Startup Compass
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Inventors' handbook
Disclosure and confidentiality Know the important difference between protecting your idea against disclosure and protecting your idea against infringement. Proving the invention Prototypes are necessary. Plan and control your prototyping activities so that you can prove your invention. Building a team and seeking funding To convince others that your invention is a business opportunity with excellent investment potential you may need a team that demonstrates a range of skills. Finding and approaching companies Finding the right companies to approach, and approaching them the right way, is important if you want a licensing agreement with a company. Novelty and prior art At least one significant part of your invention's technology must be completely new. Assessing the risk ahead Ask yourself the vital question: "Is there enough evidence to justify taking my idea any further?" Protecting your idea At some point you must legally protect your intellectual property (IP). Business planning
Money for the Masses
Earlier this month, a Silicon Valley mobile startup called Loopt was acquired for $43 million. Even though Loopt had only a relatively modest user base, it was well known among the tech cognoscenti. But the same wasn’t true of the acquiring company. Who exactly, wondered many writers, was this outfit called “Green Dot”? In fact, Green Dot is something of an industry giant, an 11-year-old payments company with 4.5 million active customers who used it to complete $16 billion in transactions last year. If it was unknown to many otherwise well-informed tech observers, it’s because the company is targeting a market that, despite its size, is often invisible to the affluent elite whom tech companies usually cater to. Green Dot is the biggest example of a new breed of financial-services company that aims extremely sophisticated technology at what might seem like a singularly unpromising demographic: the estimated 60 million American considered “underbanked.”
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