The 20 Best Movie Drinking Games
It's St Patrick's Day, and no doubt the pressure is on to head downtown for a few jars this evening (or, if you're a student, when doors open). For the budding film fanatic, though, that cuts into viewing time, so here's the ideal way to keep inebriates and cinephiles alike happy. We've compiled some of the best movie drinking games from the collective wisdom of web-based boozers, as well as adding a few on our own. Sci-fi, gangster flicks, comedies and thrillers, classics and modern hits are all catered for. All of these will get you wasted while doing the public service of keeping you off the streets. Please drink responsibly. The Shining Lazydork is the Wikipedia of movie drinking games, a dedicated resource with hundreds of titles available, including their take on The Shining. Choosing Stanley Kubrick's chiller feels wrong, somehow - after all, it's the tale of an alcoholic falling off the wagon and trying to murder his family. Drink Every Time: AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET WASTED . . .
Full cast of 'Arrested Development' confirmed to return for new series and film
January 30, 2012 7:49 Writer Dean Lorey confirms that work has begun on the new season and that everyone is onboard Buy DVD and Blu-ray from Amazon UK The new series of will feature the show's full original cast, writer Dean Lorey has confirmed.
I’m sorry for doing this to you. I really am. But see, last Friday while I was on a 10-hour road trip heading for vacation, I received this recipe from a reader named Liz.
How Famous Companies Got Their Names
Ever wondered about how famous brands got their names from? Here are a couple of explanations. Via
The Minivan Video Your Kids Shouldn't See. Ever.
Yes, ICantSeeYou This blog is here to amuse you. There are funny stories, pictures, jokes and news.
Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes
Well these naughty little treats are well….naughty but oh so necessary. There are a bit like my Brownie Covered Oreo’s from last Christmas but enhanced with layers of peanut butter and a double decker stack of Oreos in each little brownie cake. They are simply prepared in cupcake liners.
15 ways to use vodka
Keyboard: S - next A - previous R - random 15 ways to use vodka Share on FB 55920
Make A Cheap & Easy Solar USB Charger With An Altoids Tin
Photos by Joshua Zimmerman The craftster behind the very popular $3 solar-powered emergency radio is back with a new awesome project: a cheap solar battery charger with a USB plug. Zimmerman wrote, saying that he saw a lot of small solar powered chargers being talked about over Earth Day, but there was a big problem: "They're all quite nice, but also quite expensive. I don't think I've seen any for less than $60, and I've not seen one that really suits my style." So, he came up with his own, using one of our favorite reusable items -- the ever wonderful Altoids tin.
The Web's Best Slider Recipes
We never thought a culinary revolution would spawn from a White Castle (even though we think more food should come in Crave Cases), but sliders have become a bit of a trendy food over the last couple of years. If there’s a party that has some passed mini burgers, you better believe you can find us right at the door where the servers come out. When we cook some up for a party/standard afternoon at home, we like to get a bit creative with the shrunken snack. Here are our favorite recipes for sliders: Spicy Whiskey BBQ Sliders
Socialist Party of Canada - What Socialism Means
Socialism Has Never Been Tried When It Is Tried It Must Be Established Globally World Socialism Can Only Be Brought About Democratically We begin with these three points because they are vital to any kind of an understanding of what we mean by socialism. We reject the idea that socialism has been tried in countries sometimes referred to as socialist.
Rule of thirds
This photograph of a sunset taken in the Thousand Islands region demonstrates the principles of the rule of thirds The rule of thirds is a principle of the Golden ratio with broad application as a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs.[1] The guideline proposes according to the principle of the Golden section search that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.[2] Proponents of the technique claim that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject.[citation needed]