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The Paperless Classroom
New York, NY — Many tasks that used to require pen and paper are done in digital form these days. To-do lists are entered in mobile phones, e-tickets replace paper slips, personal finances are sorted on laptops and tablets. One New York City teacher is on a quest to rid her classroom of paper – thousands of pieces per year – and she’s doing it with new devices and the adoption of an education-based, social media platform. Rachel Fein, a ninth-grade social studies teacher at the High School for Arts, Imagination and Inquiry in Manhattan, convinced officials there to purchase nearly three dozen devices that enable students to get and complete assignments without touching a pencil or paper. She says it wasn’t easy and took some convincing, but this week her students unboxed 34 Google Chromebooks. A combination of the Chromebooks and Edmodo, a social learning network for teachers and students, will replace older technology and thousands of printed pages per month, Fein said.
Educator Connection: Flipped Classroom Resources from the Teach 100 (by Jackie Gerstein)
“I don’t do teaching for a living. I live teaching as my doing . . . and technology has increased my passion for doing so.” Dr. Jackie Gerstein believes that an important role and responsibility of the 21st century educator is to share resources, ideas, and instructional strategies with others. She tweets @jackiegerstein and blogs at User Generated Education (Teach 100 blog, #29) The Flipped Classroom has jumped onto the education radar in recent years as a way to potentially alter pedagogical and instructional practices by utilizing emerging technologies. The time spent on lecturing and lessons is literally “flipped” with the time spent on homework and projects. A lot of discussions have occurred, presentations have been made, and blog posts have been written about the flipped classroom: how to implement it; its potential to change educational outcomes and/or why it may not; it’s “fad” status; how it favors students of privilege; and so on.
6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads
The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec of EdTechTeacher . Join EdTechTeacher at the iPad Summit in Atlanta on April 10-12. The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. However, collaboration between students is often a critical component of any classroom activity or project and increasingly there are options available that allow for collaborative efforts across iPads. Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation. Explain Everything ($2.99) A flexible and powerful screen casting option, students and teachers can collaborate on screencasts by exporting Explain Everything project files from an iPad. Google Drive (Free) BookCreator ($4.99) Subtext (free) Diigo
Pourquoi utiliser les médias sociaux au CÉGEP
Hier, j'ai fait une présentation et discuté avec des aides pédagogiques individuels de différents Cégeps dans le cadre du Colloque Annuel de l'APAPI (Association Professionnelle des Aides Pédagogique Individuels - Le but de la présentation était d'expliquer à des personnes pas encore convaincues pour quelles raisons on devrait utiliser les réseaux sociaux dans les Cégeps. J'ai commencé ma présentation par définir le contexte... Référence et lien pour ce rapport: Thivierge (2011). En gros, j'ai présenté 3 raisons principales pour lesquelles je crois que l'on devrait intégrer les réseaux sociaux au niveau des Cégeps. Raison 1: Parce que les jeunes sont déjà sur les réseaux sociaux. Raison 2: Parce qu'il y a plusieurs choses à apprendre qui sont importantes et que les jeunes peuvent apprendre en utilisant les réseaux sociaux. Voici finalement le document utilisé comme soutien visuel.
12 Characteristics Of An iPad-friendly Classroom
Implementing iPads isn’t exactly a just-add-water proposition. While they’re wondrous little devices capable of enchanting learners for hours, to get the learning results you’re likely after will take planning, design, and reflection. It can help to start out by asking yourself some important questions, such as “What can the iPad do that is not possible without it? But the learning environment you’re starting with can make a big difference as well. Below are 4 distinct areas of instruction and instructional design that can help frame the concept of iPad integration. There is more to the conversation, but rather than overwhelm you (not that you couldn’t handle it), it seemed better to simply start your thinker.
Wikis_blogues_et_Web_2_0.pdf (Objet application/pdf)
iPad as the Teacher's Pet
Update: iPad as the Teacher's Pet was updated to Version 2.0 Click to see the new version! Hey, teacher! Got an iPad? Then you've got a toolbox that you can fill to help you be an even better teacher! It's all about verbs, that is, the things teachers can do with an iPad. So take a peek to see how iPad can help you capture learning artifacts, plan lessons, poll students, visualize concepts, share demonstrations, and much more.
Le mot clé et sa difficile exploitation pédagogique.
Plus que jamais, l'élève doit se servir de mots-clés: le développement de l'internet, l'utilisation régulière de moteurs de recherche demandent que l'on se serve de mots-clés pour travailler. L'expérience montre cependant que leur utilisation correcte nécessite un apprentissage, et que la notion même de mot-clé n'est pas comprise de la même manière par tous. Pour les élèves (mais aussi pour les adultes !) 1. Vous demandez que les élèves recherchent des renseignements sur " La Guerre du Feu " , le roman de Rosny. Vos élèves proposent d'aller voir sur internet ce qu'on peut trouver sur le sujet. Vous construisez une séquence de cours sur le romantisme avec les élèves. Résultats ? Que dire alors du mot-clé Jean de la Fontaine qui, si on oublie les majuscules, vous fait entrer dans l'univers du prêt-à-porter, avec le jean denim ! 2. Vos élèves ont réagi humainement : " La Guerre du Feu " est un roman, c'est bien entendu... 3. 3.1. 4 Le mot-clé pour l'utilisateur d'internet. 4.1.