The Freedom Experiment | Everything is possible ***NEWRAFAEL*** Travel | Hotel Huettenpalast in Berlin Everyone is looking for something different in their hotel experience—some crave numerous amenities; some look for a spot with interesting architecture or an otherwise unforgettable space; and some just want a cheap bed to crash on. The funky hotel Huettenpalast in Berlin delivers on all three of those, which makes it a must visit in my book. You can stay in their hotel rooms or book one of the three indoor caravans and huts featured here for a more unconventional sleep experience. Tagged as: design, destinations, hotels
Draw As A Maniac JEUX CHIANTS Zanorg Mini Games © kek Ces jeux sont gratuits, pour que je puisse continuer à en poster régulièrement merci de désactiver votre bloqueur de publicité ! These free games are made possible by displaying online advertisements. Please consider supporting me by disabling your ad blocker :) Thank you ! click here for english version Vous trouverez sur cette page plein de petits jeux chiants qui vont vous énerver je l'espère. En tout cas c'est leur but :)Ces jeux viennent tous de mon blog, et sont mis ici ensuite. La plupart de ces jeux se jouent à la souris, ou avec les flèches du clavier. Trouve la couleur identique Attrape les bonnes pastilles Évite les obstacles Trouve l'étoile Touche pas le fil Évite tout Grenouille 2 Memory 2D Kawashikek 6 Kawashikek 5 Kawashikek 4 Kawashikek 3 Kawashikek 2 Kawashikek 1 Jean-Patrick le cafard Grenouille Es-tu Michael Jordan ? Attrape le papillon Bouge ta souris Memory chiant Labyrinthe 3D 2 Labyrinthe 3D Labyrinthe chiant 2 Labyrinthe invisible Souris invisible Labyrinthe chiant Clavier chiant Interville
Heike Weber Installations | bumbumbum - StumbleUpon Utterly amazing installations by Heike Weber. She draws with permanentmarkers on acrylic floor and walls – surfaces that have reached up to 600 m2. I can’t begin to imagine how time consuming these breathtaking installations must have been. Via TRIANGULATION Věrný zůstanu Web mapuje zásadní zvraty v historii českého národa od vzniku republiky až po Sametovou revoluci. Ústředním tématem je čin Jana Palacha, který svým upálením vyjádřil protest proti letargii lidu vůči okupaci sovětskými vojsky. Web dává do kontextu údálosti, které tuto oběť předcházely i následovaly. Dějiny českého národa 20. století Události jsou unikátní online encyklopedií, která přehledně řadí do časové osy nejdůležitější okamžiky 20. století na našem území, vysvětluje jejich průběh, pozadí i souvislosti. Zpovědi lidí, kteří u toho byli Rozhovory nabízejí autentické a ojedinělé výpovědi pamětníků činu Jana Palacha. Tento projekt pro HBO Europe s.r.o. vytvořila agentura 2FRESH, videoprodukci zajistil Jiří Stejskal a NUTPRODUKCE, na podporu dramatu Hořící keř, který natočila renomovaná polská režisérka Agnieszka Holland.
aM laboratory Check out my cool home design on Autodesk Homestyler! - StumbleUpon © 2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of the service is subject to the Homestyler Terms of Use. Trademarks Autodesk is a registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Third-Party Software Credits and Attributions Apache Ant, Apache HTTP Server Project, Apache Struts, Apache Tomcat, Enunciate and Jets3t are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. AS2 revision copyright 2004, Richard Wright [] JS original copyright 2003, John Haggerty [
Courage to Refuse - About Us Courage to Refuse was founded following the publication of The Combatants Letter in 2002, by a group of 50 combat officers and soldiers. The initiators of the letter, Captain David Zonshein and Lieutenant Yaniv Itzkovits, officers in an elite unit, have served for four years in compulsory service, and another eight years as reserve soldiers, including long periods of active combat both in Lebanon and in the occupied territories. During their reserve service in Gaza, in the midst of the second Intifada, the two realised that the missions confided to them as commanders in the IDF had in fact nothing to do with the defence of the State of Israel, but were rather intended to expand the colonies at the price of oppressing the local Palestinian population. Many of the commands issued to them were, in fact, harmful to the strategic interests of Israel. Like all soldiers of the IDF, David and Yaniv were prepared to fight in order to protect their families back home.
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