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The TRIZ Journal - For people interested in the TRIZ methods of creativity and innovation

The TRIZ Journal - For people interested in the TRIZ methods of creativity and innovation

home OTSM-TRIZ for KIDS Dans le monde actuel, où tout s'accélère, où il faut apprendre de plus en plus et également de plus en plus vite, les entreprises recherchent des profils de gens qui ont des compétences pour résoudre des situations-problèmes, qui ont des idées innovatrices, et qui développent la créativité dans leurs réflexions. Il est donc important de préparer nos élèves aux challenges qui les attendent dans leur futur, (voir le Décret Ecole de la Réussite et le Décret Missions pour la Belgique et ici pour la France) et ce afin que tous puissent avoir un maximum d'outils en main lorsqu'ils feront leur entrée dans le monde du travail. La méthode OTSM-TRIZ a fait ses preuves en entreprise. En tant qu'enseignants, nous pouvons aborder ces concepts et, de la sorte, mieux armer nos élèves dans l'optique d'une émancipation intellectuelle et sociale. OTSM-TRIZ apporte une approche plus ouverte face aux problèmes, ne les considérant non pas comme des barrières, mais plutôt comme des étapes à franchir.

Wizard Academy - A Nontraditional Business School. What are you trying to make happen? Wizard Academy was founded to help you accomplish your goals. No matter where you're headed, we can help you get there. With students traveling from around the world to learn at Wizard Academy it's not out of the ordinary for you to be learning next to a jeweler from the midwest or a video game programmer from Japan. We show you step-by-step how to do consciously what gifted people do unconsciously Choose a class. Questions? The faculty of Wizard Academy studies what gifted people do when they're feeling inspired so we can reverse engineer their unconscious methods.

Welcome to Ideation TRIZ TRIZ et OTSM-TRIZ | Quelques réflexions personnelles sur cette théorie What Are You Trying to Make Happen? of Roy H. Williams, the Wizard of Ads What Are You Trying to Make Happen?And How Will You Measure Progress? Violent crime in America declined each year from 1993 to 2004. CONCLUSION: iPods cause violent crime. Bad advertising strategies stem from just such logic: “Since one event precedes another, the first event must be the cause of the second.” Most business owners look around, observe their circumstances and then try to make sense of it all. Don’t tell me what you see. I usually ignore that question and ask, “How am I supposed to help you make something happen when you can’t tell me what it is?” Sigh. “When you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” - Cheshire Cat, Alice in Wonderland How many of your actions are actually reactions triggered by circumstances? Do you know what you’re trying to make happen? You can’t navigate a ship by studying the wind and waves. No stack of dollars can be your lighthouse. Where do you want to be tomorrow? Good. Roy H.

SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking: Our Activities in the Netherlands MP SOLVING's blog Martins Blog Triz France / ASSOCIATION_Accueil The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains By: Alvaro Fernandez Let’s review some good lifestyle options we can all follow to maintain, and improve, our vibrant brains. 1. Learn more about the “It” in “Use It or Lose It“. A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain’s beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses.2. Now, remember that what counts is not reading this article–or any other– but practicing a bit every day until small steps snowball into unstoppable, internalized habits…”cells that fire together wire together”…so, start improving one of these 10 habits today. –> To learn more about what you can do, check out The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: How to Optimize Brain Health and Performance at Any Age.

TRIZ Es la técnica para generar ideas ingeniosas especialmente ante problemas tecnológicos. Fue desarrollada por Genrich S. Altshuller (científico, ingeniero y analista de patentes) "La lógica de la creatividad o la creatividad de la lógica" ¿Qué es? Es la técnica para generar ideas ingeniosas especialmente ante problemas tecnológicos. TRIZ es ante todo un método que sigue actualizándose mediante investigación de los avances en patentes aunque el enfoque de análisis se ha extendido a otras disciplinas de la actividad humana como las ciencias sociales e incluso el arte. ¿Para qué? TRIZ, recoge una serie de principios que 'la persona' debe aprender permitiéndole que analizar un problema, modelarlo, aplicar soluciones estándar e identificar ideas inventivas. ¿Cómo? TRIZ aporta 5 principios fundamentales: 1-. 2-. 3-. 4-. 5-. Como toda técnica de creatividad, el resultado de aplicar TRIZ para resolver problemas y generar soluciones ingeniosas, requiere cierta evaluación.

Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health Authority: Market Research an
