Beyond Facebook: The Rise Of Interest-Based Social Networks Editor’s Note: This guest post is written by Jay Jamison, a Partner at BlueRun Ventures, who focuses on early stage mobile, consumer and enterprise investments. He also serves on the boards of AppCentral, AppRedeem, Foodspotting, and Thumb. You can follow Jay on Twitter @jay_jamison or read his blog at With the pending public offering of Facebook anticipated to be the largest tech IPO in history, it’s an interesting time to think about where we go from here. But while some may pronounce that Facebook is all the social we’d ever need, users clearly haven’t gotten the memo. The numbers tell the tale around users’ appetites for these new interest-based social networks. On Thumb, a community for instant opinions, user engagement has mushroomed in its short history. What accounts for the fast growth of these interest-based social networks, and what does it mean for Facebook’s future? Both. Excerpt image credit
The Resource for Entrepreneurs. 37 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed What better way to end Social Media Week than by catching up on all of the new Mashable digital media resources you may have missed? This week we've covered a special hack to trick out your Pinterest boards, ways for your business to avoid a hashtag disaster and a rundown of the tech skills companies are looking for in the coming year. You'll also find the 10 best digital and tech-related quotes from TED Talks, reasons why Twitter is sexier than Facebook and paradoxes that are shaping the future of mobile commerce. We even had a wedding proposal via infographic on Valentine's Day! Look no further for this week's very best resources on technology and digital culture. Editor's Picks Community Managers Share The Best Apps and Tools For ProductivityCommunity managers from different businesses offer their insight on how to best increase your productivity.Stacy Green, Will You Marry Me? Social Media
Vom Beziehungs- zum Interessen-Netzwerk, oder von Facebook zu Pinterest Bei Facebook geht es um Beziehungen zwischen Nutzern und Marken. Kontakte gehören meist zum persönliche (erweiterten) Freundeskreis und man tauscht sich über private und berufliche Erlebnisse aus. Anhand diese verschiedenen Aktivitäten, hat sich Facebook auch zu einem Empfehlungs-Netzwerk entwickelt. Inhalte die meinen Freunden gefallen, könnten auch für mich selbst interessant sein. In vielen Fällen trifft das auch zu, oft unterscheiden sich aber auch die eigenen Interessen, mit den Interessen seiner Facebook Freunde. Genau hier setzt Pinterest an. Aus diesem Grund ist es auf Pinterest auch sinnvoller Boards (Themen) zu folgen, als kompletten Nutzern. Wie Twitter, können Nutzer auch selber viel aus Pinterest ziehen, ohne selber aktiv werden zu müssen. Facebook hat Jahre damit verbracht seinen Open Graph zu füllen und mit den Open Graph Apps, wurde dieses Konstrukt nochmals deutlich erweitert. Sein genanntes Beispiel trifft es auf den Punkt. Evtl. klickt man trotzdem auf diese Links.
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Startup & social media: politiche di comunicazione [HOW TO] La seconda, di tre puntate, per affrontare gli errori più comuni -e le soluzioni- della social media communication ad uso delle startup Abbiamo registrato l’azienda su tutti i maggiori social network e abbiamo almeno un account da gestire per ogni diversa piattaforma. Uploadiamo foto con le nostre app, giochiamo e facciamo check-in. Lasciamo in bacheca citazioni sagge riprese dai guru della Silicon Valley e capita anche di chiacchierare piacevolmente con qualcuno. Le startup usano al meglio i social media? Una settimana fa avevo raccontato in che modo spesso le startup sperimentino il potere della social media communication senza organizzare un minimo di strategia marketing, trovandosi dopo un po’ in situazioni imbarazzanti, tra community da gestire e scarsi risultati di business. In che modo? L’immagine di ritorno sviluppata dai social network: cosa vuol dire “essere in relazione” Palinesti di intrattenimento social: il marketing conversazione La previsione di uno schema di soluzioni
An early stage venture capital fund focused on mo - Connect Ventures 5 Tips to Surviving a Start-up Before HAPPYFAMILY began in 2006 I’d seen the difficulties women experienced finding healthful food for their babies. I knew this was a marketplace where I could make a meaningful impact. A great idea at the right time would rocket us to success, right? The path of entrepreneurship isn’t smooth. 1. When HAPPYFAMILY landed a large retail contract we needed to raise money for raw materials and production right away. 2. HAPPYFAMILY had almost raised several million dollars of expansion cash when the recession hit. 3. Worry is praying for what you don’t want. 4. A lot of stress is wasted energy when you realize mistakes and setbacks are normal. 5. Selling yourself to investors, developing creative solutions that strengthen your business, finding appropriate partners—these are the building blocks required to grow a business.
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Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation : Supporting your ideas How do I obtain support for my research, innovation and entrepreneurial ideas? Are you a researcher with an idea for a research or innovation project? Do you need to upgrade the skills or the capacity of your research organisation? Are you an entrepreneur who would like to undertake research and innovation activities? Are you already engaged in commercial innovation activities whether or not arising from research and development? Are you a cluster manager who seeks to internationalise a cluster and make it more innovative? Are you a regional innovation policy-maker, information officer or research programme manager and want to exchange good practices with your peers from other EU Member States? There may well be funding opportunities available at EU level that can help you implement your plans. Framework for developing your ideas You need to think your ideas through and develop a clear outline of your proposal. In general, your ideas will fall into three broad categories: Sources of advice
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