Inked Souls Drugs are my only escape from a world where nothing ever seems to get better. -Was physically abused by my parents (mother in particular) for as long as I can remember up until age thirteen after i threatened to call the police.-Was verbally abused until I couldn’t deal with it anymore and had to leave home at eighteen. I have manic depression. I will be back soon guys, I keep this blog entirely separate from my personal life and personal blog. This is my personal,drugs+depression
3D Butterfly Contrariwise: Literary Tattoos Tattoo ink poisoning Americans (NaturalNews) If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you have a tattoo. After all, nearly half of the population has decided at some point in their life that it was a good idea to permanently ink an image, or special symbol, onto their skin. Many hold no regrets when it comes to their tattoos; however, others embrace them less so with age. But now there's a new reason to rethink getting inked. Body-art lovers have complained of scarring, allergic reactions, and phototoxic reactions (adverse reaction to light or sunlight), and depending on the type of pigment, other complications can occur. FDA has not approved any tattoo pigments for injection into the skin Tattoo parlors are regulated by the state and city, but the U.S. The lack of regulation is slightly unnerving considering that 36 percent of people ages 18-25 have tattoos, as do 40 percent of those 26-40 years old. Unfortunately, what makes you feel sexy now, could possibly make you feel sick later. Additional sources:
Tattoos For Girls Tattoos by Xoïl | Ink Butter™ | Tattoo Culture and Art Daily Posted on October 18, 2011 by lenny . Xoïl is a tattooer at Needles Side Tattoo in Thonon-les-Bains, France. Vieillissement des tatouages | Tattoo Tribal De nombreuses personnes se tatouent à travers le monde. Ces personnes sont souvent jeunes et possèdent une belle peau. Mais la jeunesse n’étant pas éternelle, la peau vieillit ainsi que les tatouages. Mais comment les tatouages vieillissent t-ils ? La qualité Le premier critère du vieillissement d’un tatouage est celui de sa qualité. Le type de motif joue un rôle déterminant dans le vieillissement du tatouage. Dommages subis par la peau Les dommages subis par la peau jouent un rôle majeur dans le vieillissement d’un tatouage. L’emplacement du tatouage Un tatouage ne vieillira pas de la même façon en fonction de son emplacement, c’est pour ça qu’il vaut mieux bien réfléchir avant de le choisir. Si le vieillissement d’un tatouage est inévitable, il est toutefois possible de le ralentir en choisissant des motifs avec des traits épais, en ayant un tatouage de bonne qualité, en prenant soins de sa peau, ou encore en choisissant avec précaution son emplacement.
Tattoos and doodles