic-ExchanGE - a selection of graphic projects This new deck by Joe White follow the Contraband one. You know Joe and his amazing detailed design as we work together on the (sold out) 2015 edition of the calendar and he designed the front cover. Every single playing card within the High Victorian deck was designed from scratch - even the Aces, Jokers, and court cards exude the grand excess of ornamentation quintessential to the Victorian era. Antler is a deck designed by Tom Lane, who also creates this year edition of the front cover of the letterpress calendar! I contact Jeff Trish as I love his design of this deck, and I am pleased to say he participates in this year edition of the calendar too! As both Tom Lane and Jeff Trish participate in this year calendar I propose you 2 packs with the calendar (Deluxe or Normal) and their decks.

Design Museum of Barcelona – Lifeline | Domestic Data Streamers Lifeline A visualisation about life expectancy at DHUB Transforming a data base into an info-experience. DEMO is an event structured around multidisciplinary collaborations between industry and craft exploring new creative processes and methodologies. In this context Domestic Data Streamers was eager to explore information about demographics and more specificly life expectancy. Until what age would you like to live? For 12 hours, 15 anthropologists around the city of Barcelona took surveys about demographics and life expectancy both on the street and in the Design Museum of Barcelona, interviewing more than 2,000 people. During twelve hours we transformed all the stream of data from the survey into a live infographic represented in three dimensions in a space of 90 metres by 30 metres. In one moment it switched from a demographics data base into an important information that the people was caring of. From raw data towards interactive knowledge systems. Get in touch Other case studies Exhibition

welcome to made in space Nokia's new Pure type To celebrate the launch of a brand new bespoke typeface created by Dalton Maag for Nokia, branding and communications agency DesignStudio has commissioned a raft of new posters by the likes of Build, Cartlidge Levene, Hello Von, North and Alex Trochut (who also designed the front cover of the new April issue of CR. His poster shown above). The new works, which will not simply utilise the new typeface but be based on the same guiding design principles - that of classic Finnish design – were showcased at an event last week in London where an auction of the 13, A1 prints, each limited to just 20 editions, raised over £3000 for the British Dyslexia Association. HelloVon's poster is printed in one colour (silver) on Light Grey Colourplan paper. Nokia's own design department, Nokia Design, created four video loops to be shown at tonight's event. Non-Format's poster (above) focuses on the negative space found in and around the typeface's letterforms. This is North's poster. 11 Comments

Outro Studio – Etnia Barcelona Etnia BarcelonaDirección, ilustración y animación de una pieza audiovisual dónde reflejar los valores y el producto de la marca de gafas Etnia Barcelona. ClienteEtnia BarcelonaMúsica y diseño de sonidoAimar Molero catalogtree 4.0 Bryan Lewis Saunders - DRUGS "Near Death Experience" 25I-NBOMe Abilify / Xanax / Ativan (dosage unknown in hospital) 90mg Abilify (after 3 months usage 3x maximum dose) 1 sm Glass of Absinth 10mg Adderall Alcohol 10mg Ambien Ativan / Haloperidol (doseage unknown in hospital) Bath Salts 15mg Buspar (snorted) 4 Butalbitals (doseage unknown) Butane Honey Oil 250mg Cephalexin (painted w/ watercolor pencil, water and cephalexin) 1/2 gram Cocaine Computer Duster (2 squirts) 2 bottles of Cough Syrup 1 "Bump" of Crystalmeth 20mg Cyclobenzaprine 4mg Dilaudid 1 shot of Dilaudid / 3 shots of Morphine (In the ER with kidney stones) DMT (during and after) 60mg Geodon Hash Heroin (Snorted) Huffing Gas (during and after) Huffing Lighter Fluid 7.5mg Hydrocodone / 7.5mg Oxycodone / 3mg Xanax Khat (chew and tea) 3mg Klonopin 300mg Lithium 10mg Lortab (Shitty) LSD Marijuana (Kine Bud) Marijuana (G13) Marijuana Resin Morphine IV (doseage unknown) Psilocybin Mushrooms (2 caps onset) 2mg Nicotine Gum (after quitting smoking for 2 months) Nitrous Oxide Opium 7.5mg Percocet

Research and Development Jean-Luc Navette Flat Studio Unsi Dulce Garnacha “Dulce Garnacha”, el resultado de un largo y mimado proceso de elaboración con el método tradicional de criaderas y soleras, una crianza oxidativa (mínimo tres años), incluyendo un año de exposición al sol en damajuanas de cristal. Se trata de un producto singular y artesanal. Con el packaging cumple los objetivos principales transmitir esas características y dar protagonismo a la marca. By Flat Comunicación almost Modern
