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Joseph Wu's Origami Page

Joseph Wu's Origami Page

DIY Star Wars Snowflakes With winter upon us, we thought it would be fun to share a fun project of ours with you: snowflake designs with a Star Wars twist. We created the original set of designs in 2010 and now have the largest collection of designs and templates on the internet. With The Force Awakens opening in December, the latest installment of the Star Wars film series inspired us to create new designs such as the BB-8 and Kylo Ren. We had so much fun in fact that there are 33 designs altogether. Please share these on your networks using the hashtag #starwarssnowflakes and our handle @mattersofgrey. If you like Star Wars stuff, you might enjoy our Star Wars ringtones as well. Individual Diagrams Additional Diagrams from Full Collection Directions Click Diagram link to download the PDF (or download the Collection)Print the PDFCut the circle outFold the diagram. Diagram Example:

TypeDrawing - Hansol Huh TypeDrawing originally started with online project in Jan 2005. Since then, a number of users have made fun and arty drawings using this program. Also, TypeDrawing has been featured on various famous websites like theFWA, and won several awards such as from FlashForward. In 2009, TypeDrawing iPhone version was released, and after one year, iPad version was released. Unfortunately, there is no update plan for the web(flash) version as of yet. << artomat >> Origami That's Fun And Easy Efeitos Realistas « %%% Blog CNN %%% - Curiosidades Na Net novembro 6, 2008 at 3:46 pm Blog CNN 494 comentários By Samara Clique em “mais” para ver todas as imagens Anúncios Curtir isso: Curtir Carregando... Entry filed under: Arte, Curiosidades.

K2 - complex modular origami sculpture - no glue Hi there :) For those of you unfamiliar with the art of Origami, these are probably the models on this webside with the highest skill/price ratio :) They cost you nothing except time and a few sheets of paper... Aaaaand, this piece of art is completely biodegradable :) Here's a little bit of complex paper art for you to have some fun with. The original diagrams are in the OrigamiUSA issue of 2002 ( I think). This is a complex rendition of a Great Stellated Dodecahedron, with 60 pieces of paper folded into 20 triangles comprising 5 tetrahedra. Oh and if I win the Epilog laser cutter with this instructable, I will use it to laser a labyrinth into a medical textbook of mine and put a ball bearing inside the book that one can roll around like a maze... What you will need: 10 squares of paper CDO (Kinda like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order. Ok lets get started!

Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / home Scroll Down for Colors Color is the most important part of interior decorating and as we are constantly finding color ideas everywhere we look, we need to be able to select color and make decisions to enhance the interior space we want to decorate. That entails choosing multiple colors, and can become overwhelming. That is why we have broken down the colors to show their color meanings, we profile, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, gray and brown to help you understand how color makes us feel. We also show how to combine these colors using the color wheel, this is a simple formula to enable you to make informed color scheme decisions, red schemes, orange schemes, yellow schemes, green schemes, blue schemes and purple schemes. An easy way to learn about color is by video, we now have a small series of color videos, available to watch online. Are you looking for color inspiration, see how we get inspired by color.

Robert J. Lang Origami Most Viewed Photoshop Tutorials Under Articles - Photoshop is recommended for this tutorial - Under Photoshop Tutorial, Text Effect In this tutorial, you will learn how to bring a simple text to life and place everything in fantastic, colored and glowing 3D space. Under 3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial In this tutorial, it will demonstrate you how to create a realistic 3D snooker ball. Under Drawing Effect, Photoshop Tutorial Sometimes, you may want to draw / create a flower in digital form. Under Photo Effect, Photoshop Tutorial In lots of cartoon programmes or legends, you may have seen a human face on tree which is able to talk or move. There are various text effects. To design a 3D cap, it is similar approach as other 3D object. This tutorial will explain how to make nice castle from a several photos in photoshop. Chinese painting look very difficult to make, as it requires a lot of techniques and deep knowledge in this. In this tutorial, it will show you how to create a dramatic solar eclipse scene in Photoshop.
